Foto del docente

Michele D'Ostuni

Professore a contratto

Dipartimento di Architettura

Assegnista di ricerca

Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agro-Alimentari


-Orsini, F., D’Ostuni, M., (2022). The Important Roles of Urban Agriculture. Front. Young Minds. 10:701688. doi: 10.3389/frym.2022.701688


-Trombadore A., Paludi B., D’Ostuni M., (2022). Adaptive Design of Green Facades and Vertical Farm: Examples of Technological Integration of Microalgae for Energy Production in Resilient Architecture. In: Sayigh A., Trombadore A. (eds) The Importance of Greenery in Sustainable Buildings. Innovative Renewable Energy. Springer.



-D’Ostuni M., Trombadore A., Orsini F., (2022). Food in the City: Enabling Integrated Solutions for Urban Agriculture and Food Production in Buildings. In: Sayigh A., Trombadore A. (eds) The Importance of Greenery in Sustainable Buildings. Innovative Renewable Energy. Springer, Cham. 2022.



-D’Ostuni, M., Zaffi, L. (2021). Nurturing cities: pathways towards a circular urban agriculture. In, WORLD HERITAGE and DESIGN FOR HEALTH | Le Vie dei Mercanti, XIX International Forum. Gambardella C., Gangemi Editore Spa. Roma 2021

ISBN: 978-88-492-4088-7


-Orsini, F., Frasnetti, E., D’Ostuni, M., Pennisi, G., (2021) UrbanFarm2021: Interdisciplinary knowledge for urban regeneration and sustainable food systems. Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, 2021.


-Zaffi, L.; D’Ostuni, M. (2020). Metabolic cities of the future. Between Agriculture and Architecture. AGATHÓN | International Journal of Architecture, Art and Design, v. 8, n. online, p. 82-93, 27 Dec. 2020

DOI: 10.19229/2464-9309/882020


-Orsini F., Pennisi G., D’Ostuni M., Paoletti M., Steffan G., D’Alessandro A., Tamburrini A., Sabatini G., UrbanFarm2020 Bridging interdisciplinary knowledge for sustainable urban landscapes , Bologna 2020 ©2020 Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna

ISSN: 2612-7660

ISBN: 9788854970120


-Trombadore A., Paludi B., D’Ostuni M., (2020). The energy of the green: green facades and vertical farm as dynamic envelope for resilient building. Journal of Physics, Conference Series, Volume 1343, Number 1 2020.

DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1343/1/012172


-Orsini, F., Pennisi, G., D'Alessandro, A., Kratochvilova, D.,. Steffan, G., Paoletti, M., Sabbatini, G., D’Ostuni, M., Trombadore, A., Gianquinto, G., (2019). Bridging interdisciplinary knowledge for sustainable urban landscapes: results from the international student competition UrbanFarm2019. ISHS Acta Horticulturae 1298: []. Bangkok 2019.

DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1298.15


-Orsini F., Pennisi G., D’Ostuni M., Paoletti M., Steffan G., D’Alessandro A., Kratochvilova D., (2019). Urban Farm 2019 - Projects for the former Zanussi area in Conegliano, Bologna 2020 ©2020 Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna

ISBN: 9788854970038



-Orsini F., Pennisi G., D’Ostuni M., Paoletti M., Steffan G., D’Alessandro A., Kratochvilova D., Urban Farm 2019 - Book Finale challenge, Bologna 2019 - UniBo

ISBN: 9788898010936


-D’Ostuni M., Trombadore A., (2019). Cities shaped by food - A new architectonic avant-guard. In Orsini F., Pennisi G., D’Ostuni M., Paoletti M., Steffan G., D’Alessandro A., Kratochvilova D. (Eds), UrbanFarm 2019 - Book Finale challenge, Bologna 2019 - UniBo pp. 60-61

ISBN: 9788898010936

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