Foto del docente

Marco Viceconti

Professore ordinario

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale

Settore scientifico disciplinare: IBIO-01/A Bioingegneria

Curriculum vitae

  • Formazione: Dottorato di ricerca in Ingegneria, sede amministrativa Università di Firenze
  • Interessi di ricerca: Medicina In Silico, biomeccanica computazionale.  Focus primario sul sistema muscolo-scheletrico.
  • Premi e onoreficenze:
    • Borsa di Studio "Ing. Aldo Villa".
    • Presidente e Segretario Generale, European Society of Biomechanics.
    • Presidente, European Alliance for Medical and Biological Engineering and Science.
    • Presidente and Direttore Esecutivo, VPH Institute for Biomedical Integrative Research.
    • Ho servito in varie editorial board di riviste scientifiche tra cui Journal of Biomechanics, Medical Engineering and Physics, Clinical Biomechanics, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, Frontiers in Systems Physiology, IMEchE Journal of Engineering in Medicine.
    • Fellow della UK Royal Academy of Engineering, della Institution of Mechanical Engineering, e dell'Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine
    • Membro del World Council of Biomechanics
    • Vincitore della Huiskes Medal for Biomechanics 2021
  • Produzione scientifica:
    • PubMed: 280 articoli su riviste internazionali indicizzate
    • Scopus: 366 articoli, 10.290 citazioni, H-index = 51.
    • Monografia come singolo autore: “Multiscale modelling of the skeleton”, Cambridge University Press (ISBN-13: 9780521769501)
  • Attività di supervisione:
    • Supervisionato 130 tesi di laurea e 15 tesi di dottorato, principalmente in Ingegneria.
    • Esaminatore esterno per PhD Theses per Trinity College Dublin, University of Auckland, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, University of Rennes, University of Melbourne, ETH Zurich, Eindhoven University of Technology, University of Auckland, Imperial College, University of Edinburgh.
  • Attività di revisore:
    • Grants: European Commission, United Kingdom Arthritis and Rheumatoid Council, Italian Ministry for Scientific and Technological Research, Irish IRCSET, Belgium Research Council, Netherlands NOHRD, ETH Zurich RAC, Canadian BIRS, Netherlands STW, Israel Science Foundation, KU Leuven START I, French NRA, EPSRC, MRC.
    • Riviste: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Artificial Organs, BioMedical Engineering OnLine, Physica Medica, Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, Computer Methods and Programs in biomedicine, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, International Journal of Advances in Engineering Software, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, Journal of Orthopaedic Research, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Journal of Theoretical Biology.