Foto del docente

Marina Barbiroli

Professoressa associata

Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Energia Elettrica e dell'Informazione "Guglielmo Marconi"

Settore scientifico disciplinare: IINF-02/A Campi elettromagnetici


Argomenti di tesi proposti dal docente.

  1. Measurements of indoor and outdoor Propagation at mm- and THz-frequencies for information and power transmission - Collaboration with Braunschweig Technical University (Germany)

  2. Beamforming Techniques for 5G and beyond Communications (related to 1)
  3. Physical Layer Security (PLS)

    In collaboration with the Barkausen Institut of Dresden (GE), this activity aims at investigating data encryption techniques based on the physical properties of the propagation channel for secure wireless communications. Possible, specific topics include:

    • Radio channel measurements for data encryption
    • Ray tracing simulations of attacks to the communication security in PLS applications
    • Ultra Wide Band PLS
    • RF hardware impact on PLS effectiveness
    • Theoretical modelling filterbank key generation

    4. Radar and Sensing

    Wireless channel investigation for the design of radar and sensing systems for vehicles localization and assistance. Still in collaboration with the Barkausen Institut.

    Possible, specific topics include:

    • Simulating mm-wave radar for autonomous driving;
    • Ray-tracing for radar signals
    • Intelligent-radar object recognition

5. Channel Modeling for Wireless Network on-Chip at Optical Frequency

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