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Maurizio Toselli

Professore associato confermato

Dipartimento di Chimica Industriale "Toso Montanari"

Settore scientifico disciplinare: CHIM/07 FONDAMENTI CHIMICI DELLE TECNOLOGIE


Guaita M.; Chiantore O.; Munari A.; Manaresi P.; Pilati F.; Toselli M., A general intrinsic viscosity-molecular weight relationship for linear polydisperse polymers-3. Applicability to the evaluation of the mark-houwink-sakurada k and a constants, «EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL», 1991, 27, pp. 385 - 388 [articolo]

Pilati F.; Toselli M.; Re A.; Bottino F.A.; Pollicino A.; Recca A., Surface Investigation by ESCA of Poly(ethylene terephthalate)-Perfluoro Polyether Block Copolymers, «MACROMOLECULES», 1990, 23, pp. 348 - 350 [articolo]

Pilati F.; Manaresi P.; Toselli M.; Re A., Synthesis of poly(ethylene terephthalate) in the presence of perfluoropolyethers. II. Effect of various catalysts, «JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE. PART A, POLYMER CHEMISTRY», 1990, 28, pp. 3047 - 3054 [articolo]

Pilati F.; Bonora V.; Manaresi P.; Munari A.; Toselli M.; Re A.; De Giorgi M., Preparation of poly(ethylene terephthalate) in the presence of a telechelic perfluoropolyether, «JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE. PART A, POLYMER CHEMISTRY», 1989, 27, pp. 951 - 962 [articolo]

Benati L.; Montevecchi P.C.; Toselli M.; Spagnolo P., Intermolecular thermal reaction of arylnitrenes with furans, «JOURNAL OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY. PERKIN TRANSACTIONS. I», 1988, 7, pp. 1859 - 1863 [articolo]

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