Foto del docente

Michela Ceccorulli

Professoressa associata

Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali

Settore scientifico disciplinare: GSPS-02/A Scienza politica


Crises at borders - Giorgio Grappi, 22 March

REBOUND Series of Guest Lectures on

'International politics at the proof or recent challenges: the questioning of borders'

Organized by Prof. Michela Ceccorulli -Within the REBOUND Jean Monnet Module – Rethinking borders in and by the European Union


Crises at bordersGiorgio Grappi (University of Bologna)

in the context of the Course ‘Politics of International Migration’ - 22 March, 11-13, AULA 2.2 Piano Primo, Campus di Forlì -Pad. Morgagni-Gaddi - via Giacomo Della Torre, 1 Via Giacomo della Torre, 5 – Forlì

Online here:,%22Oid%22:%22e3e66d72-7a1d-407b-b44a-a772a08b3517%22%7D

Pubblicato il: 07 marzo 2023