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Luigi Di Stefano

Professore ordinario

Dipartimento di Informatica - Scienza e Ingegneria


Di Stefano L.; Mattoccia S., A sufficient condition based on the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality for efficient template matching, in: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2003, 1, pp. 269 - 272 (atti di: Proceedings: 2003 International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP-2003, Barcelona, esp, 2003) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Di Stefano L.; Mattoccia S.; Mola M., An efficient algorithm for exhaustive template matching based on normalized cross correlation, in: Proceedings - 12th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing, ICIAP 2003, 10662 LOS VAQUEROS CIRCLE, PO BOX 3014, LOS ALAMITOS, CA 90720-1264 USA, IEEE COMPUTER SOC, 2003, pp. 322 - 327 (atti di: 12th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing, ICIAP 2003, Mantova, ita, 2003) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Di Stefano L.; Marchionni M.; Mattoccia S., Real-time dense stereo on a personal computer, in: 2003 IEEE International Workshop on Computer Architecture for Machine Perception, CAMP 2003, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2003, pp. 237 - 248 (atti di: IEEE International Workshop on Computer Architecture for Machine Perception, CAMP 2003, usa, 2003) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Di Stefano L.; Marchionni M.; Mattoccia S.; Neri G., Dense stereo based on the uniqueness constraint, in: Proceedings - International Conference on Pattern Recognition, «INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PATTERN RECOGNITION», 2002, 16, pp. 657 - 660 (atti di: 16th IAPR/IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2002), Quebec City, Canada, August 11-15, 2002) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Di Stefano L.; Marchionni M.; Mattoccia S.; Neri G., Quantitative evaluation of area-based stereo matching, in: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, ICARCV 2002, 2002, pp. 1110 - 1115 (atti di: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, ICARC 2002, Singapore, sgp, 2002) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Luigi Di Stefano.; Mattoccia S., Real-time stereo within the VIDET project, «REAL-TIME IMAGING», 2002, 8, pp. 439 - 453 [articolo]

Di Stefano L.; Mattoccia S., Fast template matching using bounded partial correlation, «MACHINE VISION AND APPLICATIONS», 2001, 13, pp. 213 - 221 [articolo]

Di Stefano L.; Mattoccia S.; Neri G.; Piccinni D., Temporal filtering of disparity measurements, in: Proceedings - 11th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing, ICIAP 2001, 10662 LOS VAQUEROS CIRCLE, PO BOX 3014, LOS ALAMITOS, CA 90720-1264 USA, IEEE Computer Society, 2001, pp. 145 - 150 (atti di: 11th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing, ICIAP 2001, Palermo, ita, 2001) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Di Stefano Luigi; Mattoccia Stefano, Fast stereo matching for the VIDET system using a general purpose processor with multimedia extensions, in: Computer Architectures for Machine Perception, Proceedings (CAMP), 2000, pp. 356 - 362 (atti di: 5th International Workshop on Computer Architectures for Machine Perception, Padova, Italy,, 2000) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Arcara P.; Di Stefano L.; Mattoccia S.; Melchiorri C.; Vassura G., Perception of depth information by means of a wire-actuated haptic interface, in: Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, «PROCEEDINGS - IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION», 2000, 4, pp. 3443 - 3448 (atti di: ICRA 2000: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, San Francisco, CA, USA,, 2000) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]