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Marco Pellegrini

Professore associato

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale


Bianchini A., Guzzini A., Pellegrini M., Saccani C., Natural Gas distribution networks: how failures’ databases can improve existing safety performances, in: Proceedings of the Summer School Francesco Turco, AIDI - Italian Association of the Industrial Operations Professors, 2019, 2019-September, pp. 430 - 436 (atti di: 24th Summer School "Francesco Turco" - Industrial Systems Engineering 2019, Brescia, 11-13 settembre 2019) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Pellegrini M., Bloemendal M., Hoekstra N., Spaak G., Andreu Gallego S., Rodriguez Comins J., Grotenhuis T., Picone S., Murrell A., Steeman H.J., Novel combinations of aquifer thermal energy storage with solar collectors, soil remediation, and other types of geothermal energy systems, «GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH ABSTRACTS», 2019, 21, pp. 4296 - 4296 [abstract]

Picone S., Bloemendal M., Pellegrini M., Hoekstra N., Andreu Gallego A., Rodriguez Comins J., Murrel A., Novel combinations of aquifer thermal energy storage with solar collectors, soil remediation and other types of geothermal energy systems, in: Proceedings European Geothermal Congress 2019, Bruxelles, EGEC, 2019, pp. 1 - 7 (atti di: European Geothermal Congress 2019, The Hague, 11-14 Giugno 2019) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Bianchini, A.; Rossi, J.; Pellegrini, M., Overcoming the Main Barriers of Circular Economy Implementation through a New Visualization Tool for Circular Business Models, «SUSTAINABILITY», 2019, 11, Article number: 6614, pp. 1 - 33 [articolo]Open Access

Bianchini A., Guzzini A., Pellegrini M., Saccani C., Performance assessment of a solar parabolic dish for domestic use based on experimental measurements, «RENEWABLE ENERGY», 2019, 133, pp. 382 - 392 [articolo]

Bianchini A.; Cento F.; Guzzini A.; Pellegrini M.; Saccani C., Sediment management in coastal infrastructures: Techno-economic and environmental impact assessment of alternative technologies to dredging, «JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT», 2019, 248, Article number: 109332, pp. 109332 - 109348 [articolo]

Nanne Hoekstra, Martin Bloemendal, Sara Picone, Marco Pellegrini, Alicia Andreu Gallego, Julián Rodriguez Comins, Adrian Murrel, Tim Grotenhuis, Alessio Verrone, Hendrik-Jan Steeman, Sophie Moinier, Soil energy as smart low carbon technology for cost-effective climate mitigation, in: Sustainable Use and Management of Soil, Sediment and Water Resources - 15th AquaConSoil International Conference, 2019, pp. 292 - 301 (atti di: Sustainable Use and Management of Soil, Sediment and Water Resources - 15th AquaConSoil International Conference, Antwerp, 20-24 Maggio 2019) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Bianchini A.; Benci A.; Pellegrini M.; Rossi J., Supply chain redesign for lead-time reduction through Kraljic purchasing portfolio and AHP integration, «BENCHMARKING», 2019, 26, pp. 1194 - 1209 [articolo]

Pellegrini M., Bianchini A., Preda G., Saccani C., Willemsen A., Sustainable sediment management in coastal infrastructures through an innovative technology: the MARINAPLAN PLUS LIFE project, in: Book of Abstracts 11th International SedNet Conference, Sediment as a dynamic natural resource from catchment to open sea, 2019, pp. 86 - 86 (atti di: 11th International SedNet Conference, Sediment as a dynamic natural resource from catchment to open sea, Dubrovnik, 3-5 Aprile 2019) [atti di convegno-abstract]

Pellegrini M., Saccani C., Tecnologie innovative ad eiettori per la gestione sostenibile di fondali costieri, bocche portuali e porti turistici, in: F. Fava, Atti dei Convegni - Ecomondo, Santarcangelo di Romagna, Maggioli Editore, 2019, pp. 379 - 385 (atti di: Gestione sostenibile dei sedimenti e crescita blu in ambito costiero e nei medi e piccoli porti, Rimini, 5-8 novembre) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Saccani C., Damiani L., Bianchini A., Pellegrini M., Guzzini A., Archetti R., Saponieri A., Bruno M.F., Nobile B., The seabed maintenance through a jet-pump device: the case study of Rodi Garganico (South Italy), in: Proceedings of the 9th Short Course/Conference on Applied Coastal Research – Coastal zone strategies under climate change: engineering, geology, ecology, management and adaptation, Cosenza, EdiBios, 2019, pp. 25 - 30 (atti di: 9th Short Course/Conference on Applied Coastal Research – Coastal zone strategies under climate change: engineering, geology, ecology, management and adaptation, Bari, 9-11 Settembre 2019) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Bianchini, A.; Pellegrini, M.; Rossi, J.; Saccani, C., A new productive model of circular economy enhanced by digital transformation in the Fourth Industrial Revolution - An integrated framework and real case studies, in: Proceedings of the Summer School Francesco Turco, AIDI - Italian Association of Industrial Operations Professors, 2018, 2018-September, pp. 221 - 227 (atti di: 23rd Summer School "Francesco Turco" - Industrial Systems Engineering 2018, Palermo, 12-13 Settembre 2018) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Bianchini A., Guzzini A., Pellegrini M., Saccani C., Gas smart metering in Italy: State of the art and analysis of potentials and technical issues, in: Proceedings of the Summer School Francesco Turco, AIDI - Italian Association of Industrial Operations Professors, 2018, 2018-September, pp. 49 - 55 (atti di: 23rd Summer School "Francesco Turco" - Industrial Systems Engineering 2018, Palermo, 12-13 Settembre 2018) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Bianchini, A. and Guzzini, A. and Pellegrini, M. and Saccani, C., Natural gas distribution system: A statistical analysis of accidents data, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRESSURE VESSELS AND PIPING», 2018, 168, pp. 24 - 38 [articolo]

Augusto Bianchini, Alessandro Guzzini, Marco Pellegrini, Cesare Saccani, Performance analysis of a small scale solar cooling plant based on experimental measurements, in: EuroSun 2018 / ISES Conference Proceedings, 2018, pp. 1 - 12 (atti di: EuroSun 2018: International Conference on Solar Energy and Buildings, Rapperswil, 10-13 September 2018) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

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