Books and Edited Books
1. General Principles for Business and Human Rights in International Law (Brill Nijhoff 2020)
2. General Principles and the Coherence of International Law (Associate Editor, with M. Andenas, M. Fitzmaurice, A. Tanzi and J. Wouters) (Brill Nijhoff 2019)
Articles and Book Chapters
1. ‘The Italian Approach to International Law’, in A. Van Aaken et al. (eds), Oxford Handbook of International Law in Europe (Oxford University Press, Forthcoming)
2. Procedural Aspects of International Environmental Litigation’ in S. Wittich and J. Gomula (eds), Research Handbook on International Procedural Law (Edward Elgar, forthcoming)
3. ‘El caso Urgenda’, with A. Tanzi, in F. Zamora Cabot et al. (eds), La lucha en clave judicial frente al cambio climático (Editorial Aranzadi 2022)
4. ‘Nuovi profili di responsabilità di impresa: il caso Facebook in Myanmar’, in S.Cafaro et al. (eds), Quaderni della Società Italiana di diritto internazionale (Editoriale Scientifica 2022)
5. ‘A Public International Law Outlook on Business and Human Rights’, with C. Malafosse, 2022 International Community Law Review (2022) International Community Law Review
6. ‘In tema di responsabilità sociale delle imprese nel CETA’, in E. Baroncini (ed), CETA (Bononia University Press 2021)
7. ‘Immunità della Cina da Covid-19: Prospettive italiane e statunitensi’, with Giuseppe Bianco, (2020) Forum di Quaderni Costituzionali
8. ‘Corporate Human Rights Due Diligence: From the Process to the Principle’, in D. Russo et al. (eds), Legal Sources in Business and Human Rights: Evolving Dynamics in International and European Law (Brill Nijhoff 2020)
9. ‘The Snow Crab Case’ 185 International Law Reports (Cambridge University Press 2020)
10. ‘La responsabilité des entreprises en matière de droit de l’homme : un rôle effectif du droit international de l’investissement ?’ in K. Titi (ed), Droits de l'homme et droit international économique (Brulylant 2019)
11. ‘Cohesion, Convergence and Coherence of International Law’ (co-authored with Mads Andenas) in M Andenas et al. (eds), General Principles and the Coherence of International Law (Brill Nijhoff, 2019)
12. ‘The Role of International Investment Law in the Business and Human Rights Legal Process’ (2019) 21 International Community Law Review 5-34
13. ‘Remarks on the ILC Work on Customary Law and Human Rights: Curbing “Droit de l’hommisme”?’ (2018) Italian Yearbook of International Law 163-174
14. ‘Human Rights and Disinvestment: What Lessons from the Norwegian Pension Fund?’ in Angelica Bonfanti (ed), Business and Human Rights in Europe: International Law Challenges (Routledge 2018)
15. ‘Il caso Urbaser’, in Elisa Baroncini (ed) Il diritto internazionale come strumento di risoluzione delle controversie. Casi scelti (Bononia University Press 2018)
16. ‘The 1997 UN Convention on the Law of the Non-navigational Uses of International Watercourses’, in Malgosia Fitzmaurice and others (eds), Encyclopaedia of International Environmental law (Edward Elgar 2017)
17. ‘The 1994 Convention on Cooperation for The Protection and Sustainable Use of the Danube River’ (co-authored with Felix Zacharia), in Malgosia Fitzmaurice and others (eds), Encyclopaedia of International Environmental law (Edward Elgar 2017)
18. The UN 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development: Talking the Talk’, Walking the Walk? (2016) 61 La Comunità Internazionale 22-49
19. ‘El Papel de los Sistemas Regionales de Protección de Derechos Humanos en la Implementación del Derecho a la Alimentación’, in Cerrina Ferroni (eds), Environment, Energy, Food Comparative Legal Models for Sustainable Development (CESIFIN 2015)
20. Food for thought on the Right to Food’ (2015) 60 La Comunità Internazionale 355-387
21. ‘The Two Banks of the River Uruguay: Economic Interests and Environmental Protection’, in Marina Timoteo et al. (eds) Environmental Law Survey (2013)
1. ‘Jesner et al v. Arab Bank, Plc: Closing the Door to Litigation against Foreign Corporations under the Alien Tort Statute?’ Italian Society of International Law Blog, 12.09.2018
2. ‘Evolving Paths of Business and Human Rights – A Snapshot of the Second Business and Human Rights Research Summit’ (co-authored with Rachel Chambers), New York University Center for Business and Human Rights, 3.05.2017
3. ‘Will the G20 Bet on Sustainable Development?’ (co-authored with Carlo Brenner), Istituto Superiore di Politica Internazionale (ISPI), 2.09.2016