Foto del docente

Michele Marchi

Associate Professor

Department of Cultural Heritage

Academic discipline: M-STO/04 Contemporary History

Director of First Cycle Degree in Mediterranean Societies and Cultures: Institutions, Security, Environment


Michele Marchi, Seventies crisis sounds strangely contemporary, «EUROPRESSRESEARCH», 2013, 5/2013, pp. 1 - 4 [Comment or similar]

Michele Marchi, The European Union in Mali, or Waiting for Godot, «EUROPRESSRESEARCH», 2013, 2/2013, pp. 4 - 8 [Comment or similar]

Michele Marchi, The snares of an inevitable operation, «EUROPRESSRESEARCH», 2013, 1/2013, pp. 1 - 5 [Comment or similar]

Michele Marchi, Turkey-EU: turning point or end of the line?, «EUROPRESSRESEARCH», 2013, 3/2013, pp. 1 - 5 [Comment or similar]

Michele Marchi, 50 years of Franco-German relations, «EUROPRESSRESEARCH», 2013, 01/2013, pp. 1 - 5 [Comment or similar]

Michele Marchi, Alla ricerca del cattolicesimo politico, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2012, pp. 412 . [Research monograph]

Michele Marchi, And yet it does move! Is politics back in the “great game” of Europe?, «EUROPRESSRESEARCH», 2012, 10/2012, pp. 1 - 4 [Comment or similar]

Michele Marchi, Creeping anti-Europeanism: a spectre haunting Italy, «EUROPRESSRESEARCH», 2012, 9/2012, pp. 5 - 9 [Comment or similar]

Michele Marchi, Dai cattolici nella Repubblica alla Repubblica senza cattolici?,, «STORIA E PROBLEMI CONTEMPORANEI», 2012, 60, pp. 9 - 32 [Scientific article]

Michele Marchi, Elysée 2012: Sarkozy and the (perhaps no longer) mission impossible?, «EUROPRESSRESEARCH», 2012, 3/2012, pp. 2 - 6 [Comment or similar]

Michele Marchi, Elysée 2012: what room for Bayrou, the “third man”?, «EUROPRESSRESEARCH», 2012, 3/2012, pp. 7 - 10 [Comment or similar]

Michele Marchi, Erasmus 2012: silver wedding anniversary or de profundis?, «EUROPRESSRESEARCH», 2012, 11/2012, pp. 1 - 4 [Comment or similar]

Michele Marchi, European public opinion and the crisis, «EUROPRESSRESEARCH», 2012, 2/2012, pp. 1 - 5 [Comment or similar]

Michele Marchi, Europeanism and anti-Europeanism in the Italian electoral campaign, «EUROPRESSRESEARCH», 2012, 12/2012, pp. 1 - 5 [Comment or similar]

Michele Marchi, France, “invalid” of Europe?, «EUROPRESSRESEARCH», 2012, 12/2012, pp. 1 - 5 [Comment or similar]