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Marco Tartagni

Professore ordinario

Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Energia Elettrica e dell'Informazione "Guglielmo Marconi"

Settore scientifico disciplinare: IINF-01/A Elettronica

Coordinatore del Corso di Laurea in Ingegneria elettronica


Lezioni e seminario di domani 25-03-2022

Cari tutti, come anticipato a lezione oggi, domani impiegheremo le prime 2h di lezione al primo ciclo di un importante e interessante seminario (ATTENZIONE inizia alle 9:00 senza 1/4 ora accademico) dal titolo:

"An Introduction to the Semiconductor Industry" tenuto da Alessandro Piovaccari di cui allego abstract e biografia:

Over more than 5 decades, semiconductors adoption has been so pervasive to becoming a basic need for the humanity. In an ever-growing industrial society, air, water, food, healthcare, education, energy, and sustainability have all becoming reliant on availability of integrated circuits (a.k.a. chips). Hence, now more than ever, it is important to lower the barriers and provide ease of access to everyone, in terms of use (of goods), manufacturing and design.
The semiconductor industry is a continuously evolving fast-paced field and probably the most complex ecosystem in the world. It is currently supported on deep specialization within many geographical regions and corporate areas, and it also requires a huge variety of raw materials (elements), sourced from all around the world. Moreover, it’s a field that involves multiple engineering disciplines, from electrical, chemical, mechanical to software & AI and a very wide range of sciences, including chemistry, quantum and statistical mechanics, statistics, economics, logistics, and even seismology!
This introduction, based on more that 25 years of experience in the field, is presented from an engineering point of view. The aim is to provide some light on the complexity of this ecosystem and build a good sense of the scales and the order of magnitudes involved. For the EE audience in particular, the goal is also to paint a picture of possibilities for the future to come and how these aspects can influence their future designs and research.

Alessandro Piovaccari is a Visiting Fellow at the University of Bologna. He is also a board member CTO Council of the Global Semiconductor Alliance, Forbes Technology Council, and the Center for Leadership Education at the Johns-Hopkins University, an advisor for the Berkeley Skydeck and Silicon Catalyst startup incubators, and the newly appointed VP of Conferences for the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society. His current main interest is in making the Democratization of Silicon a reality. Alessandro has more than 25 years of technical and management experience in the semiconductor industry, including CTO of Silicon Labs. He co-architected and led the development of many wireless and IoT SoC integrated circuits, which have surpassed the 4 billion devices shipments. Most notably, the first single-chip TV tuner IC, still used by nine of the world’s top-ten TV makers, and 70 percent market share. Alessandro obtained is PhD and Laurea degrees in EECS from the University of Bologna and a Post-Grad certificate (summa cum laude) in EECS from the Johns-Hopkins University. He is a Senior Member of IEEE and Lifetime Fellow at Silicon Labs. He is also a member of the IEEE CICC Conference Steering Committee and received the IEEE SSCS award in leadership for organizing the first virtual solid-state conference. He holds 32 US patents, including a Patent of the Year award.


Proseguiremo con le lezioni all'ultima ora.

Pubblicato il: 24 marzo 2022