Foto del docente

Monia Lenzi

Ricercatrice confermata

Dipartimento di Farmacia e Biotecnologie

Settore scientifico disciplinare: BIOS-11/A Farmacologia


vai alle Pubblicazioni

Pubblicazioni antecedenti il 2004

Fimognari C., Nüsse M., Lenzi M., Sciuscio D., Cantelli-Forti G., Hrelia P. (2006). Sulforaphane increases the efficacy of doxorubicin in mouse fibroblasts characterized by p53 mutations. Mutat Res-Fund Mol M, Oct 10;601(1-2): 92-101.

Fimognari C., Lenzi M., Sciuscio D., Cantelli-Forti G., Hrelia P. (2007). Combination of doxorubicin and sulforaphane for reversing doxorubicin-resistant phenotype in mice fibroblasts with p53Ser220 mutation. Ann NY Acad Sci, Jan;1095: 62-69.

Fimognari C., Lenzi M., Sciuscio D., Cantelli-Forti G., Hrelia P. (2007). Cell-cycle specificity of sulforaphane-mediated apoptosis in Jurkat T-leukemia cells. In Vivo, Mar-Apr; 21(2): 377-380.

Fimognari C., Lenzi M., Hrelia P. (2008). Chemoprevention of cancer by isothiocyanates and anthocyanins: mechanisms of action and structure-activity relationship. Curr Med Chem, 15(5): 440-447.Review.

Fimognari C., Lenzi M., Cantelli-Forti G., Hrelia P. (2008). Induction of differentiation in human promyelocytic cells by the isothiocyanate sulforaphane. In Vivo, May-Jun;22(3):317-20.

Fimognari C., Lenzi M., Hrelia P. (2008). Interaction of the isothiocyanate sulforaphane with drug disposition and metabolism: pharmacological and toxicological implications. Curr Drug Metab. Sep,9(7):668-78. Review.

Fimognari C., Sestili P., Lenzi M., Bucchini A., Cantelli-Forti G., Hrelia P. (2008). RNA as a new target for toxic and protective agents. Mutat Res Fund Mol M. Dec 15;648(1-2):15-22.

Fimognari C., Lenzi M., Hrelia P. (2009). Apoptosis induction by sulfur-containing compounds in malignant and nonmalignant human cells. Environ Mol Mutagen. Apr;50(3):171-89.

Fimognari C., Sestili P., Lenzi M., Cantelli-Forti G., Hrelia P. (2009). Protective effect of creatine against RNA damage. Mutat Res-Fund Mol M. Nov 2;670(1-2):59-67.

Fimognari C., Lenzi M., Cantelli-Forti G., Hrelia P. (2009). Apoptosis and modulation of cell cycle control by bile acids in human leukemia T cells. Ann N Y Acad Sci. Aug;1171:264-9.

Sestili P., Paolillo P., Lenzi M., Colombo E., Vallorani L., Casadei L., Martinelli C., Fimognari C. (2010). Sulforaphane induces DNA single strand breaks in cultured human cells. Mutat Res-Fund Mol M. May 24.      


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