Guerrero M., Gragnano C., D'Agostino Daniela, Domeneghetti A., Toth E., Riverbank Grass-Armouring: Experiments in Laboratory Flume., in: Atti di XXXVII Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche (IDRA20), 2021, pp. 1 - 4 (atti di: XXXVII Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche (IDRA20), Online, 14-16 Giugno 2021) [atti di convegno-abstract]
Conevski S.; Guerrero M.; Rennie C.D.; Ruther N., Towards an evaluation of bedload transport characteristics by using Doppler and backscatter outputs from ADCPs, «JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC RESEARCH», 2021, 59, pp. 703 - 723 [articolo]
Formentin S. M., Gaeta M.G., Palma G., Guerrero M., De Vecchis R., Zanuttigh B., Videography modelling of the wave-structure interaction processes through cluster analysis, in: Book of abstracts: webinar on Experimental Methods and Laboratory Instrumentation in Hydraulics, 2021, pp. 1 - 2 (atti di: Webinar on Experimental Methods and Laboratory Instrumentation in Hydraulics, Online, April 13-15, 2021) [atti di convegno-abstract]
Aleixo R., Chen M., Ferreira R., Guerrero M., Ruidong A., W.A.T.E.R. – a hands-on structured approach for training on advanced measurement and experimental research, in: IAHR Europe Congress (Warsaw 2020), Virtual event, 2021, pp. 1 - 2 (atti di: IAHR Europe Congress (Warsaw 2020), Warsaw 2020, Poland, Virtual event, 15-19 February 2021) [atti di convegno-abstract]
Conevski S.; Guerrero M.; Winterscheid A.; Rennie C.D.; Ruther N., Acoustic sampling effects on bedload quantification using acoustic Doppler current profilers, «JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC RESEARCH», 2020, 58, pp. 982 - 1000 [articolo]
Aleixo R.; Guerrero M.; Nones M.; Ruther N., Applying ADCPs for Long-Term Monitoring of SSC in Rivers, «WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH», 2020, 56, Article number: e2019WR026087, pp. 1 - 23 [articolo]
Conevski S.; Aleixo R.; Guerrero M.; Ruther N., Bedload velocity and backscattering strength from mobile sediment bed: A laboratory investigation comparing bistatic versus monostatic acoustic configuration, «WATER», 2020, 12, Article number: 3318, pp. 1 - 25 [articolo]Open Access
Toth E., Guerrero M., Gragnano C., Domeneghetti A., D'Agostino D., Laboratory experiments for analysing the impact of herbaceous vegetation on riverbank erosion, in: EGU2020-19572, EGU, 2020, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020) [atti di convegno-abstract]
Nones, Michael; Guerrero, Massimo; Archetti, Renata, Monitoring of Riparian Vegetation Growth on Fluvial Sandbars, in: Recent Trends in Environmental Hydraulics, Berna, GeoPlanet: Earth and Planetary Sciences. Springer, 2020, pp. 197 - 206 (GEOPLANET: EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCES) [capitolo di libro]
Gaeta M.G.; Guerrero M.; Formentin S.M.; Palma G.; Zanuttigh B., Non-intrusive measurements of wave-induced flow over dikes by means of a combined ultrasound doppler velocimetry and videography, «WATER», 2020, 12, Article number: 3053, pp. 1 - 19 [articolo]Open Access
Szupiany, Ricardo N.; Lopez Weibel, Cecilia; Guerrero, Massimo; Latosinski, Francisco; Wood, Molly; Dominguez Ruben, Lucas; Oberg, Kevin, Estimating sand concentrations using ADCP-based acoustic inversion in a large fluvial system characterized by bi-modal suspended-sediment distributions, «EARTH SURFACE PROCESSES AND LANDFORMS», 2019, 44, pp. 1295 - 1308 [articolo]
Formentin, Sara Mizar; Zanuttigh, Barbara; Palma, Giuseppina; Gaeta,Maria Gabriella; Guerrero, Massimo, Experimental Analysis of the Wave Loads on Dike CrownWalls with Parapets., in: Coastal Structures 2019, 2019, pp. 200 - 210 (atti di: Coastal Structures Conference 2019, Hannover, 30 september - 2 October 2019) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Sara Mizar Formentin * , Maria Gabriella Gaeta , Giuseppina Palma, Barbara Zanuttigh, Massimo Guerrero, Flow Depths and Velocities across a Smooth Dike Crest, «WATER», 2019, 11, Article number: 2197, pp. 1 - 32 [articolo]Open Access
Archetti, Renata; Damiani, Leonardo; Bianchini, Augusto; Romagnoli, Claudia; Abbiati, Marco; Addona, Fabio; Airoldi, Laura; Cantelli, Luigi; Gaeta, Gabriella; Guerrero, Massimo; Pellegrini, Marco; Saccani, Cesare; Barbanente, Angela; Saponieri, Alessandra; Simeone, Vincenzo; Tarantino, Eufemia; Francesca Bruno, Maria; Doglioni, Angelo; Motta Zanin, Giulia; Pratola, Luigi; Gianluca Molfetta, Matteo, Innovative Strategies, Monitoring and Analysis of the Coastal Erosion Risk: the STIMARE Project, in: The Proceedings of The Twenty-ninth (2019) International OCEAN AND POLAR ENGINEERING CONFERENCE, San Francisco, International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE), 2019, pp. 3836 - 3844 (THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE ... INTERNATIONAL OFFSHORE AND POLAR ENGINEERING CONFERENCE) [capitolo di libro]
Conevski S., Guerrero M., Ruher N., Rennie C.D., Laboratory investigation of the apparent bedload velocity measured by ADCPs under different transport conditions, «JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING», 2019, 145, Article number: 04019036, pp. 1 - 16 [articolo]