Foto del docente

Marco Beretta

Full Professor

Department of Philosophy

Academic discipline: PHIL-02/B History of Science and Technology


M. Beretta, Usi scientifici della cera nell'antichità, «QUADERNI STORICI», 2009, 1, pp. 15 - 34 [Scientific article]

M. Beretta; K. Grandin; S. Lindqvist, Aurora Torealis: Studies in the History of Science and Ideas in Honor of Tore Frängsmyr, SAGAMORE BEACH, Science History Publications/USA, 2008, pp. 320 . [Editorship]

M. Beretta, Did Lucretius’ Atomism play any Role in Early Modern Chemistry?, in: Neighbours and Territories : The Evolving Identity of Chemistry, LOUVAIN-LA-NEUVE, Memosciences, 2008, 1, pp. 237 - 248 (atti di: Neighbours and Territories : The Evolving Identity of Chemistry. 6th International Conference on the History of Chemistry The Working Party (WP) on History of Chemistry of the European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences (EuCheMS) will hold its bi-annual History of Chemistry Conference in Leuven (Belgium) between 28 August and 1 September 2007. The conference will mainly focus on the disciplinary identity of chemistry and the changing relationships with other fields. A major aim of the conferences organised by the WP is to facilitate communication between historically interested chemists and historians of chemistry from all over Europe., Louvain, 28 agosto-1 settembre 2007) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

M. Beretta, Enlightenment in Antiquity?: Evolution and Progress in the Fifth Book of Lucretius’ De rerum natura, in: Aurora Torealis. Studies in the History of Science and Ideas in Honor of Tore Frängsmyr, SAGAMORE BEACH, Science History Publications/USA, 2008, pp. 1 - 12 [Chapter or essay]

M. Beretta, Gli scienziati e l'edizione del De rerum natura, in: Lucrezio. La Natura e la scienza, FIRENZE, Olschki, 2008, pp. 177 - 224 (Biblioteca di Nuncius) [Chapter or essay]

M. Beretta; F. Citti, Lucrezio. La natura e la scienza, FIRENZE, Olschki, 2008, pp. 235 (Biblioteca di Nuncius). [Editorship]

Ruolo editoriale nella rivista «Nuncius Journal of the History of Science», FIRENZE, Olschki

M. Beretta, Panopticon Lavoisier, 2008. [Software]

M. Beretta, Towards an Archaeology of Scientific Knowledge: Museums and the History of Science, in: RAM. Research and Museums, STOCKHOLM, The Nobel Museum - The National Museum, 2008, pp. 116 - 135 (Archives of the Nobel Museum 11) [Chapter or essay]

M. Beretta, Lavoisier, in: New Dictionary of Scientific Biography, NEW YORK, Charles Scribner's Sons, 2007, pp. 213 - 220 [Dictionary or encyclopedia entry]

M. Beretta; A. Tosi, Linnaeus in Italy: The Spread of a Revolution in Science, SAGAMORE BEACH, Science History Publications/USA, 2007, pp. 344 (Uppsala Studies in the History of Science). [Editorship]

M. Beretta, Linneans in Italy: The Case of Johann Jakob Ferber, in: Linnaeus in Italy: The Spread of a Revolution in Science, SAGAMEORE BEACH, Science History Publications/USA, 2007, pp. 91 - 112 (Uppsala Studies in the History of Science) [Chapter or essay]

M. Beretta, Lucrezio e la chimica, «AUTOMATA», 2007, 2, pp. 41 - 57 [Scientific article]

Ruolo editoriale nella rivista «Nuncius. Journal of the History of Science», FIRENZE, Olschki

M. Beretta; A. Lavoisier, Registres de laboratoire, FIRENZE, Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza, 2007. [Publication of unedited sources]