Foto del docente

Marianna Molinari


Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche

Settore scientifico disciplinare: IUS/20 FILOSOFIA DEL DIRITTO

Temi di ricerca

My research interests center on the digitization and prediction in the field of justice. Specifically, I investigate the feasibility of applying predictive models to cases involving personal rights. My research achievements include several publications that examine similarities among judgments and the compilation of metadata, focusing on principles of law. Currently, my research is dedicated to developing a methodology that aids domain experts in decision-making and serves as a knowledge reservoir for users, particularly concerning sensitive content like private life. This methodology is intended to augment the predictability of decisions. Presently, state-of-the-art applications limit prediction to standardized cases in areas such as Administrative Law, Tax Law, Business Law, and Labour Law. My research aims to expand these boundaries. In addition to my research, I bring practical experience as licensed to practice law and former auditor at a Court of First Instance. Thus, my overarching goal is to contribute to managing the demand for justice and enhancing the transparency of judicial decisions.

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