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Nadia Pinardi

Professoressa ordinaria

Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia "Augusto Righi"

Settore scientifico disciplinare: GEO/12 OCEANOGRAFIA E FISICA DELL'ATMOSFERA

Coordinatrice del Corso di Dottorato in Geofisica


Dobricic S.; N.Pinardi, An oceanographic three-dimensional variational data assimilation scheme, «OCEAN MODELLING», 2008, 22, pp. 89 - 105 [articolo]

P. Oddo; N.Pinardi, Lateral Open Boundary Conditions for Nested Limited Area Models: a process selective approach, «OCEAN MODELLING», 2008, 20, pp. 134 - 156 [articolo]

N. Pinardi; C. Fratianni; M. Adani., Usage of real time observations in an operational ocean data assimilation system: the Mediterranean case, in: Real-Time coastal observing systems for ecosystem dynamics and harmful algal blooms: theory, instrumentation and modelling, PARIGI, UNESCO, 2008, pp. 733 - 763 [capitolo di libro]

N. Pinardi; A. Bonazzi; E. Scoccimarro; S. Dobricic; A. Navarra; A. Ghiselli; P. Veronesi., Very Large Ensemble Ocean Forecasting Experiment Using the Grid Computing Infrastructure, «BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY», 2008, 89, pp. 799 - 804 [articolo]

Vichi M.; N. Pinardi; S. Masina, A generalized model of pelagic biogeochemistry for the global ocean ecosystem. Part I: Theory, «JOURNAL OF MARINE SYSTEMS», 2007, 64, pp. 89 - 109 [articolo]

L. Polimene; N. Pinardi; M. Zavatarelli; I. Allen; M. Giani; M. Vichi, A numerical simulation of dissolved Organic Carbon accumulation in the northern Adriatic Sea, «JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH», 2007, 112, pp. C03S20/1 - C03S20/11 [articolo]

D. Byun; N.Pinardi, Comparison of Marine Insolation Estimating methods in the Adriatic Sea, «OCEAN SCIENCE JOURNAL», 2007, 42, pp. 211 - 222 [articolo]

S. Dobricic; N. Pinardi; M. Adani; M. Tonani; C. Fratianni; A. Bonazzi; V. Fernandez, Daily oceanographic analyses by the Mediterranean basin scale assimilation system, «OCEAN SCIENCE», 2007, 3, pp. 149 - 157 [articolo]

E.K. Demirov; N. Pinardi, On the relationship between the water mass pathways and eddy variability in the Western Mediterranean Sea, «JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH: OCEANS», 2007, 112, pp. C02024 - C02024 [articolo]

X.H.Wang; N.Pinardi; V.Malacic, Sediment transport and resuspension due to combined motion of wave and current in the northern Adriatic Sea during a Bora event in January 2001: A numerical model study, «CONTINENTAL SHELF RESEARCH», 2007, 27, pp. 613 - 633 [articolo]

I. Gertman; N.Pinardi; Y. Popov; A. Hecht, Aegean Sea water masses during the early stages of the Eastern Mediterranean Climatic Transient (1988-1990), «JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY», 2006, 36, pp. 1841 - 1859 [articolo]

G. Montanari; N. Pinardi, correnti costiere dell’Emilia Romagna nel periodo 1995-2002, BOLOGNA, ARPA EMR, 2006, pp. 150 (Quaderni di ARPA). [libro]

A. Grezio; N. Pinardi, Data assimilation of temperature and salinity profiles in the Adriatic Regional Model, «ACTA ADRIATICA», 2006, 47, pp. 149 - 168 [articolo]

J. A. Johannessen; P.-Y. Le Traon; I. Robinson; K. Nittis; M. J. Bell; N. Pinardi; and P. Bahurel, Marine Environment and Security for the European Area (MERSEA) - Towards operational oceanography, «BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY», 2006, 87, pp. 1081 - 1090 [articolo]

X.H. Wang; P. Oddo; N. Pinardi, On the bottom density plume on coastal zone off Gargano (Italy) in the southern Adriatic Sea and its inter-annual variability, «JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH», 2006, 111, C03S17, pp. 1000 - 1009 [articolo]

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