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Michele Scagliarini

Professore associato confermato

Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche "Paolo Fortunati"

Settore scientifico disciplinare: STAT-01/A Statistica

Temi di ricerca

Parole chiave: Controllo statistico di processo in healthcare Analsi della capacità dei sistemi di misura Controllo statistico della qualità Controllo statistico di processo Analisi della capacità di processo Regressione logistica Disegno degli Esperimenti

  • Statistical Process Control (SPC) for healthcare monitoring and improvement
    The research focuses on statistical quality control methods for monitoring and improving performance in healthcare institutions.
    Keywords: Shewhart control charts; EWMA control charts; CUSUM control charts; Risk-adjusted control charts; Process capability indices.
  • Design of Experiments (DOE) and Statistical Process Control 
    The research focuses on methods of quality improvement for manufacturing processes.
    Keywords: factorial designs; fixed effects model; random effects model; statistical monitoring, control charts.
  • Measurement System Analysis (MSA)
    Statistical methods for the assessment of univariate and multivariate measurement systems. The research includes the study of methods for using the data available from the regular use of the measurement device and for assessing multisite measurement systems (widely used in the environmental context).
    Keywords: covariance matrices; gauge reproducibility and repeatability; MANOVA; multivariate capability; multivariate measurement systems assessment; baseline data.
  • Process Capability Indices (PCI)
    The research focuses on the effects of measurement errors on the statistical properties of univariate and multivariate process capability indices.
    Keywords: statistical quality control; gauge study; ANOVA; MANOVA; process accuracy; measurement device.
  • Statistical Models in Medicine
    The research focuses on the study of statistical models for assessing the risk of adverse events in medical studies.
    Keywords: logistic regression; competing risk models; odds ratio; risk assessment; diagnostic rule.

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