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Luca Roffia

Ricercatore a tempo determinato tipo a) (junior)

Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Energia Elettrica e dell'Informazione "Guglielmo Marconi"

Settore scientifico disciplinare: IINF-05/A Sistemi di elaborazione delle informazioni


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Pubblicazioni antecedenti il 2004

2011 [1-4]2010 [5-10]2009 [11-13]2008 [14, 15]2007 [13, 16-21]2006 [22]2005 [23, 24]2004 [25, 26]2003 [27, 28]2002 [29]2001 [30]

[1]        L. Roffia, S. Bartolini, D. Manzaroli, G. Raffa, M. Pettinari, and T. S. Cinotti, "Requirements on System Design to Increase Understanding and Visibility of Cultural Heritage," in Handbook of Research on Technologies and Cultural Heritage: Applications and Environments, G. Styliaras, D. Koukopoulos, and F. Lazarinis, Eds.: IGI Global 2011, pp. 259-284.

[2]        L. Roffia, A. D'Elia, F. Vergari, D. Manzaroli, S. Bartolini, G. Zamagni, T. S. Cinotti, and J. Honkola, "On the Design of Smart Space Applications," in LUT Journal. Lappeenranta, Finland: LUT, 2011 submitted.

[3]        F. Vergari, T. S. Cinotti, A. D'Elia, L. Roffia, G. Zamagni, and C. Lamberti, "An integrated framework to achieve interoperability in person-centric health management," International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications, vol. 2011, pp. 10, 2011.

[4]        S. Pantsar-Syväniemi, E. Ovaska, S. Ferrari, T. S. Cinotti, G. Zamagni, L. Roffia, S. Mattarozzi, and V. Nannini, "Case Study: Context-aware Supervision of a Smart Maintenance Process," in Second International Workshop on Semantic Interoperability for Smart Spaces (SISS 2011). Munich; Germany: IEEE computer society, 2011, pp. 309-314.

[5]        S. Bartolini, L. Roffia, T. S. Cinotti, D. Manzaroli, F. Spadini, A. D'Elia, F. Vergari, G. Zamagni, L. D. Stefano, A. Franchi, E. Farella, P. Zappi, A. Costanzo, and E. Montanari, "Creazione automatica di ambienti intelligenti, University of Bologna, Patent n.  BO201A000117," 2010.

[6]        A. D'Elia, L. Roffia, G. Zamagni, A. Tonielli, and P. Bellavista, "Smart Applications for the Maintenance of Large Buildings: How to Achieve Ontology-based Interoperability at the Information Level," in IEEE symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2010), First International Workshop on Semantic Interoperability for Smart Spaces (SISS 2010). Riccione, Italy, 2010, pp. 1072–1077.

[7]        D. Manzaroli, L. Roffia, T. S. Cinotti, E. Ovaska, P. Azzoni, V. Nannini, and S. Mattarozzi, "Smart-M3 and OSGi: The Interoperability Platform," in IEEE symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2010), First International Workshop on Semantic Interoperability for Smart Spaces (SISS 2010). Riccione, Italy, 2010, pp. 1049–1054.

[8]        L. Roffia, "Requirements on System Design to Increase Understanding and Visibility of Cultural Heritage," presented at IMT – Research Seminar, June 24, 2010.

[9]        L. Roffia, A. D'Elia, F. Vergari, D. Manzaroli, S. Bartolini, G. Zamagni, T. S. Cinotti, and J. Honkola, "A Smart-M3 lab course: approach and design style to support student projects," in 8th FRUCT Conference of Open Innovations Framework Program FRUCT, S. Balandin and A. Ovchinnikov, Eds. Lappeenranta, Finland: Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (SUAI), 2010, pp. 142 – 153.

[10]      F. Vergari, S. Bartolini, F. Spadini, A. D'Elia, G. Zamagni, L. Roffia, and T. S. Cinotti, "A Smart Space Application to Dynamically Relate Medical and Environmental Information," in Design, Automation & Test in Europe (DATE 2010). Dresden, Germany: Kathy Preas. KP Publications, 2010, pp. 1542-1547.

[11]      T. S. Cinotti, M. Pettinari, L. Roffia, D. Manzaroli, S. Bartolini, and G. Raffa, "Technology meets Culture: from MUSE to EPOCH," in VESUVIANA. ARCHEOLOGIE A CONFRONTO. Studi e Scavi nuova serie, vol. 23, A. Corallini, Ed. Bologna, Italy: Ante Quem 2009, pp. 845-857.

[12]      J. Honkola, H. E. Laine, F. Spadini, F. Vergari, G. Zamagni, S. Bartolini, R. Trevisan, A. D'Elia, L. Roffia, D. Manzaroli, C. Lamberti, and T. S. Cinotti, "Abstracting Knowledge from Physical Parameters in Smart Spaces: A Smart-M3 Demonstration," presented at 2nd International NoTA Conference, San Jose, CA, USA, 2009.

[13]      L. Roffia, L. Lamorte, G. Zamagni, S. Bartolini, A. D'Elia, F. Spadini, D. Manzaroli, C. A. Licciardi, and T. S. Cinotti, "Personalized Context Based Services for Dynamic User Groups," in 5th IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob 2009), 2nd International Workshop on Social Aspects of Ubiquitous Computing Environments (SAUCE). Marrakech, Marocco: IEEE Computer Society  Washington, DC, USA 2009, pp. 411-416.

[14]      D. Manzaroli, P. Lacchè, M. Pettinari, L. Roffia, A. D'Elia, and T. S. Cinotti, "Enhancing Social Life with Path Solvers: Rendez-vous without Constraints on Meeting Place and Time," in 4th IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob 2008), Workshop on Social Aspects of Ubiquitous Computing Environments (SAUCE). Avignon, France, 2008, pp. 490–495.

[15]      N. Ryan, P. Mohr, D. Manzaroli, G. Mantovani, S. Bartolini, A. D'Elia, M. Pettinari, L. Roffia, L. Sklenar, F. Garzotto, and T. Salmon, "Interoperable multimedia mobile services in cultural heritage sites," in EPOCH Conference on Open Digital Cultural Heritage Systems, D. Arnold, F. Niccolucci, D. Pletinckx, and L. V. Gool, Eds., 2008.

[16]      V. Auteri, C. Lamberti, L. Roffia, and T. S. Cinotti, "ZigBee-based wireless ECG monitor," in Computers in Cardiology 2007 (CINC07), 2007, pp. 133-136.

[17]      T. S. Cinotti, L. Roffia, G. Mincolelli, F. Sforza, and M. Malvasi, "L'archeologia virtuale e la fruizione sui siti archeologici: il progetto MUSE," in UT NATURA ARS. Virtual Reality e archeologia. Studi e Scavi, vol. 22, A. Corallini and D. Scagliarini, Eds. University Press Bologna, Imola: Journal of Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Archaeology. ISSN 1824-1670, 2007, pp. 41-51.

[18]      M. Pettinari, D. Manzaroli, S. Bartolini, L. Roffia, G. Raffa, L. D. Stefano, and T. S. Cinotti, "A Stereo Vision based system for advanced Museum services," in The Integration of Location Based Services in Tourism and Cultural Heritage, D. Pletinckx, Ed., ARCHAEOLINGUA ed: EPOCH Publication, 2007, pp. 57-68.

[19]      G. Raffa, P. H. Mohr, L. Sklenar, N. Ryan, F. Garzotto, P. Paolini, D. Manzaroli, M. Pettinari, L. Roffia, S. Bartolini, and T. S. Cinotti, "CIMAD - A Framework for the Development of Context-Aware and Multi-Channel Cultural Heritage Services," in International Cultural Heritage Informatics Meeting 2007 (ICHIM07): Proceedings, D. Bearman and J. Trant, Eds. Toronto, Canada: Archives & Museum Informatics, 2007.

[20]      G. Raffa, L. Roffia, M. Pettinari, R. Nagaraj, F. Sforza, G. Mincolelli, and T. S. Cinotti, "Context-aware computing for Cultural Tourism – Experiences from the MUSE project," in The Integration of Location Based Services in Tourism and Cultural Heritage, D. Pletinckx, Ed., ARCHAEOLINGUA ed: EPOCH Publication, 2007, pp. 69-81.

[21]      N. Ryan, G. Raffa, P. H. Mohr, D. Manzaroli, L. Roffia, M. Pettinari, L. Sklenar, L. D. Stefano, and T. S. Cinotti, "A Smart Museum installation in the Stadsmuseum in Stockholm - From Visitor Guides to Museum Management," in The Integration of Location Based Services in Tourism and Cultural Heritage, D. Pletinckx, Ed., ARCHAEOLINGUA ed: EPOCH Publication, 2007, pp. 83-90.

[22]      T. S. Cinotti, L. D. Stefano, G. Raffa, L. Roffia, M. Pettinari, and M. Mola, "Dead reckoning supports stereo vision in pedestrians tracking," in 4th annual IEEE international conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PERCOMW06): IEEE Computer Society, 2006, pp. 628-631.

[23]      L. Roffia, M. Pettinari, G. Raffa, and G. Gaviani, "Context Awareness in Mobile Cultural Heritage Applications," in Smart Environments and their Applications to Cultural Heritage Workshop. 7th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UBICOMP05), ARCHEOLINGUA, Ed. Tokyo, Japan, 2005, pp. 33-36.

[24]      L. Roffia, "Context Related Information Sharing And Retrieval in Mobile Cultural Heritage Applications," in Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze, TDR 2005 5960 (location), n. CF980505960: Dottorato di Ricerca in Ingegneria Elettronica, Informatica e delle Telecomunicazioni, XVII CICLO, A.A. 2003/2004, ALMA MATER STUDIORUM – University of Bologna, PhD Thesis, 2005.

[25]      T. S. Cinotti, N. Raviprakash, G. Mincolelli, G. Raffa, L. Roffia, and F. Sforza, "WHYRE: a context-aware wearable computer for museums and archaeological sites," in 8th International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC04), vol. 1. Arlington, VA, USA: IEEE Computer Society, 2004, pp. 174-175.

[26]      F. Garzotto, T. S. Cinotti, M. Malavasi, S. Galasso, R. Muzii, G. Raffa, L. Roffia, and V. Varlese, "Evaluating Context-Aware Mobile Applications in Museums: Experiences from the MUSE Project," in Museum and the Web Conference (MW04), D. Bearman and J. Trant, Eds. Arlington, Virginia: Archives & Museum Informatics, 2004, pp. 209-222.

[27]      T. S. Cinotti, G. Raffa, L. Roffia, C. Taboni, M. Malavasi, F. Sforza, and E. Vecchietti, "Archeologia virtuale e supporti informatici nella ricostruzione di una DOMUS di Pompei – L'archeologia virtuale e le tecnologie per la fruizione on-site," in Archeologia e Calcolatori, vol. 14, 2003, pp. 252-270.

[28]      R. Muzii, V. Varlese, A. Pezzullo, U. Bile, T. S. Cinotti, G. Raffa, L. Roffia, C. Taboni, S. Gallasso, M. Malavasi, F. Sforza, and A. Spinosa, "A Wearable and Interactive Multimedia Device Reveals the Memories of the City at "La Certosa di San Martino" in Napoli," in International Cultural Heritage Informatics Meeting (ICHIM03), D. Barman, X. Pierrot, and J. Trant, Eds. École du Louvre, Paris, France: Archives & Museum Informatics, 2003.

[29]      T. S. Cinotti, L. Roffia, G. Mincolelli, F. Sforza, and M. Malavasi, "L'archeologia virtuale e la fruizione sui siti archeologici: il progetto MUSE," in UT NATURA ARS – Virtual Reality e archeologia, A. Corallini and D. Scagliarini, Eds. Bologna: University Press Bologna, 2002, pp. 41–51.

[30]      D. Scagliarini, A. Coralini, E. Vecchietti, T. S. Cinotti, L. Roffia, S. Galasso, M. Malavasi, M. Pigozzi, E. Romagnoli, and F. Sforza, "Exciting understanding in Pompeii through on-site parallel interaction with dual time virtual models," in 2001 conference on Virtual reality, archeology, and cultural heritage (VAST01), D. Arnolds, A. Chalmers, and D. Fellner, Eds. Glyfada, Greece: ACM - New York, 2001, pp. 83-90.