Argomenti di tesi proposti dal docente.
Ultime tesi seguite dal docente
Tesi di Laurea
- Guerra e Resistenza in Romagna. Popolazioni, territori e difese costiere
- Il “potere gentile”: tracce di diplomazia culturale nelle relazioni euro-atlantiche. Appunti per una storia del ‘900.
- Le risposte del governo italiano alle rivendicazioni femministe dalla nascita della Repubblica al 2008
Tesi di Laurea Magistrale
- Migrations in Europe: Media and Public Opinion's Perceptions
- "The comeback of Political Islam" Iran 1979 and Political role of Islam: a Question of Faith or Power?
- Education policy in France and the issue of integration
- Erdoganism in Exile: The Influence of President Erdogan's Policies on Kurdish Diaspora in Paris
- European Countries, European Integration, and Israeli-Palestinian Question. From Six-Day War till Oslo Agreements (1967-1993)
- EU-Turkey Relations: Historical Debates and Regional Implications XX-XXI century
- Fighting socioeconomic discrimination: studying Joseph Wresinski to understand ATD Fourth World’s advocacy in European institutions
- Footprints in "Syrian Sands": European Political Interactions from Colonialism to the Arab Spring
- Nationalism as a product of political imaginaries: the evolution of spanish identity from francoism to nowadays
- Poland’s Journey: From Post-War Turmoil to European Integration and the Role of the Catholic Church
- Political, Social and Economic Implications of Turkish Migrations to the Netherlands
- Sectarianism’s Influence on Political and Social Turmoils in Lebanon since The French Mandate: A Path between Tragedy and Hope
- Strained Relations, Impacted Memories: The Trajectory of the Greek Community in Türkiye and Cypriots within Turkish-Greek Relations
- Women in Politics, Women and Politics.
A study in Italian Political System since 1945.