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Marco De Nardi

Professore associato

Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche Veterinarie

Settore scientifico disciplinare: MVET-03/A Malattie infettive degli animali


Fanelli, Angela; Schnitzler, Johannes Christof; De Nardi, Marco; Donachie, Alastair; Capua, Ilaria; Lanave, Gianvito; Buonavoglia, Domenico; Caceres-Soto, Paula; Tizzani, Paolo, Epidemic intelligence data of Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever, European Region, 2012 to 2022: a new opportunity for risk mapping of neglected diseases, «EUROSURVEILLANCE», 2023, 28, pp. 7 - 17 [articolo]Open Access

Stoffel, Carla; Buholzer, Patrik; Fanelli, Angela; De Nardi, Marco, Analysis of the drivers of ASF introduction into the officially approved pig compartments in South Africa and implications for the revision of biosecurity standards, «PORCINE HEALTH MANAGEMENT», 2022, 8, Article number: 43, pp. 1 - 18 [articolo]Open Access

Farra, D; De Nardi, M; Lets, V; Holopura, S; Klymenok, O; Stephan, R; Boreiko, O, Qualitative assessment of the probability of introduction and onward transmission of lumpy skin disease in Ukraine, «MICROBIAL RISK ANALYSIS», 2022, 20, Article number: 100200, pp. 1 - 14 [articolo]Open Access

Makovska, I; Howard, MW; Bezymennyi, M; Witkowski, L; Nedosekov, V; Kornienko, L; Karpulenko, M; De Nardi, M, A descriptive spatiotemporal analysis of rabies in domestic carnivores and wildlife in Ukraine in 2012-2018, «MEDYCYNA WETERYNARYJNA», 2021, 77, pp. 546 - 562 [articolo]

Tizzani, Michele; Muñoz-Gómez, Violeta; De Nardi, Marco; Paolotti, Daniela; Muñoz, Olga; Ceschi, Piera; Viltrop, Arvo; Capua, Ilaria, Integrating digital and field surveillance as complementary efforts to manage epidemic diseases of livestock: African swine fever as a case study, «PLOS ONE», 2021, 16, pp. 1 - 17 [articolo]Open Access

Fanelli A.; Munoz O.; Mantegazza L.; De Nardi M.; Capua I., Is the COVID-19 pandemic impacting on the risk of African Swine Fever virus (ASFV) introduction into the United States? A short-term assessment of the risk factors, «TRANSBOUNDARY AND EMERGING DISEASES», 2021, 69, pp. e505 - e516 [articolo]Open Access

Muñoz-Gómez, Violeta; Solodiankin, Oleksii; Rudova, Nataliia; Gerilovych, Anton; Nychyk, Serhiy; Hudz, Natalia; Ukhovska, Tetiana; Sytiuk, Mykola; Polischuk, Volodymyr; Mustra, David; De Nardi, Marco; Lechner, Isabel; Schuppers, Manon, Supporting control programs on African swine fever in Ukraine through a knowledge, attitudes, and practices survey targeting backyard farmers, «VETERINARY MEDICINE AND SCIENCE», 2021, 7, pp. 1786 - 1799 [articolo]Open Access

YUSTYNIUK, V.; NEDOSEKOV, V.; KEPPLE, O.; MELNYK, V.; POLISCHUK, V.; DE NARDI, M.; CORREA, M., Potential paths for the introduction of risk analysis to improve the veterinary epidemiology curriculum in Ukraine, «REVUE SCIENTIFIQUE ET TECHNIQUE - OFFICE INTERNATIONAL DES EPIZOOTIES», 2020, 39, pp. 795 - 803 [articolo]

Stoffel, Carla; Schuppers, Manon; Buholzer, Patrik; Muñoz, Violeta; Lechner, Isabel; Sperling, Ulrich; Küker, Susanne; De Nardi, Marco, The ongoing crises in China illustrate that the assessment of epidemics in isolation is no longer sufficient, «TRANSBOUNDARY AND EMERGING DISEASES», 2020, 67, pp. 1043 - 1044 [articolo]

Polupan, Ivan; Bezymennyi, Maksym; Gibaliuk, Yurii; Drozhzhe, Zhanna; Rudoi, Oleksii; Ukhovskyi, Vitalii; Nedosekov, Vitalii; De Nardi, Marco, An Analysis of Rabies Incidence and Its Geographic Spread in the Buffer Area Among Orally Vaccinated Wildlife in Ukraine From 2012 to 2016, «FRONTIERS IN VETERINARY SCIENCE», 2019, 6, Article number: 290, pp. 1 - 13 [articolo]

Cook, Charlotte J; Simons, Robin RL; Horigan, Verity; Adkin, Amie; Ru, Giuseppe; de Nardi, Marco, Communicating outputs from risk assessment models: A picture paints a thousand words, «MICROBIAL RISK ANALYSIS», 2019, 13, Article number: 100084, pp. 1 - 8 [articolo]

Léger, Anaïs; Grosbois, Vladimir; Simons, Robin; Stärk, Katharina D.C.; De Nardi, Marco, Cost-effectiveness of surveillance and biosecurity scenarios for preventing CSF in Switzerland, «MICROBIAL RISK ANALYSIS», 2019, 13, Article number: 100080, pp. 1 - 13 [articolo]

De Nardi, Marco; Léger, Anaïs; Adkin, Amie; Ru, Giuseppe; Stärk, Katharina D.C., Description of surveillance components related to classical swine fever, blue tongue and rabies in selected European countries: An experts’ knowledge elicitation, «MICROBIAL RISK ANALYSIS», 2019, 13, Article number: 100081, pp. 1 - 8 [articolo]

Agustín Estrada-Peña; Amie Adkin; Silvia Bertolini; Charlotte Cook; Maria Ines Crescio; Vladimir Grosbois; Verity Horigan; Sophie Ip; Anaïs Leger; Gianluca Mastrantonio; Cristiana Maurella; Marco de Nardi; Giuseppe Ru; Robin Simons; Emma Snary; Katharina Staerk; Rachel Taylor; Graham C. Smith, Evaluating a mixed abiotic–biotic model for the distribution and host contact rates of an arthropod vector of pathogens: An example with Ixodes ricinus (Ixodidae), «MICROBIAL RISK ANALYSIS», 2019, 13, Article number: 100067, pp. 1 - 9 [articolo]

Zecchin, Bianca; De Nardi, Marco; Nouvellet, Pierre; Vernesi, Cristiano; Babbucci, Massimiliano; Crestanello, Barbara; Bagó, Zoltán; Bedeković, Tomislav; Hostnik, Peter; Milani, Adelaide; Donnelly, Christl Ann; Bargelloni, Luca; Lorenzetto, Monica; Citterio, Carlo; Obber, Federica; De Benedictis, Paola; Cattoli, Giovanni, Genetic and spatial characterization of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) population in the area stretching between the Eastern and Dinaric Alps and its relationship with rabies and canine distemper dynamics, «PLOS ONE», 2019, 14, pp. 1 - 21 [articolo]

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