Foto del docente

Mario Paolucci

Professore a contratto

Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali

Contenuti utili

Progetti nuovi simulazione 2013

I progetti nel post precedente sono gia' stati trattati in dettaglio. Sono quindi annullati, a favore di nuovi progetti:


 - the EOS system: simulating hunter-gathterer in groups. Start with reading
Doran, Jim, et al. "The EOS project." Simulating Societies’ 92: Pre-proceedings of the 1992 International Symposium on Approaches to Simulating Social Phenomena and Social Processes. 1992. At (if the link doesn't work, email me)

- "When overconfident agents slow down collective learning" by Rouchier and Tanimura - the paper should be available at (if it doesn't work, I bet you guessed already - email me).

Improving Jason

1) library for norms: adding a norm object that should be checked before activating a goal? Adding a norm recognizer? Reference: (it is a whole book, focus only on the definition of norms there)

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