Cantonati M.; Scola S.; Angeli N.; Guella G.; Frassanito R., Environmental controls of epilithic diatom depth-distribution in an oligotrophic lake characterized by marked water-level fluctuations, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYCOLOGY», 2009, 44, pp. 15 - 29 [Scientific article]
Cantonati M.; Lange-Bertalot H., Geissleria gereckei sp. nov. (Bacillariophyta) from leaf-litter covered stones of very shaded carbonate mountain springs with extremely low discharge, «PHYCOLOGICAL RESEARCH», 2009, 57, pp. 171 - 177 [Scientific article]
Gerecke, Reinhard; Franz, Helmut; Cantonati, Marco, Invertebrate diversity in springs of the National Park Berchtesgaden (Germany): relevance for long-term monitoring, «VERHANDLUNGEN - INTERNATIONALE VEREINIGUNG FUR THEORETISCHE UND ANGEWANDTE LIMNOLOGIE», 2009, 30, pp. 1229 - 1233 [Scientific article]
Cantonati M.; Van De Vijver B.; Lange-Bertalot H., Microfissurata gen. Nov. (Bacillariophyta), a new diatom genus from dystrophic and intermittently wet terrestrial habitats, «JOURNAL OF PHYCOLOGY», 2009, 45, pp. 732 - 741 [Scientific article]
Cantonati M.; Lange-Bertalot H., On the ultrastructure of Chamaepinnularia schauppiana Lange-Bertalot & Metzeltin (Naviculaceae s.l.), «DIATOM RESEARCH», 2009, 24, pp. 225 - 231 [Scientific article]
Marco Cantonati; Ermanno Bertuzzi; Alessia Scalfi; Valentina Campana, The potential importance for spring conservation of residual habitats after flow capturing: A case study, «VERHANDLUNGEN - INTERNATIONALE VEREINIGUNG FUR THEORETISCHE UND ANGEWANDTE LIMNOLOGIE», 2009, 30, pp. 1267 - 1270 [Scientific article]
Cantonati M.; Spitale D., The role of environmental variables in structuring epiphytic and epilithic diatom assemblages in springs and streams of the Dolomiti Bellunesi National Park (south-eastern Alps), «FUNDAMENTAL AND APPLIED LIMNOLOGY», 2009, 174, pp. 117 - 133 [Scientific article]
Frassanito R.; Cantonati M.; Flaim G.; Mancini I.; Guella G., A new method for the identification and the structural characterisation of carotenoid esters in freshwater microorganisms by liquid chromatography/ electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectrometry, «RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS SPECTROMETRY», 2008, 22, pp. 3531 - 3539 [Scientific article]
Cantonati, Marco, Cyanoprokaryotes and algae other than diatoms in springs and streams of the Dolomiti Bellunesi National Park (Northern Italy), «ARCHIV FUR HYDROBIOLOGIESUPPLEMENTBAND, ALGOLOGICAL STUDIES», 2008, 126, pp. 113 - 136 [Scientific article]
Wantzen K.M.; Rothhaupt K.-O.; Mortl M.; Cantonati M.; G.-Toth L.; Fischer P., Ecological effects of water-level fluctuations in lakes: An urgent issue, «HYDROBIOLOGIA», 2008, 613, pp. 1 - 4 [Scientific article]
Leira M.; Cantonati M., Effects of water-level fluctuations on lakes: An annotated bibliography, «HYDROBIOLOGIA», 2008, 613, pp. 171 - 184 [Scientific article]
Filippi, M.L.; Angeli, N.; Marziali, L.; Matouk, A.H.I.; Bertuzzi, E.; Lencioni, V.; Cantonati, M., Paleolimnological techniques applied to springs habitats: Challenges and limits as highlighted by the CRENODAT project (southeastern Alps, Italy), «VERHANDLUNGEN - INTERNATIONALE VEREINIGUNG FUR THEORETISCHE UND ANGEWANDTE LIMNOLOGIE», 2008, 30, pp. 329 - 332 [Scientific article]
Rimet F.; Goma J.; Cambra J.; Bertuzzi E.; Cantonati M.; Cappelletti C.; Ciutti F.; Cordonier A.; Coste M.; Delmas F.; Tison J.; Tudesque L.; Vidal H.; Ector L., Benthic diatoms in western european streams with altitudes above 800 m: Characterisation of the main assemblages and correspondence with ecoregions, «DIATOM RESEARCH», 2007, 22, pp. 147 - 188 [Scientific article]
Cantonati M.; Lange-Bertalot H., Achnanthidium dolomiticum sp. nov. (Bacillariophyta) from oligotrophic mountain springs and lakes fed by dolomite aquifers, «JOURNAL OF PHYCOLOGY», 2006, 42, pp. 1184 - 1188 [Scientific article]
Rott E.; Cantonati M.; Fureder L.; Pfister P., Benthic algae in high altitude streams of the Alps - A neglected component of the aquatic biota, «HYDROBIOLOGIA», 2006, 562, pp. 195 - 216 [Scientific article]