Course: Digital Philosophy and Ethics, a.y. 2023-2024
Please note that the lectures on June 11 and 12 are cancelled, apologies.
Previous academic years
The playlist with past lectures is available on YouTube here:
This is the link to the channel:
Click here to participate
This is a list of some resources (articles, books, videos) that may be useful to follow the course, many thanks to Emmie Hine for putting it together.
The course (in English) is open to anyone interested. It is addressed to students of the three PhD Courses of the Department of Legal Studies.
The course does not presuppose any previous knowledge, but the lectures tend to build progressively on each other, so attending all of them is recommended. The seminars provide an opportunity to debate relevant and timely topics more informally.
This year the course focuses on the transformations brought about by the digital revolution in how we conceptualise reality, agency, and personal identity (re-ontologisation). It covers the following topics (some topics will require more than one lecture and the order in which they are covered may be slightly adapted depending on the participants’ feedback):
1. Methodology: how to do philosophy and develop ethical evaluations
2. AI and Democracy
3. The value of uncertainty
4. Soft Ethics
5. Toleration and the design of norms
6. Tolerant paternalism
7. Semantic capital
8. Technologies of hope
There is no registration, and no fee. Courtesy of the University of Bologna, the lectures are public.
The lectures will be streamed online as well, through the Teams platform, at this link link. Many thanks to Luca Barbieri for his help.
Calendar (all times are Central European Summer Time (CEST))
Each lecture or seminar lasts 2 hours.
12 lectures: June 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19, 24, [25 cancelled], 26 (every Monday Tuesday and Wednesday), from 10:30 to 12:30.
3 seminars: June 10, 17, [24 cancelled], from 14:00 to 16:00.
All lectures and seminars will be in “Sala Feste”, Palazzo Malvezzi, Via Zamboni 22.
Dates and times may change du to other commitments in Bologna, please check this page regularly for announcements.
There is no required reading. The lectures are loosely based on the following books, which are mere suggestions to anyone who wishes to know more and use the texts as notebooks (see below for the English version):
1. Etica dell'intelligenza artificiale - Sviluppi, opportunità, sfide (Milano: Cortina, 2022).
2. Il Verde e il Blu - Idee ingenue per migliorare la politica (Milano: Cortina, 2020).
3. Pensare l'Infosfera - La filosofia come design concettuale (Milano: Cortina, 2019).
4. La quarta rivoluzione - Come l'infosfera sta trasformando il mondo (Milano: Cortina, 2017).
They are available here in Italian. For English versions please see.
Pubblicato il: 01 maggio 2024