Bolognesi, Marianna; Steen, Gerard J., Introduction, in: Perspectives on Abstract Concepts: Cognition, language and communication, Amsterdam, Benjamins Publishers, 2019, pp. 1 - 13 (HUMAN COGNITIVE PROCESSING) [capitolo di libro]
Bolognesi M; Despot K; Brdar M, Metaphor and Metonymy in the Digital Age
Theory and methods for building repositories of figurative language, Amsterdam, Benjamins Publishers, 2019, pp. 263 . [curatela]
Bolognesi M; Steen G, Perspectives on abstract concepts: From cognitive processing to semantic representation., Amsterdam, Benjamins Publishers, 2019, pp. 315 . [curatela]
Bolognesi M; Aina L, Similarity is Closeness: Using Distributional Semantic Spaces to model Similarity in Visual and Linguistic Metaphors, «CORPUS LINGUISTICS AND LINGUISTIC THEORY», 2019, 15, pp. 101 - 137 [articolo]Open Access
Bolognesi, M; Timmermans, B; Aroyo, L, VisMet and the crowd: What does social tagging reveal about visual metaphors?, in: Fantastic Metaphors and where to find them., Amsterdam, Benjamins Publishers, 2019, pp. 99 - 121 [capitolo di libro]
Bolognesi M, Abstract concepts: Structure, processing and modeling. TopiCS in Cognitive Science, Special Issue, Hoboken, Wiley, 2018, pp. 169 . [curatela]
Bolognesi M; Steen G, Abstract Concepts: Structure, Processing and Modelling, «TOPICS IN COGNITIVE SCIENCE», 2018, 10, pp. 490 - 500 [articolo]
Bolognesi M., Recensione a: Book Review, «LANGUAGE AND COGNITION», 2018, 10, pp. 552 - 559 [recensione]
Bolognesi, M; Van den Heerik, R; Van den Berg, E, VisMet 1.0: an online corpus of visual metaphors, in: Visual Metaphor: structure and process, Amsterdam, Benjamins Publishers, 2018, pp. 89 - 114 [capitolo di libro]
Bolognesi, M, Conceptual metaphors and metaphorical expressions in images, in: Cognitive Modelling in Language and Discourse across Cultures, GBR, CAMBRIDGE SCHOLARS PUBLISHING, 2017, pp. 367 - 383 [capitolo di libro]
Bolognesi, M, Grammatica visiva e apprendimento: aspetti semiotici delle vignette di Valico e trasposizione verbale nelle descrizioni di anglofoni, in: Italiano di Apprendenti. Studi a partire da Valico e Vinca, ITA, Guerra Edizioni, 2017, pp. 21 - 40 [capitolo di libro]
Bolognesi M; Pilgram R; van den Heerik R, Reliability in semantic categorization: the case of semantic features norms, «BEHAVIOR RESEARCH METHODS», 2017, 49, pp. 1984 - 2001 [articolo]Open Access
Bolognesi M, Using semantic features norms to investigate how the visual and verbal modes afford metaphor construction and expression, «LANGUAGE AND COGNITION», 2017, 9, pp. 525 - 552 [articolo]Open Access
Bolognesi, M, Flickr® Distributional Tagspace: Evaluating the Semantic Spaces emerging from Flickr® Tags Distributions, in: Big Data in Cognitive Science, New York, Routledge, 2016, pp. 144 - 173 [capitolo di libro]
Bolognesi, M, Metaphors, bilingual mental lexicon and distributional models, in: Metaphor and Communication, Amsterdam, Benjamins Publishers, 2016, pp. 105 - 122 [capitolo di libro]