Farinati F.; Cardin R.; Fiorentino M.; D'Errico A.; Grigioni W.; Cecchetto A.; Naccarato R., Imbalance between cytoproliferation and apoptosis in hepatitis C virus related chronic liver disease, «JOURNAL OF VIRAL HEPATITIS», 2001, 8, pp. 34 - 40 [Scientific article]
Fiorentino M.; Altimari A.; D'Errico A.; Gabusi E.; Chieco P.; Grigioni W.F.; Masetti M., Low p27 expression is an independent predictor of survival for patients with either hilar or peripheral intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma, «CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH», 2001, 7, pp. 3994 - 3999 [Scientific article]
Fiorentino M.; Altimari A.; D'Errico A.; Cukor B.; Barozzi C.; Loda M.; Grigioni W.F., Acquired expression of p27 is a favorable prognostic indicator in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma, «CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH», 2000, 6, pp. 3966 - 3972 [Scientific article]
Pellicano R.; Leone N.; Berrutti M.; Cutufia M.A.; Fiorentino M.; Rizzetto M.; Ponzetto A., Helicobacter pylori seroprevalence in hepatitis C virus positive patients with cirrhosis, «JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY», 2000, 33, pp. 648 - 650 [Scientific article]
Leone N.; Volpes R.; Carrera M.; Pellicano R.; De Paolis P.; Fiorentino M.; Fronda G.R.; Rizzetto M., Hepatocellular carcinoma in a non-cirrhotic liver: Two case reports and literature review, «PANMINERVA MEDICA», 2000, 42, pp. 151 - 154 [Scientific article]
D'Errico A.; Barozzi C.; Fiorentino M.; Carella R.; Di Simone M.; Ferruzzi L.; Mattioli S.; Grigioni W.F., Role and new perspectives of transforming growth factor-α (TGF-α) in adenocarcinoma of the gastro-oesophageal junction, «BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER», 2000, 82, pp. 865 - 870 [Scientific article]
Fiorentino M.; D'Errico A.; Altimari A.; Barozzi C.; Grigioni W.F., High levels of BCL-2 messenger RNA detected by in situ hybridization in human hepatocellular and cholangiocellular carcinomas, «DIAGNOSTIC MOLECULAR PATHOLOGY», 1999, 8, pp. 189 - 194 [Scientific article]
D'Errico A.; Deleonardi G.; Fiorentino M.; Scoazec J.-Y.; Grigioni W.F., Diagnostic implications of albumin messenger RNA detection and cytokeratin pattern in benign hepatic lesions and biliary cystadenocarcinoma, «DIAGNOSTIC MOLECULAR PATHOLOGY», 1998, 7, pp. 289 - 294 [Scientific article]
Fiorentino M.; D'Errico A.; Barozzi C.; Grigioni W.F., Discrepancies between detection of Bcl-2 by in situ hybridization and immunocytochemistry in human prostate cancer tissues, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER», 1998, 79, pp. 614 - 618 [Scientific article]
Posner M.R.; Johnston P.G.; Tishler R.B.; Andersen J.; Fiorentino M.; Busse P.M.; Cavacini L.A.; Dimitrios Colevas A.; Clark J.; Norris C.M., The prognostic value of thymidylate synthase and p53 expression in patients treated with induction chemotherapy for squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck, «THE ONCOLOGIST», 1998, 3, pp. 424 - 431 [Scientific article]
Lise M.; Loda M.; Fiorentino M.; Mercuric A.M.; Summerhayes I.C.; Lavin P.T.; Jessup J.M., Association between sucrase-isomaltase and p53 expression in colorectal cancer, «ANNALS OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY», 1997, 4, pp. 176 - 183 [Scientific article]
Loda M.; Cukor B.; Tam S.W.; Lavin P.; Fiorentino M.; Draetta G.F.; Milburn Jessup J.; Pagano M., Increased proteasome-dependent degradation of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27 in aggressive colorectal carcinomas, «NATURE MEDICINE», 1997, 3, pp. 231 - 234 [Scientific article]
Magi-Galluzzi C.; Mishra R.; Fiorentino M.; Montironi R.; Yao H.; Capodieci P.; Wishnow K.; Kaplan I.; Stork P.J.S.; Loda M., Mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphatase 1 is overexpressed in prostate cancers and is inversely related to apoptosis, «LABORATORY INVESTIGATION», 1997, 76, pp. 37 - 51 [Scientific article]
Kozyraki R.; Scoazec J.-Y.; Flejou J.-F.; D'Errico A.; Bedossa P.; Terris B.; Fiorentino M.; Bringuier A.-F.; Grigioni W.F.; Feldmann G., Expression of cadherins and α-catenin in primary epithelial tumors of the liver, «GASTROENTEROLOGY», 1996, 110, pp. 1137 - 1149 [Scientific article]
Scoazec J.-Y.; Flejou J.-F.; D'Errico A.; Fiorentino M.; Zamparelli A.; Bringuier A.-F.; Feldmann G.; Grigioni W.F., Fibrolamellar carcinoma of the liver: Composition of the extracellular matrix and expression of cell-matrix and cell-cell adhesion molecules, «HEPATOLOGY», 1996, 24, pp. 1128 - 1136 [Scientific article]