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Michele Cavo

Professore ordinario

Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche e Chirurgiche

Settore scientifico disciplinare: MEDS-09/B Malattie del sangue


Cavo M., Le gammapatie monoclonali., in: TURA S., Corso di Malattie del Sangue e degli Organi Emolinfopoietici., BOLOGNA, Esculapio, 2007, pp. 262 - 287 [capitolo di libro]

Plasmati R; Pastorelli F; Cavo M; Petracci E; Zamagni E; Tosi P; Cangini D; Tacchetti P; Salvi F; Bartolomei I; Michelucci R; Tassinari CA., Neuropathy in multiple myeloma treated with thalidomide: a prospective study., «NEUROLOGY», 2007, 69, pp. 573 - 581 [articolo]

Cavo M., Nonmyeloablative allotransplantation for myeloma: light and shade., «BLOOD», 2007, 109, pp. 3134 - 3135 [articolo]

Curti A; Tosi P; Comoli P; Terragna C; Ferri E; Cellini C; Massaia M; D'Addio A; Giudice V; Di Bello C; Cavo M; Conte R; Gugliotta G; Baccarani M; Lemoli RM., Phase I/II clinical trial of sequential subcutaneous and intravenous delivery of dendritic cell vaccination for refractory multiple myeloma using patient-specific tumour idiotype protein or idiotype (VDJ)-derived class I-restricted peptides., «BRITISH JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY», 2007, 139, pp. 415 - 424 [articolo]

Terragna, C.; Renzulli, M.; Remondini, D.; Tagliafico, E.; Roncaglia, E.; Tosi, P.; Zamagni, E.; Tacchetti, P.; Perrone, G.; Ceccolini, M.; Brioli, Am.; Martinelli, G.; Baccarani, M.; Cavo, M., Prediction of response to primary therapy with thalidomide-dexamethasone (thal-dex) for newly diagnosed multiple myeloma by gene expression profiling (gep), in: Haematologica, Vienna, Austria, 2007, 92(s2), pp. 92 - 92 (atti di: 12th Congress of the European Hematology Association, Vienna, Austria, June 7-10, 2007) [atti di convegno-abstract]

Terragna C.; Renzulli M.; Remondini D.; Tagliafico E.; Roncaglia E.; Tosi P.; Zamagni E.; Tacchetti P.; Perrone G.; Ceccolini M.; Brioli AM.; Martinelli G.; Baccarani M.; Cavo M., Prediction of response to primary therapy with thalidomide-dexamethasone (thal-dex) for newly diagnosed multiple myeloma by gene expression profiling (gep), in: , «HAEMATOLOGICA», 2007, 92(s2)(atti di: 12th Congress of the European Hematology Association, Vienna, Austria, June 7-10, 2007) [atti di convegno-abstract]

Zamagni E.; Valdrè L.; Palareti G.; Cavo M., Prevention of VTE in multiple myeloma patients., «THROMBOSIS RESEARCH», 2007, 120 suppl 2, pp. S133 - S136 [articolo]

Cavo M; Tosi P; Zamagni E; Cellini C; Tacchetti P; Patriarca F; Di Raimondo F; Volpe E; Ronconi S; Cangini D; Narni F; Carubelli A; Masini L; Catalano L; Fiacchini M; de Vivo A; Gozzetti A; Lazzaro A; Tura S; Baccarani M., Prospective, randomized study of single compared with double autologous stem-cell transplantation for multiple myeloma: Bologna 96 clinical study., «JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY», 2007, 25, pp. 2434 - 2441 [articolo]

C. Nanni; V. Ambrosini; E. Zamagni; M. Farsad; P. Castellucci; M. Sansovini; D. Rubello; G. Montini; M. Cavo; S. Fanti., Comparison between 18F-FDG PET/CT and 11C-Choline PET/CT for the evaluation of multiple myeloma, in: , «THE JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE», 2006, 47S, pp. 478p - 478p (atti di: SNM annual meeting,, 3-7 June,, San Diego, USA.) [atti di convegno-abstract]

Tosi P; Zamagni E; Cangini D; Tacchetti P; Perrone G; Ceccolini M; Baccarani M; Cavo M., Complete remission upon bortezomib-dexamethasone therapy in three heavily pretreated multiple myeloma patients relapsing after allogeneic stem cell transplantation., «ANNALS OF HEMATOLOGY», 2006, 85(8), pp. 549 - 551 [articolo]

Tosi P; Zamagni E; Cellini C; Parente R; Cangini D; Tacchetti P; Perrone G; Ceccolini M; Boni P; Tura S; Baccarani M; Cavo M., First-line therapy with thalidomide, dexamethasone and zoledronic acid decreases bone resorption markers in patients with multiple myeloma., «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY», 2006, 76, pp. 399 - 404 [articolo]

Ambrosini V.; Farsad M.; Nanni C.; Schiavina R.; Rubello D.; Castellucci P.; Pasquini E.; Franchi R.; Cavo M.; Fanti S., Incidental finding of an (11)C-choline PET-positive solitary plasmacytoma lesion., «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MOLECULAR IMAGING», 2006, 33, pp. 1522 - 1522 [articolo]

Durie BG, Harousseau JL, Miguel JS, Blade J, Barlogie B, Anderson K, Gertz M, Dimopoulos M, Westin J, Sonneveld P, Ludwig H, Gahrton G, Beksac M, Crowley J, Belch A, Boccadaro M, Cavo M, Turesson I, Joshua D, Vesole D, Kyle R, Alexanian R, Tricot G, Attal M, Merlini G, Powles R, Richardson P, Shimizu K, Tosi P, Morgan G, Rajkumar SV;, International uniform response criteria for multiple myeloma., «LEUKEMIA», 2006, 20, pp. 1467 - 1473 [articolo]

Tosi P; Zamagni E; Cangini D; Tacchetti P; Di Raimondo F; Catalano L; D'ArcoA; Ronconi S; Cellini C; Offidani M; Perrone G; Ceccolini M; Brioli A; Tura S;Baccarani M; Cavo M., Osteonecrosis of the jaws in newly diagnosed multiple myeloma patients treatedwith zoledronic acid and thalidomide-dexamethasone., «BLOOD», 2006, 108, pp. 3951 - 3952 [articolo]

Cavo M; Terragna C; Renzulli M; Zamagni E; Tosi P; Testoni N; Nicci C; Cangini D; Tacchetti P; Grafone T; Cellini C; Ceccolini M; Perrone G; Martinelli G; Baccarani M; Guardigni L., Poor outcome with front-line autologous transplantation in t(4;14) multiple myeloma: low complete remission rate and short duration of remission., «JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY», 2006, 24, pp. e4 - e5 [articolo]