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Marilena Aiello

Research fellow

Department of Psychology "Renzo Canestrari"


Aiello, Marilena; Ambron, Elisabetta; Situlin, Roberta; Foroni, Francesco; Biolo, Gianni; Rumiati, Raffaella, Body weight and its association with impulsivity in middle and old age individuals, «BRAIN AND COGNITION», 2018, 123, pp. 103 - 109 [Scientific article]

Cecchetto, Cinzia; Korb, Sebastian; Rumiati, Raffaella; Aiello, Marilena, Emotional reactions in moral decision-making are influenced by empathy and alexithymia, «SOCIAL NEUROSCIENCE», 2018, 13, pp. 226 - 240 [Scientific article]

Aiello, M.; Vignando, M.; Foroni, F.; Pergola, G.; Rossi, P.; Silveri, M. C.; Rumiati, R., Episodic memory for natural and transformed food, «CORTEX», 2018, 107, pp. 13 - 20 [Scientific article]

Mengotti, P.; Aiello, M.; Terenzi, Damiano; Miniussi, C.; Rumiati, R., How brain response and eating habits modulate food energy estimation, «PHYSIOLOGY & BEHAVIOR», 2018, 188, pp. 18 - 24 [Scientific article]

Vignando, Miriam; Aiello, Marilena; Foroni, Francesco; Marcon, Gabriella; Tettamanti, Mauro; Rumiati, Raffaella, How experience modulates semantic memory for food: Evidence from elderly adults and centenarians, «SCIENTIFIC REPORTS», 2018, 8, pp. 1 - 9 [Scientific article]

Terenzi, Damiano; Rumiati, Raffaella; Catalan, Mauro; Antonutti, Lucia; Furlanis, Giovanni; Garlasco, Paolo; Polverino, Paola; Bertolotti, Claudio; Manganotti, Paolo; Aiello, Marilena, Reward sensitivity in Parkinson's patients with binge eating, «PARKINSONISM & RELATED DISORDERS», 2018, 51, pp. 79 - 84 [Scientific article]

Aiello M; Merola S; Lasaponara S; Pinto M; Tomaiuolo F; Doricchi F., The influence of visual and phonological features on the hemispheric processing of hierarchical Navon letters, «NEUROPSYCHOLOGIA», 2018, 109, pp. 75 - 85 [Scientific article]

Cecchetto, Cinzia; Rumiati, Raffaella; Aiello, Marilena, Alexithymia and emotional reactions to odors, «SCIENTIFIC REPORTS», 2017, 7, pp. 1 - 12 [Scientific article]

Foroni, F.; Vignando, M.; Aiello, M.; Parma, V.; Paoletti, M. G.; Squartini, A.; Rumiati, R., The smell of terroir! Olfactory discrimination between wines of different grape variety and different terroir, «FOOD QUALITY AND PREFERENCE», 2017, 58, pp. 18 - 23 [Scientific article]

Aiello, M.; Eleopra, R.; Foroni, F.; Rinaldo, S.; Rumiati, R., Weight gain after STN-DBS: The role of reward sensitivity and impulsivity, «CORTEX», 2017, 92, pp. 150 - 161 [Scientific article]

Aiello, Marilena; Silani, V.; Rumiati, Raffaella, You stole my food! Eating alterations in frontotemporal dementia, «NEUROCASE», 2016, 22, pp. 400 - 409 [Scientific article]

Aiello, M.; Eleopra, R.; Rumiati, R., Body weight and food intake in Parkinson’s disease: A review of the association to non-motor symptoms, «APPETITE», 2015, 84, pp. 204 - 211 [Scientific article]

Rotondaro, F.; Merola, S.; Aiello, M.; Pinto, M.; Doricchi, F., Dissociation between line bisection and mental-number-line bisection in healthy adults, «NEUROPSYCHOLOGIA», 2015, 75, pp. 565 - 576 [Scientific article]

Thiebaut De Schotten, M.; Tomaiuolo, F.; Aiello, Marilena; Merola, S.; Silvetti, M.; Lecce, F.; Bartolomeo, P.; Doricchi, F., Damage to White Matter Pathways in Subacute and Chronic Spatial Neglect: A Group Study and 2 Single-Case Studies with Complete Virtual “In Vivo” Tractography Dissection, «CEREBRAL CORTEX», 2014, 24, pp. 691 - 706 [Scientific article]

Aiello, M.; Eleopra, R.; Lettieri, C.; Mondani, M.; D'Auria, S.; Belgrado, E.; Piani, A.; De Simone, L.; Rinaldo, S.; Rumiati, R., Emotion Recognition in Parkinson's disease after Subthalamic Deep Brain Stimulation: Differential effects of lesion and STN stimulation, «CORTEX», 2014, 51, pp. 35 - 45 [Scientific article]

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