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Malwina Anna Wójcik Suffia


Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche

Settore scientifico disciplinare: IUS/20 FILOSOFIA DEL DIRITTO


Malwina Anna Wójcik, 'Towards Fair AI in Healthcare - The Impact of The European Health Data Space on Data Poverty' [2023] 15 Droit & Santé - Revue luxembourgeoise 14.

Malwina Anna Wójcik, 'Assessing the Legality of Using the Category of Race and Ethnicity in Clinical Algorithms - the EU Anti-discrimination Law Perspective' [2023] Proceedings of the 2nd European Workshop on Algorithmic Fairness (EWAF'23) CEUR vol 3442.

Malwina Anna Wójcik, 'Foundation Models in Healthcare: Opportunities, Biases and Regulatory Prospects in Europe' [2022] EGOVIS 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol 13429.

Malwina Anna Wójcik, 'Algorithmic discrimination in healthcare – the EU law perspective' [2022] 24 Health and Human Rights Journal 93.

Malwina Wójcik, 'Navigating the hierarchy of memories: the ECtHR judgment in Perinçek v Switzerland' [2020] 11 The King’s Student Law Review 97.

Malwina Anna Wójcik, 'The battle of autonomies – when the rights to self-determination of the patient and a third party conflict' [2020] 12 ELSA Law Review 33.

Malwina Anna Wójcik, 'Machine-learnt bias? Algorithmic decision making and access to criminal justice' [2020] 20 Legal Information Management 99.

Malwina Anna Wójcik, 'The origins of patient’s rights in cross-border healthcare: balancing the individual and collective right to health' [2019] 13 Penn Undergraduate Law Journal 102.

Malwina Anna Wójcik, 'Power to the People: the rise of referenda in Poland and the United Kingdom' [2019] 10 Queen Mary Law Journal 69.

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