Foto del docente

Marco Prandini

Associate Professor

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Academic discipline: IINF-05/A Information Processing Systems


M. Prandini; M. Ramilli, Redesigning remote system administration paradigms for enhanced security and flexibility, «COMPUTER STANDARDS & INTERFACES», 2008, 30, pp. 424 - 432 [Scientific article]

Marco Prandini; Eugenio Faldella; Roberto Laschi, Confining the Insider Threat in Mass Virtual Hosting Systems, in: Security in Information SystemsProceedings of the 5th International Workshop onSecurity in Information Systems - WOSIS 2007, SETÚBAL, INSTICC Press, 2007, pp. 105 - 114 (atti di: 5th International Workshop onSecurity in Information Systems - WOSIS 2007, Funchal - Madeira, Portugal, 12-16 giugno 2007) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

M. Ramilli; M. Prandini, RoboAdmin: A Different Approach to Remote System Administration, in: Security in information systemsProceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Security in Information Systems - WOSIS 2007, SETÚBAL, INSTICC Press, 2007, pp. 43 - 52 (atti di: 5th International Workshop on Security in Information Systems - WOSIS 2007, Funchal - Madeira, Portugal, 12-16 giungno 2007) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

M. prandini; e.faldella; r. laschi, Mandatory Access Control applications to web hosting, in: EC2ND 2006 Proceedings of the second European conference on computer network defence, LONDON, Springer-Verlag, 2006, pp. 13 - 22 (atti di: EC2ND 2006 Second European conference on computer network defence, Pontypridd (Cardiff), Wales, UK, 13-15 Dicembre 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

M. Prandini, Securing a Linux-based Multi-User Web Server, in: Proceedings of the third international conference on Communication, Network, and Information Security, CALGARY, ACTA Press, 2006, pp. 165 - 171 (atti di: Third international conference on Communication, Network, and Information Security, Cambridge, MA, USA, 9-11 Ottobre 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Prandini, Marco, A MULTI-PLATFORM TOOLKIT FOR THE CONFIGURATION OF PACKET-FILTERING FIREWALLS, in: Proceedings of The IASTED International Conference on Communication, Network and Information Security (CNIS 2005), CALGARY, ACTA Press, 2005, pp. 141 - 148 (atti di: IASTED International Conference on Communication, Network and Information Security (CNIS 2005), Phoenix, Arizona, USA, 14-16 novembre 2005) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

E., Faldella; M., Prandini, Design and Implementation of a New Public-Key Certificate Status Handling Scheme, in: Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Communication, Network and Information Security (CNIS 2005), CALGARY, ACTA Press, 2005, pp. 86 - 93 (atti di: IASTED International Conference on Communication, Network and Information Security (CNIS 2005), Phoenix, Arizona, USA, 14-16 novembre 2005) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

R. Laschi; M. Prandini, Reti Logiche, BOLOGNA, Esculapio, 2005, pp. 169 . [Research monograph]

M. Prandini, A flexible approach to configuration of linux-based firewalls, in: Proceedings of the Third IASTED International Conference on Communications, Internet and Information Technology, CALGARY, ACTA Press, 2004, pp. 176 - 181 (atti di: Third IASTED International Conference on Communications, Internet and Information Technology, St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands, 22-24 novembre 2004) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

E., Faldella; M., Prandini, Efficient authentication and verification of certificate status within public-key infrastructures, in: Proceedings of the Third IASTED International Conference on Communications, Internet and Information Technology, CALGARY, ACTA Press, 2004, pp. 182 - 188 (atti di: Third IASTED International Conference on Communications, Internet and Information Technology, St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands, 22-24 novembre 2004) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Faldella, E.; Prandini, M., An application of efficient certificate status handling methods to high traffic authentication services, in: Proceedings - IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, 10662 LOS VAQUEROS CIRCLE, PO BOX 3014, LOS ALAMITOS, CA 90720-1264 USA, IEEE COMPUTER SOC, 2003, pp. 821 - 827 (atti di: 8th IEEE International Symposium on Computers and Communication, ISCC 2003, Kemer-Antalya, TR, 3 July 2003) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Faldella, E.; Prandini, M., An efficient and secure alternative to OCSP for public-key certificate revocation, in: Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Communication, Network, and Information Security, 2003, pp. 120 - 125 (atti di: Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Communication, Network, an d Information Security, New York, NY., usa, 2003) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Faldella, E.; Prandini, M., A flexible scheme for on-line public-key certificate status updating and verification, in: Proceedings - IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, 10662 LOS VAQUEROS CIRCLE, PO BOX 3014, LOS ALAMITOS, CA 90720-1264 USA, IEEE COMPUTER SOC, 2002, pp. 891 - 898 (atti di: 7th International Symposium on Computers and Communications, ISCC 2002, Taormina-Giardini Naxos, IT, 01-04 July 2002) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Faldella, E.; Prandini, M., A novel approach to on-line status authentication of public-key certificates, in: Proceedings - Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, ACSAC, 10662 LOS VAQUEROS CIRCLE, PO BOX 3014, LOS ALAMITOS, CA 90720-1264 USA, IEEE Computer Society, 2000, 2000-, pp. 270 - 276 (atti di: 16th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, ACSAC 2000, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 11-15 December 2000) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Prandini, M., Efficient certificate status handling within PKIs: An application to public administration services, in: Proceedings - Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, ACSAC, Association for Computing Machinery, 1999, 133431, pp. 276 - 281 (atti di: 15th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, ACSAC 1999, Scottsdale, AZ, USA, 6-10 December 1999) [Contribution to conference proceedings]