Foto del docente

Maria Bignozzi

Full Professor

Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering

Academic discipline: IMAT-01/A Materials Science and Technology


La Torre, Valeria; Rambaldi, Elisa; Masi, Giulia; Nici, Silvia; Ghezzi, Daniele; Cappelletti, Martina; Bignozzi, Maria Chiara, Validation of Antibacterial Systems for Sustainable Ceramic Tiles, «COATINGS», 2021, 11, Article number: 1409 , pp. 1 - 11 [Scientific article]Open Access

Ruolo editoriale nella rivista «Women in Science: Materials»

elisa franzoni, maria chiara bignozzi, elisa rambaldi, 15 - TiO2 in the building sector, in: Titanium Dioxide (TiO₂) and Its Applications, Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2021, pp. 449 - 479 (METAL OXIDES) [Chapter or essay]

Graziani, Gabriela; Govoni, Marco; Vivarelli, Leonardo; Boi, Marco; De Carolis, Monica; Bianchi, Michele; Sassoni, Enrico; Bignozzi, Maria Chiara; Carnevale, Gianluca; Marmi, Federico; Maltarello, Maria Cristina; Dallari, Dante, A Comprehensive Microstructural and Compositional Characterization of Allogenic and Xenogenic Bone: Application to Bone Grafts and Nanostructured Biomimetic Coatings, «COATINGS», 2020, 10, Article number: 522 , pp. 1 - 17 [Scientific article]Open Access

Masi, G.; Bernardi, E.; Martini, C.; Vassura, I.; Skrlep, L.; Svara Fabjan, E.; Gartner, N.; Kosec, T.; Josse, C.; Esvan, J.; Bignozzi, M. C.; Robbiola, L.; Chiavari, C., An innovative multi-component fluoropolymer-based coating on outdoor patinated bronze for Cultural Heritage: Durability and reversibility, «JOURNAL OF CULTURAL HERITAGE», 2020, 45, pp. 122 - 134 [Scientific article]Open Access

Masi G.; Chiavari C.; Martini C.; Pasini F.; Sessa S.; Gandolfi N.; Bignozzi M.C., Assessment of the effect of surface finishing processes on the pitting resistance in saline environments of welded AISI 316L stainless steel, «LA METALLURGIA ITALIANA», 2020, 112, pp. 7 - 17 [Scientific article]Open Access

Masi G.; Aufray M.; Balbo A.; Bernardi E.; Bignozzi M.C.; Chiavari C.; Esvan J.; Gartner N.; Grassi V.; Josse C.; Kosec T.; Martini C.; Monticelli C.; Skrlep L.; Sperotto W.; Svara Fabjan E.; Tedesco E.; Zanotto F.; Robbiola L., B-IMPACT project: eco-friendly and non-hazardous coatings for the protection of outdoor bronzes, in: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, IOP, Institute of Physics, «IOP CONFERENCE SERIES: MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING», 2020, 949, pp. 1 - 8 (atti di: 2nd International Conference Florence Heri-Tech : The Future of Heritage Science and Technologies HERITECH 2020, Firenze, 2020) [Contribution to conference proceedings]Open Access

Bignozzi M.C.; Calcinelli L.; Carati M.; Ceschini L.; Chiavari C.; Masi G.; Morri A., Effect of Heat Treatment Conditions on Retained Austenite and Corrosion Resistance of the X190CrVMo20-4-1 Stainless Steel, «METALS AND MATERIALS INTERNATIONAL», 2020, 26, pp. 1318 - 1328 [Scientific article]Open Access

Bedon A.; Carabba L.; Bignozzi M.C.; Glisenti A., Environmentally Friendly La0.6Sr0.4Ga0.3Fe0.7O3 (LSGF)-Functionalized Fly-Ash Geopolymers for Pollutants Abatement in Industrial Processes, «CATALYSIS LETTERS», 2020, 150, pp. 2230 - 2235 [Scientific article]

G. Masi, S. Manzi, M. C. Bignozzi, Gender balance in alkali activated materials / geopolymers research, in: PLOTINA Final Conference book of abstracts. Regendering Science. For an inclusive research environment, Bologna, ALMA MATER STUDIORUM - Università di Bologna, 2020, pp. 141 - 142 (atti di: PLOTINA. Regendering Science. For an inclusive research environment, Bologna, Italy, 27-28 Gennaio 2020) [Abstract]

Masi G.; Manzi S.; Bignozzi M.C., Gender Balance in Construction Material Research: The Analysis of Alkali-Activated Materials by a Bibliometric Study Using Scopus Database, «FRONTIERS IN MATERIALS», 2020, 7, Article number: 572514 , pp. 1 - 11 [Scientific article]Open Access

Maria Bignozzi, Benedetta Ferrari, Barbara Mazzanti, Lisa Branchini, Andrea Canetti, La cogenerazione nel settore ceramico, un esempio green, «ENERGIA, AMBIENTE E INNOVAZIONE», 2020, 3, pp. 57 - 58 [Scientific article]Open Access

Tchakoute H.K.; Tchinda Mabah D.E.; Henning Ruscher C.; Kamseu E.; Andreola F.; Bignozzi M.C.; Leonelli C., Preparation of low-cost nano and microcomposites from chicken eggshell, nano-silica and rice husk ash and their utilisations as additives for producing geopolymer cements, «JOURNAL OF ASIAN CERAMIC SOCIETIES», 2020, 8, pp. 149 - 161 [Scientific article]Open Access

Winnefeld F.; Gluth G.J.G.; Bernal S.A.; Bignozzi M.C.; Carabba L.; Chithiraputhiran S.; Dehghan A.; Dolenec S.; Dombrowski-Daube K.; Dubey A.; Ducman V.; Jin Y.; Peterson K.; Stephan D.; Provis J.L., RILEM TC 247-DTA round robin test: sulfate resistance, alkali-silica reaction and freeze–thaw resistance of alkali-activated concretes, «MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES», 2020, 53, Article number: 140 , pp. 1 - 17 [Scientific article]Open Access

Stefania Manzi; Maria Chiara Bignozzi, Self-compacting concrete with recycled aggregates, in: Advances in Construction and Demolition Waste Recycling, Duxford, United Kingdom, Woodhead Publishing, 2020, pp. 229 - 252 [Chapter or essay]

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