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Mariateresa Veltri

Professoressa a contratto

Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche "Paolo Fortunati"

Assegnista di ricerca

Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali

Contenuti utili

COSME Project (PRIN 2023-2025)

The CoSME (Community Sponsorship for Migrants in Europe) project aims to develop a theoretical-practical framework for a European model of 'community sponsorship' – a concept that encompasses all forms of public-private partnerships aimed at promoting the protected entry, initial reception and integration of migrants and refugees in Europe.

Consortium: The scientific consortium is led by the University of Tuscia (Principal Investigator: Dr Daniela Vitiello, Assistant Professor of EU Law) and includes 2 other units: the University of Bologna (Associate Investigator: Prof. Marco Borraccetti, Associate Professor of EU Law) and the University of Turin (Associate Investigator: Prof. Stefano Montaldo, Associate Professor of EU Law). Each unit brings together a variety of skills and expertise, ranging from law to economics, political science, engineering and sociology.
Network: The CoSME project is a 2 year project based on a solid network of relationships with institutional and social partners at national and European level. Italian institutions and NGOs include: Ministry of Interior, Roma Capitale, UNAR, ANCI, CNEL, CIDU, ASGI, ADiM, IntoME, Fondazione Migrantes, Garante Infanzia e Adolescenza, Caritas, Consorzio Communitas, Centro Astalli, Semi di Pace, Alicenova, Unione Nazionale Italiana per i Rifugiati ed Esuli (UNIRE), Still I Rise.
International institutions and networks include: UNHCR (UNICORE), UNHCR Joint Data Center on Forced
Displacement, IOM, Global Refugee Sponsorship Initiative, UNIMED (Mediterranean University Union),
“EU-Passworld” Project network, RUNOMI (Radboud University Network on Migrant Inclusion), ARA
(‘Active Refugee Admission Policies in Europe. Exploring an Emerging Field’), European Committee for
Standardization (CEN), SAR network (scholars at risk), Rotary International, SHARE Nework, Talent Beyond Boundaries.

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