Foto del docente

Nazzareno Galiè

Full Professor

Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences

Academic discipline: MEDS-07/B Cardiovascular Diseases


Konstantinides, S.V.; Torbicki, A; Agnelli, G; Danchin, N; Fitzmaurice, D; Galiè, N; Gibbs, Jsr; Huisman, Mv; Humbert, M; Kucher, N; Lang, I; Lankeit, M; Lekakis, J; Maack, C; Mayer, E; Meneveau, N; Perrier, A; Pruszczyk, P; Rasmussen, L.H.; Schindler, T.H.; Svitil, P; Vonk Noordegraaf, A; Zamorano, J.L.; Zompatori, M, Erratum: 2014 ESC Guidelines on the diagnosis and management of acute pulmonary embolism (European Heart Journal (2014) 35 (3033-73) DOI 10.1093/eurheartj/ehu283), «EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL», 2015, 36, pp. 2642 - 2642 [Comment or similar]

Galie, N; Saia, F; Manes, A; Dall'Ara, G; Monti, E; Mazzanti, G; Palazzini, M; Marrozzini, C; Russo, V; Zompatori, M; Marzocchi, A, Extrinsic Compression Of The Left Main Coronary Artery By Enlarged Pulmonary Artery In Patients With Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension, in: AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE, 25 BROADWAY, 18 FL, NEW YORK, NY 10004 USA, AMER THORACIC SOC, «AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE», 2015, 191, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: International Conference of the American-Thoracic-Society (ATS), Denver, CO, MAY 15-20, 2015) [Abstract]

Galiè, Nazzareno; Manes, Alessandra; Palazzini, Massimiliano, GPs meet rare lung disorders task force factsheet: Pulmonary arterial hypertension, «BREATHE», 2015, 11, pp. 233 - 236 [Scientific article]Open Access

Galiè, Nazzareno; Mclaughlin, Vallerie V.; Rubin, Lewis J.; Simonneau, Gérald, Improving patient outcomes in pulmonary hypertension, «EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY REVIEW», 2015, 24, pp. 550 - 551 [Scientific article]

Simonneau, Gérald; Channick, Richard N.; Delcroix, Marion; Galiè, Nazzareno; Ghofrani, Hossein-Ardeschir; Jansa, Pavel; Le Brun, Franck-Olivier; Mehta, Sanjay; Perchenet, Loic; Pulido, Tomás; Sastry, B.K.S.; Sitbon, Olivier; Souza, Rogério; Torbicki, Adam; Rubin, Lewis J., Incident and prevalent cohorts with pulmonary arterial hypertension: Insight from SERAPHIN, «EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY JOURNAL», 2015, 46, pp. 1711 - 1720 [Scientific article]

Galie, N; Barbera, J.A.; Frost, A.E.; Ghofrani, H.-A.; Hoeper, M.M.; Mclaughlin, V.V.; Peacock, A.J.; Simonneau, G.; Vachiery, J.-L.; Grunig, E.; Oudiz, R.J.; Vonk-Noordegraaf, A.; White, R.J.; Blair, C.; Gillies, H.; Miller, K.L.; Harris, J.H.N.; Langley, J.; Rubin, L.J., Initial use of ambrisentan plus tadalafil in pulmonary arterial hypertension, «THE NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE», 2015, 373, pp. 834 - 844 [Scientific article]

Frost, Adaani E; Barst, Robyn J.; Hoeper, Marius M.; Chang, Hyuk-Jae; Frantz, Robert P.; Fukumoto, Yoshihiro; Galié, Nazzareno; Hassoun, Paul M.; Klose, Hans; Matsubara, Hiromi; Morrell, Nicholas W.; Peacock, Andrew J.; Pfeifer, Michael; Simonneau, Gérald; Tapson, Victor F.; Torres, Fernando; Dario Vizza, Carmine; Lawrence, David; Yang, Wei; Felser, James M.; Quinn, Deborah A.; Ghofrani, Hossein-Ardeschir, Long-term safety and efficacy of imatinib in pulmonary arterial hypertension, «THE JOURNAL OF HEART AND LUNG TRANSPLANTATION», 2015, 34, pp. 1366 - 1375 [Scientific article]

Essop, M R; Galie, N; Badesch, D B; Lalloo, U; Mahomed, A G; Naidoo, D P; Ntsekhe, M; Williams, P G, Management of pulmonary hypertension, «SAMJ SOUTH AFRICAN MEDICAL JOURNAL», 2015, 105, pp. 437 - 439 [Scientific article]Open Access

Cantoni, Silvia; Bianchi, Francesca; Galletti, Margherita; Olivi, Elena; Alviano, Francesco; Galiè, Nazzareno; Ventura, Carlo, Occurring of In Vitro Functional Vasculogenic Pericytes from Human Circulating Early Endothelial Precursor Cell Culture, «STEM CELLS INTERNATIONAL», 2015, 2015, Article number: 943671 , pp. 1 - 11 [Scientific article]Open Access

Galiè, Nazzareno; Müller, Katharina; Scalise, Andrea-Viviana; Grünig, Ekkehard, PATENT PLUS: A blinded, randomised and extension study of riociguat plus sildenafil in pulmonary arterial hypertension, «EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY JOURNAL», 2015, 45, pp. 1314 - 1322 [Scientific article]

Dragu, Robert; Rispler, Shmuel; Habib, Manhal; Sholy, Haitham; Hammerman, Haim; Galie, Nazzareno; Aronson, Doron, Pulmonary arterial capacitance in patients with heart failure and reactive pulmonary hypertension, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HEART FAILURE», 2015, 17, pp. 74 - 80 [Scientific article]

Rubin, Lewis J; Galié, Nazzareno; Grimminger, Friedrich; Grünig, Ekkehard; Humbert, Marc; Jing, Zhi-Cheng; Keogh, Anne; Langleben, David; Fritsch, Arno; Menezes, Flavia; Davie, Neil; Ghofrani, Hossein-Ardeschir, Riociguat for the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension: A long-term extension study (patent-2), «EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY JOURNAL», 2015, 45, pp. 1303 - 1313 [Scientific article]

Sitbon, Olivier; Channick, Richard; Chin, Kelly M.; Frey, Aline; Gaine, Sean; Galiè, Nazzareno; Ghofrani, Hossein-Ardeschir; Hoeper, Marius M.; Lang, Irene M.; Preiss, Ralph; Rubin, Lewis J.; Di Scala, Lilla; Tapson, Victor; Adzerikho, Igor; Liu, Jinming; Moiseeva, Olga; Zeng, Xiaofeng; Simonneau, Gérald; Mclaughlin, Vallerie V., Selexipag for the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension, «THE NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE», 2015, 373, pp. 2522 - 2533 [Scientific article]

Domenico Attinà; Fabio Niro; Giorgio Garzillo; Cecilia Modolon; Vincenzo Russo; Luigi Lovato; Nazareno Galiè; Maurizio Zompatori, Thoracic manifestations of Eisenmenger's Syndrome in Adult Patients: A MDCT Review, «LUNG», 2015, 193, pp. 173 - 181 [Scientific article]

Langleben, David; Galiè, Nazzareno; He, Jianguo; Huang, Yigao; Humbert, Marc; Keogh, Anne; Rubin, Lewis J.; Zhou, Daxin; Curram, John; Davie, Neil; Ghofrani, Hossein-Ardeschir, Use of clinically relevant responder threshold criteria to evaluate the response to treatment in the Phase III PATENT-1 study, «THE JOURNAL OF HEART AND LUNG TRANSPLANTATION», 2015, 34, pp. 338 - 347 [Scientific article]