Foto del docente

Luca Prodi

Full Professor

Department of Chemistry "Giacomo Ciamician"

Academic discipline: CHEM-03/A General and Inorganic Chemistry

Coordinator of PhD Programme in Chemistry


L. S. Dolci; E. Marzocchi; M. Montalti; L. Prodi; D. Monti; C. Di Natale; A. D’Amico; R. Paolesse, Amphiphilic Porphyrin Film on Glass as a Simple and Selective Solid-State Chemosensor for Aqueous Hg2+, «BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS», 2006, 22, pp. 399 - 404 [Scientific article]

A. Zattoni; R. A. Picca; I. Falco; N. Zaccheroni; M. Montalti; L. Prodi; C. Malitesta; P. Reschiglian, Characterization of titanium oxide nanoparticles imprinted for tyrosine by flow field-flow fractionation and spectrofluorimetric analysis., in: XII International Symposium on Luminescence Spectrometry, s.l, s.n, 2006(atti di: XII International Symposium on Luminescence Spectrometry - Detection Techniques in Biomedical, Environmental and Food Analysis., Lugo (Spain), 18-21 luglio 2006) [Abstract]

A. Friggeri; M. Montalti; L. S. Dolci; L. Prodi; N. Zaccheroni; M. C. A. Stuart; K. J. C. van Bommel, Energy transfer from a fluorescent hydrogel to a hosted fluorophore, «LANGMUIR», 2006, 22, pp. 2299 - 2303 [Scientific article]

M. Montalti; A. Credi; L. Prodi; M. T. Gandolfi, Handbook of Photochemistry, BOCA RATON, FL, CRC Taylor & Francis, 2006, pp. 650 . [Research monograph]

Trapani V. ; Farruggia G.;Iotti S.; Prodi L. ;Boninsegna A.;Simonacci M.; Savage P.B; Wolf FI ., Magnesium: a new player in the apoptotic signalling cascade?, in: Proceeding of 11th International Magnesium Symposium., OSAKA, s.n, 2006, pp. s.p. - s.p. (atti di: 11th International Magnesium Symposium., Osaka, Japan., October 23-26, 2006) [Abstract]

L. Prodi; L. S. Dolci; M. Montalti; N. Zaccheroni; G. Farruggia; G. Andreani; E. Carpenè; S: Iotti; P. B. Savage; V. Trapani; P. Sale; F. I. Wolf, New Fluorescent Chemosensors for magnesium ions in living cells, in: Optical molecular probes for Biomedical Applications, WASHINGTON, SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engin, 2006, 6097, pp. 60770C-1 - 60770C-7 (atti di: BIOS 06, San Jose, california, USA, 22-24 Gennaiuo 2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

L. Prodi; A. Credi; R. Ballardini; M. T. Gandolfi; M. Montalti; F. Bolletta, Septtrofluorimetria, in: Manuale del Fotochimico, BOLOGNA, bononia university press, 2006, pp. 65 - 94 (Quaderni di fotochimica) [Chapter or essay]

M. Montalti; L. Prodi; N. Zaccheroni; G. Battistini; S. Marcuz; F. Mancin; E. Rampazzo; U. Tonellato, Size effect on the fluorescence properties of dansyl-doped silica nanoparticles, «LANGMUIR», 2006, 22, pp. 5877 - 5881 [Scientific article]

G. Farruggia; S. Iotti; L. Prodi; M. Montalti; N. Zaccheroni; P. B. Savage; V. Trapani; P. Sale; F. I. Wolf, 8-Hydroxyquinoline Derivatives as Fluorescent Sensors for Magnesium in Living Cells, «JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY», 2006, 128, pp. 344 - 350 [Scientific article]

M. C. Aragoni; M. Arca; A. Bencini; A. J. Blake; C. Caltagirone; A. Decortes; F. Demartin; F. A. Devillanova; E. Faggi; L. S. Dolci; A. Garau; F. Isaia; V. Lippolis; L. Prodi; C. Wilson; B. Valtancoli; N. Zaccheroni, Coordination chemistry of N-aminopropyl pendant arm derivatives of mixed N/S-, and N/S/O-donor macrocycles, and construction of selective fluorimetric chemosensors for heavy metal ions, «DALTON TRANSACTIONS», 2005, NA, pp. 2994 - 3004 [Scientific article]

G. Luppi; A. Garelli; L. Prodi; Q. B. Broxterman; B. Kaptein; C. Tomasini, Development of New Calcium Receptors Based on Oxazolidin-2-ones Containing Pseudopeptides, «ORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY», 2005, 3, pp. 1520 - 1524 [Scientific article]

M. Montalti; L. Prodi; N. Zaccheroni, Fluorescence Quenching Amplification in Silica Nanosensors for Metal Ions, «JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY», 2005, 15, pp. 2810 - 2814 [Scientific article]

PRODI L., Luminescent chemosensors: from molecules to nanoparticles, «NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY», 2005, 29, pp. 20 - 31 [Scientific article]

L. Prodi; M. Montalti; N. Zaccheroni; L. S. Dolci, Probes and sensors for cations, in: C. D. GEDDES J. R. LAKOWICZ, Advanced Concepts in Fluorescence Sensing Part A: Small Molecule Sensing, NEW YORK, Springer, 2005, pp. 1 - 57 (Topics in Fluorescent Spectroscopy) [Chapter or essay]

BLAKE A. J.; BENCINI A.; CALTAGIRONE C.; DE FILIPPO G.; DOLCI L. S.; GARAU A.; ISAIA F.; LIPPOLIS V.; MARIANI P.; PRODI L.; MONTALTI M.; ZACCHERONI N.; WILSON C., A New-pyridine Based 12-Membered Macrocycle Functionalised with Different Fluorescent Subunits: Coordination Chemistry Towards Cu-II, Zn-II, Cd-II, Hg-II, and Pb-II, «DALTON TRANSACTIONS», 2004, NA, pp. 2771 - 2779 [Scientific article]

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