Foto del docente

Ludovica Neri

Assegnista di ricerca

Dipartimento di Filosofia

Curriculum vitae

Academic Curriculum Vitae 


Specialization and Competence

Areas of Specialization: Classical German Philosophy, Schelling’s Philosophy, Ontology, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Nature

Areas of Competence: Modern German Philosophy, Kant’s Philosophy, Post-Kantian Philosophy, Phenomenology, Existentialism


Academic positions

July 2024 – ongoing Post-doctoral research fellow, Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, Department of Philosophy (Chair of Theoretical Philosophy).

April 2023 – Sept 2023 Student assistant (studentische Hilfskraft), LMU Munich, Faculty of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and Religious Studies, Chair of Ontology and Metaphysics (Prof. Thomas Buchheim), Summer Semester 2022/2023

Oct 2021– March 2022 Lecturer (Lehrbeauftragte), LMU Munich, Faculty of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and Religious Studies, Chair of Philosophy Theoretical Philosophy (Prof. Axel Hutter), Winter Semester 2021/2022



Nov 2019 – April 2024 PhD in Philosophy (summa cum laude), University of Bologna, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (cotutelle). Supervisors: Luca Guidetti (Chair of Theoretical Philosophy), Thomas Buchheim (Chair of Ontology and Metaphysics)

Oct 2016 – Oct 2018 Master of Arts in Philosophy (with distinction), University of Bologna, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz (double title degree). Supervisors: Stefano Besoli (Chair of Theoreitcal Philosophy), Luca Guidetti (Chair of Theoreitcal Philosophy), Annika Schlitte (Chair of Aesthetics and Philosophy of Culture)

Sept 2012 – Oct 2015 Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy (with distinction), University of Bologna.Supervisor: Luca Guidetti (Chair of Theoreitcal Philosophy)


Study and research exchanges

April 2023 – Sept 2023 Research stay, LMU Munich, Faculty of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and Religious Studies (6 months)

Nov 2020 – May 2022 Research stay within cotutelle agreement, LMU Munich, Faculty of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and Religious Studies (18 months)

Oct 2016 – Aug 2017 Erasmus+ Study exchange (double title degree programme), JGU Mainz,Philosophisches Seminar (10 months)


Study and research grants and scholarships

Nov 2021 – Jan 2022 “Marco Polo” Short Term Research Grant, University of Bologna, PhD Programme in Philosophy, Science, Cognition and Semiotics, Department of Philosophy and Communication Studies (3-months-grant)

Nov 2019 – Jan 2023 PhD Scholarship, University of Bologna, PhD Programme in Philosophy, Science, Cognition and Semiotics, Department of Philosophy and Communication Studies (3-years-scholarship)

Oct 2016 – July 2017 Erasmus+ Study Scholarship, Study exchange (double title degree programme) with JGU Mainz Philosophisches Seminar (10-months-scholarship)


Academic professional service

Ongoing Referee for Studi Jaspersiani, Studi di Estetica, Dianoia 

Jan 2019 – July 2019 Tutor for the international activities, University of Bologna, Department of Philosophy and Communication Studies (7-months-contract)


Academic teaching activities

2024 (forthcoming) “La libertà in Schelling”. Single academic teaching appointment (under invitation) to be held within the Laboratory of classical German philosophy (“Laboratorio di filosofia classica tedesca”) organized by Prof. Faustino Fabbianelli. Università degli studi di Parma, December 17th, 2024.

Oct 2021 – March 2022 Advanced Seminar and Essay Course: “Schellings späte Naturphilosophie”, LMU Munich, Faculty of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and Religious Studies, Chair of Theoretical Philosophy (Prof. Axel Hutter), Seminar held together with Prof. Ives Radrizzani, Winter Semester 2021/2022

June 2021 Paper presentation “Hegels Glauben und Wissen: Die Kantische Philosophie” within the Advanced Seminar and Essay Course: “Jacobi und Hegel”, LMU Munich, Faculty of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and Religious Studies, Chair of Theoretical Philosophy (Prof. Axel Hutter), Seminar held by Prof. Ives Radrizzani, Summer Semester 2020/2021

Dec 2020 Paper presentation “Husserls Cartesianische Meditationen” within the Advanced Seminar and Essay Course: “Französische Phenomenologie und Intersubjektivitätslehre”, LMU Munich, Faculty of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and Religious Studies, Chair of Theoretical Philosophy (Prof. Axel Hutter), Seminar held by Prof. Ives Radrizzani, Winter Semester 2020/2021




2021 Neri, L., La logica filosofica di Karl Jaspers. Analisi del problema logico nel "Nachlass"  jaspersiano, Mimesis, Milano-Udine.

Peer-reviewed journal articles 

2023 Neri, L., L’idea dell’esistente e il mondo al di fuori dell'idea. Sull'"Esposizione del processo della natura" di Schelling del 1843/44, in «Rivista di storia della filosofia» n. 4, pp. 580-595.

Co-edited journal issues

2025 (forthcoming) Mauri, T., Neri, L. (ed.), Schelling and his Kantian Legacy: Metaphysical and Epistemological Perspectives, «Discipline filosofiche» 2/2025.

Book chapters

2023 Neri, L., La filosofia della natura di F.W.J. Schelling. Una lettura retrospettiva a partire dalle Lezioni monachesi del 1837/38, in Ecologia, a cura di P. Amoroso, Castelvecchi Editore, Roma 2023.

Book reviews

2016 Neri, L., Book Review of: Giovanni Matteucci, Simmel on Fashion. A Commented Reading of the 1911 Essay, Bruno Mondadori-Pearson, Milan and Turin 2015, in “Critical Studies in Fashion & Beauty”, Volume 7, Number 2, 1 December 2016, pp. 215-219.

2016 Neri, L., Recensione a: Giovanni Matteucci, L’artificio estetico. Moda e bello naturale in Simmel e Adorno, Mimesis, Milano-Udine 2012, in “Nuova Informazione Bibliografica”, 3/2016, pp. 645-648.


2017 Neri L., Guidetti L., Recensione a: Enrica Lisciani-Petrini, Vita quotidiana. Dall’esperienza artistica al pensiero in atto, Bollati Boringhieri Editore, Torino 2015 (Discipline Filosofiche [] ).

2016 Neri L., Recensione a: Karl Jaspers, Della verità. Logica filosofica, a cura di D. D’Angelo, Bompiani, Milano 2015 (Discipline Filosofiche [] ).


In preparation:


Neri, L., Idee, Natur, Geist. Schellings allgemeine Ontologie des Wirklichen nach der “Darstellung des Naturprocesses” von 1843/44.

Journal articles

Neri, L., The Late Schelling’s Controversy Against Kant’s Transcendental Idealism and his Revision of the Theory of Space and Time;

Neri, L., From Nature to Spirit: Schelling’s Late Philosophy of Nature in the “Presentation of the Natural Process” of 1843/44;

Neri, L., Space as a Form of Existence: The Late Schelling’s Theory of Space in Confrontation with Kant’s Transcendental Aesthetics.

Book chapters & conference proceedings

Neri, L., Über das Allgemeine hinaus bis hin zur Persönlichkeit. Schellings Überwindungsversuch von Kants Postulatenlehre der reinen praktischen Vernunft in der “Darstellung der reinrationalen Philosophie”;

Neri, L., La libertà in Schelling.


Paper presentations within conferences, seminars and workshops

Peer-reviewed/under invitation

2025 (forthcoming) “Pluralität denken: Schellings späte naturphilosophische Ansichten über ontologischen Pluralismus und ihre Aktualität”. Internationaler Kongress zu Schellings 250. Geburtstag: “System der Welt – Welt der Systeme”, Bavarian Academy of Sciences, Munich (June 11-13, 2025) (invited speaker)

2024 (forthcoming) "Über das Allgemeine hinaus bis hin zur Persönlichkeit. Schellings Überwindungsversuch von Kants Postulatenlehre der reinen praktischen Vernunft in der 'Darstellung der reinrationalen Philosophie'". International Workshop: “Krisis und Kontraste – Schellings Berliner Spätphilosophie”, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Zentrum für Ethik und Philosophie in der Praxis (ZEP), December 12-14, 2024 (invited speaker)

2024The Late Schelling’s Critique of Kant’s Thesis of Transcendental Idealism and his Revision of the Theory of Space and Time”. 8th Conference of the North American Schelling Society: “Controversial Schelling”, Gonzaga University, Spokane (Washington), May 23-25, 2024 (peer-reviewed)

2022Synthese oder Konstruktion? Zum Verhältnis zwischen idealer und außeridealer Welt in Schellings später Naturphilosophie”. Conference “Synthesis and Construction in Classical German Philosophy”, LMU Munich, Faculty of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and Religious Studies, November 12th 2022 [invited speaker]

2021 Scienza della ragione ed esperienza della natura. Sull’Esposizione del processo della natura (1843/44) di F.W.J. Schelling”. Convegno nazionale dei dottorati italiani in filosofia, Fondazione Collegio San Carlo di Modena, September 9th 2021 [peer-reviewed]

2021 “Der Naturbegriff in der Spätphilosophie Schellings”. International Online Conference “The Concept of Nature in German Idealism/Der Naturbegriff im Deutschen Idealismus”, LMU Munich, Faculty of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and Religious Studies, April 10th 2021 [peer-reviewed]

 Not peer-reviewed

2023Schellings Theorie des Raumes in Auseinandersetzung mit Kant”. Doctoral Advanced Seminar, Chair of Ontology and Metaphysics (Prof. Thomas Buchheim), LMU Munich, Faculty of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and Religious Studies, July 17th 2023.

2022Die Idee des Existierenden und die außere Welt. Schellings reinrationale Grundlegung der Naturphilosophie nach der Darstellung des Naturprocesses von 1843/44". Doctoral Advanced Seminar, Chair of Ontology and Metaphysics (Prof. Thomas Buchheim), LMU Munich, Faculty of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and Religious Studies, May 24th 2022.

2021Hegels Glauben und Wissen: Die Kantische Philosophie”. Advanced Seminar and Essay Course: “Jacobi und Hegel”, Chair of Theoretical Philosophy (Prof. Axel Hutter), Seminar held by Prof. Ives Radrizzani, LMU Munich, Faculty of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and Religious Studies, May 31th 2021.

2021Intelligible That (152–156)”. International Online Workshop “Klassische Deutsche Philosophie. F.W.J. Schelling, Über das Wesen der menschlichen Freiheit und die damit zusammenhängenden Gegenstände(Freiheitsschrift)”, Inter University Centre Dubrovnik, May 4th 2021.

2020 Husserls Cartesianische Meditationen”. Advanced Seminar and Essay Course: “Französische Phenomenologie und Intersubjektivitätslehre”, Chair of Theoretical Philosophy (Prof. Axel Hutter), Seminar held by Prof. Ives Radrizzani, LMU Munich, Faculty of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and Religious Studies, December 7th 2020.


Organisation of academic activities

Oct 2019 – ongoing Conferences and seminars organised within the research group “SeRiC – Seminari Ricerche in Corso”, University of Bologna, Department of Philosophy

Oct 2019 Incontri sulla filosofia classica tedesca (Prof. Ives Radrizzani, Prof. Faustino Fabbianelli, Prof. Gaetano Rametta, Prof. Paolo Giuspoli), organised within the research group “Discipline filosofiche- Teorie e Pratiche della Razionalità Filosofica”, University of Bologna, Department of Philosophy and Communication Studies 


Professional memberships

Research group “Discipline Filosofiche. Teorie e Pratiche della Razionalità Filosofica”, University of Bologna, Department of Philosophy and Communication Studies

Research group “SeRiC – Seminari ricerche in corso”, University of Bologna, Department of Philosophy and Communication Studies

Research group “Illuminismo. Storie e filosofie”, University of Bologna, Department of Philosophy and Communication Studies

Research group “Filosofie in traduzione”, University of Bologna, Department of Philosophy and Communication Studies

North American Schelling Society

Società Italiana di Filosofia Teoretica

Società Italiana Karl Jaspers

Rete Italiana per la Ricerca su Fichte


Language skills

Italian: Native

English: C1 (University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations, 2012 –)

German: C1 (Internationales Studien- und Sprachenkolleg, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, 2017)

Spanish: B2 (Classical studies and linguistic high school “Elena Corner”, Mirano, Venice, 2012)

French: General proficiency

Latin: General proficiency