Foto del docente

Marina Nieves Santucci

Docente a contratto della Sede di Buenos Aires

Vicepresidenza della Scuola di Economia e Management - Bologna

Temi di ricerca

Parole chiave:

Research statement

My main research interests are in the field of Organizational Behaviour, Sustainable Business Models, and Knowledge Management. In particular, my Doctoral dissertation is concerned with the interorganizational relations that go beyond commercial agreements and the empirical study in technological districts in emerging countries. A paper product is forthcoming for the International Journal of Innovations and Business Research (

I am currently in the process of publishing a paper about Performance Evaluation Processes and their impact on Innovation, and also have another forthcoming about SMEs and Climate Change policies in a latinamerican journal.

The last project in the pipeline is about motivation drivers and incentive architecture for sustanaible fashion business models. I am in the process of presenting results in congresses and conferences to collect improvement suggestions and then starting the publication process.

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