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Nadia Govoni

Ricercatrice confermata

Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche Veterinarie

Settore scientifico disciplinare: MVET-01/B Fisiologia veterinaria


Iacono, E.; Merlo, B.; Rizzato, G.; Mislei, B.; Govoni, N.; Tamanini, C.; Mari, G., Effects of repeated transvaginal ultrasound-guided aspirations performed in anestrous and cyclic mares on P4 and E2 plasma levels and luteal function, «THERIOGENOLOGY», 2014, 82, pp. 225 - 231 [articolo]

Maria Laura Bacci; Eleonora Nannoni; Nadia Govoni; Fabrizio Scorrano; Augusta Zannoni; Monica Forni; Giovanna Martelli; Luca Sardi, Hair cortisol determination in sows in two consecutive reproductive cycles, «REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY», 2014, 14, pp. 218 - 223 [articolo]

Eleonora Nannoni; Nadia Govoni; Fabrizio Scorrano; Augusta Zannoni; Monica Forni; Giovanna Martelli; Luca Sardi; Maria Laura Bacci, Study on hair cortisol variations during two successive reproductive cycles in sows, in: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at Farm and Group Level, Wageningen, Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2014, pp. 114 - 114 (atti di: WAFL 2014 - 6th International Conference on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at Farm and Group Level, Clermont-Ferrand, France, September 3-5, 2014) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

A. Pirrone; S. Panzani; N. Govoni; C. Castagnetti; MC. Veronesi., Thyroid Hormone Concentrations in foals affected by Perinatal Asphyxia Syndrome, «THERIOGENOLOGY», 2013, 80, pp. 624 - 629 [articolo]

Alvarez-Rodríguez J.; Estopañan G.; Sanz A.; Dervishi E.; Govoni N.; Tamanini C.; Joy M., Carry-over effects of body condition in the early pregnant ewe on peri-partum adipose tissue metabolism., «JOURNAL OF ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY AND ANIMAL NUTRITION», 2012, 96(6), pp. 985 - 992 [articolo]

Panzani D.; Rota A.; Crisci A.; Kindahl H.; Govoni N.; Camillo F., Embrio quality and transcervical technique are not the limiting factors in donkey embryo transfer outcome, «THERIOGENOLOGY», 2012, 77(3), pp. 563 - 569 [articolo]

E. Pinheiro; D. Rondina; G. Galeati; V. Freitas; A. Souza; D. Teixeira; K. Almeida; N. Govoni; I. Lima., Estrous and ovarian responses following the administration of different insulin doses following progestagen-cloprostenol treatment in mated does during the dry season., «SMALL RUMINANT RESEARCH», 2012, 105, pp. 282 - 285 [articolo]

Nannoni E.; Scorrano F.; Govoni N.; Zannoni A.; Forni M.; Martelli G.; Sardi L.; Bacci M.L., Hair cortisol in swine: a new matrix for the study of adrenal function in field condition, in: Atti della Società Italiana delle Scienze Veterinarie, Messina, Sinergia s.r.l., 2012, pp. 16 - 18 (atti di: LXVI Annual Meeting of the Italian Society for Veterinary Sciences, Roma, 12-14 Settembre 2012) [atti di convegno-abstract]

Zezza L.; Zaccaroni A.; Govoni N.; Formigaro C.; Garcia Hartmann M., Non-invasive monitoring of sexual profile in two pubertal captive polar bears (Ursus maritimus), in: Proceeding of the Conference on "Non-invasive Monitoring of Hormones", «WIENER TIERARZTLICHE MONATSSCHRIFT», 2012, 99 (S1), pp. 44 - 44 (atti di: Non-invasive monitoring of hormones (33rd annual ISWE meeting), Vetmeduni Vienna, Austria, 23-26 settembre 2012) [atti di convegno-abstract]

C. Antonelli; C. Castagnetti; A. Pirrone; S. Panzani; N. Govoni; M.C. Veronesi, Thyroid hormones concentrations in foals affected by Perinatal Ashyxia Syndrome, «REPRODUCTION IN DOMESTIC ANIMALS», 2012, 47(5), pp. 74 - 74 [abstract]

Veronesi MC; De Amicis I; Panzani S; Kindahl H; Govoni N; Probo M; Carluccio A., PGF(2α), LH, testosterone, oestrone sulphate, and cortisol plasma concentrations around sexual stimulation in jackass., «THERIOGENOLOGY», 2011, 75, pp. 1489 - 1498 [articolo]

M.C. Veronesi; S. Panzani; N. Govoni; H. Kindahl; G. Galeati; D. Robbe; A. Carluccio., Peripartal plasma concentrations of 15-ketodihydro-PGF2a, cortisol, progesterone and 17-a-estradiol in Martina Franca jennies, «THERIOGENOLOGY», 2011, 75, pp. 752 - 759 [articolo]

Profico C.; Trentini R.; Bernabò N.; Govoni N.; Brugnola L.; Sticco M.; Iannino F.M.; Mattioli M.; Lucidi P, A non-invasive, improved RIA and overt observation in the study of singleton Apennines wolf (Canis lupus) reproductive behaviour, «ANIMAL BIOLOGY & ANIMAL HUSBANDRY», 2010, 2, pp. 1 - 10 [articolo]

Sara Panzani; Marco Quartuccio; Antonella Comin; Umberto Tosi; Nadia Govoni; Fausto Cairoli, Andamento plasmatico del progesterone, 17b-estradiolo e IGF-I durante il ciclo estrale della cavalla, «IPPOLOGIA», 2010, 21, pp. 37 - 42 [articolo]

Veronesi M.C.; Tosi U.; Villani M.; Govoni N.; Faustini M.; Kindahl H.; Madej A.; Carluccio A., Oxytocin, vasopressin, PGF2alpha, luteinizing hormone, testosterone, oestrone sulphate, and cortisol plasma concentrations after sexual stimulation in stallions, «THERIOGENOLOGY», 2010, 73, pp. 460 - 467 [articolo]

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