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Nicola Sancisi

Professore associato

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale

Settore scientifico disciplinare: IIND-02/A Meccanica applicata alle macchine


vai alle Pubblicazioni

Pubblicazioni antecedenti il 2004

 SANCISI N; ZANNOLI D; PARENTI CASTELLI V (2010). Sensitivity analysis of 1-dof equivalent mechanisms for the kinematic modelling of the knee. In: Giornata di studio in onore di Ettore Funaioli - 16 l uglio 2010. Volume 4.

 OTTOBONI A; PARENTI CASTELLI V; SANCISI N; BELVEDERE C; LEARDINI A (2010). Articular surface approximation in equivalent spatial parallel mechanism models of the human knee joint. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, in stampa.

 SANCISI N; PARENTI CASTELLI V (2009). A 1-Dof parallel spherical wrist for the modelling of the knee passive motion. Mechanism and Machine Theory, DOI: 10.1016/j.mechmachtheory.2009.11.2009.

 PARENTI CASTELLI V; SANCISI N; FRANCI R; OTTOBONI A; BELVEDERE C; LEARDINI A (2009). Physiologically-based spatial mechanisms for rehabilitation of the human knee and ankle joints. In: CORNER Workshop, Genova, 14 Dicembre 2009 (pp. 1).

 SANCISI N; CAMINATI R; PARENTI CASTELLI V (2009). Optimal four-bar linkage for the stability and the motion of the human knee prostheses. In: Atti del XIX CONGRESSO dell'Associazione Italiana di Meccanica Teorica e Applicata. Ancona, 14-17 Settembre 2009 (pp. 1 – 10).

 SANCISI N; PARENTI CASTELLI V (2009). A sequentially-defined kinetostatic model of the knee with higher pairs. In: Atti del XIX CONGRESSO dell'Associazione Italiana di Meccanica Teorica e Applicata. Ancona, 14-17 Settembre 2009 (pp. 1).

 SANCISI N; PARENTI CASTELLI V; CORAZZA F; LEARDINI A (2009). Helical axis calculation based on Burmester theory: experimental comparison with traditional techniques for human tibiotalar joint motion. Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, DOI: 10.1007/s11517-009-0522-4.

 PARENTI CASTELLI V; SANCISI N; FRANCI R; OTTOBONI A; BELVEDERE C; LEARDINI A (2009). Spatial mechanisms for kinematic analysis of the knee and ankle joints. In: Proceedings of 22th ISB 2009, International Society of Biomechanics. Cape Town, South Africa, 5-9 July 2009 (pp. 1).

 PARENTI CASTELLI V; SANCISI N; FRANCI R; OTTOBONI A; BELVEDERE C; LEARDINI A (2009). New spatial mechanisms for kinematic analysis of the human knee and ankle joints. In: Proceedings of 19th ISPGR 2009, International Society for Posture and Gait. Bologna, Italy, 21-25 June 2009 (pp. 1).

 PARENTI CASTELLI V; CATANI F; SANCISI N; LEARDINI A (2009). Dispositivo ortopedico perfezionato. Brevetto numero: BO2009A000291.

 FRANCI R; PARENTI CASTELLI V; SANCISI N (2009). A three-step procedure for the modelling of human diarthrodial joints. International Journal of Mechanics and Control, 10(1), pp. 3 – 12.

  SANCISI N; PARENTI CASTELLI V (2008). A novel 3D parallel mechanism for the passive motion simulation of the patella-femur-tibia complex. In: Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Fundamental Issues and Future Research Directions for Parallel Mechanisms and Manipulators. Montpellier, France, 21-22 Settembre 2008 (pp. 1 – 11).

  FRANCI R; PARENTI CASTELLI V; SANCISI N (2008). A three-step procedure for the modelling of human diarthrodial joints. In: Proceedings of the RAAD 2008, 17th International Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region. Ancona, Italy, 15-17 Settembre 2008 (pp. 1 – 10).

  SANCISI N; PARENTI CASTELLI V; CORAZZA F; LEARDINI A (2008). Helical axis calculation for human tibiotalar joint motion based on Burmester theory. In: Proceedings of i-FAB 2008, 1st Congress of the International Foot & Ankle Biomechanics Community. Bologna, Italy, 4-6 Settembre 2008 (p. 122).

  FRANCI R; PARENTI CASTELLI V; SANCISI N (2008). A new sequential approach to the modelling of human diarthrodial joints. In: Giornata di studio in onore di Ettore Funaioli - 18 l uglio 2007. Volume 1. Asterisco , BOLOGNA (pp. 89 – 107).

  SANCISI N; PARENTI CASTELLI V (2008). A sequential approach for modelling knee joint stiffness. In: Proceedings of RoManSy 2008, 17th CISM-IFToMM Symposium on Robot Design, Dynamics, and Control. Tokyo, Japan, 05-09 Luglio 2008 (pp. 1 – 8).

 SANCISI N (2008). A new approach for the dynamic modelling of the human knee. Tesi di Dottorato in Meccanica Applicata, DIEM, Università degli studi di Bologna.

 SANCISI N; PARENTI CASTELLI V (2007). A new 3D kinematic model of the patello-femoral joint during knee passive motion. In: Atti del XVIII CONGRESSO dell'Associazione Italiana di Meccanica Teorica e Applicata. Brescia, 11-14 Settembre 2007 (pp. 1 – 12).

 OTTOBONI A; SANCISI N; PARENTI CASTELLI V; BELVEDERE C; LEARDINI A (2007). Equivalent spatial mechanisms for modelling passive motion of the human knee. In: Proceedings of 21th ISB 2007, International Society of Biomechanics. Taipei, Taiwan, 1-5 Luglio 2007 (pp. 1).

 SANCISI N; PARENTI CASTELLI V (2007). A 1-Dof parallel spherical wrist for the modelling of the knee passive motion. In: Proceedings of 12th IFToMM World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science. Besançon, France, 18-21 Giugno 2007 (pp. 1 – 6).

 SANCISI N; PARENTI CASTELLI V (2007). On the synthesis of a 5-5 parallel mechanism reproducing the knee passive motion by means of the Burmester theory. In: Proceedings of CMSM 2007, 2nd World Congress on Design and Modelling of Mechanical Systems. Monastir, Tunisia, 19-21 Marzo 2007(pp. 1 – 6).

 CORAZZA F; SANCISI N; PARENTI CASTELLI V; LEARDINI A (2005). A procedure for the evaluation of physiological ankle orthosis design parameters. In: ECCOMAS Thematic Conference Multibody Dynamics 2005 on Advances in Computational Multibody Dynamics. Madrid, Spain, 21-24 Giugno 2005 (pp. 1 – 16).

 SANCISI N; PARENTI CASTELLI V (2005). A Matlab based procedure for the solution of non-linearly constrained optimization problems. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region. Bucharest, Romania, 26-28 Maggio 2005 (pp. 374 –  379).

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