Foto del docente

Luca Pozza

Professore associato

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Chimica, Ambientale e dei Materiali

Settore scientifico disciplinare: CEAR-07/A Tecnica delle costruzioni

Curriculum vitae


Assistant professor (type B senior researcher) - Scientific Sector 08/B3 (ICAR/09) Structural Engineering

DICAM - University of Bologna


2019-2022 Assistant professor (type A junior researcher) DICAM - University of Bologna

2015-2019 Research fellow DICAM - University of Bologna

2013-2015 Post-Doctoral fellow DICEA - University of Padova


2013 Ph.D in Civil and Environmental Engineering Sciences University of Padova Thesis on the “Ductility and behaviour factor of wood building systems – Theoretical and experimental development of an high ductility wood-concrete shearwall system”

2008 MSc in Civil Engineering University of Padova with maximum mark (110/110 cum laude and special honors for the curriculum studiorum)

Research Topics (selection)

Numerical and experimental characterization of innovative technologies for integrated retrofit of existing buildings.

Development of advanced FEM model for the seismic analyses of timber base structures.

Experimental characterization of timber base component at local and global level.

Proposal of design method and provisions to be implemented in National and International Standards.

BIM-FEM interoperability and sustainable design of structures.

Institutional Responsibilities

2021-to date. Member of the Research Commission of the Department of civil, chemical, environmental and materials engineering - University of Bologna.

2021-to date. Member of the Teaching Commission of the Department of civil, chemical, environmental and materials engineering - University of Bologna.

2019-to date. Member of the “Centro Interdipartimentale per la ricerca Industriale - Edilizia e

Costruzioni (CIRI-EC)” of the University of Bologna.

2019-to date. Member of the scientific committee of postgraduate professional degree (MASTER II livello) in Timber Structure of the Department of civil, chemical, environmental and materials engineering - University of Bologna.

2019-to date. Member of the Doctoral School Committee of the Department of civil, chemical, environmental and materials engineering - University of Bologna.

National and International Collaborations

2021-to date. Collaboration with prof. Roberto Crocetti, KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm both with teaching and educational activities and research partnership.

2017-to date. Collaboration with prof. W. Van de Kuilen, university of Munch on the advanced numerical modelling of timber connection elements.

2016-to date. Collaboration with prof. Thomas Tannert, Wood Innovation and Design Centre -

University of Northern British Columbia, Canada on the design of hybrid buildings

2012-to date. Collaboration with prof. Ian Smith, University of New Brunswick on the analyses of high- rise CLT timber buildings.

2012-to date. Collaboration with Dr. Antonia Larese and Riccardo Rossi, International Center of Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE) di Barcellona both with teaching and educational activities and research partnership.

2012-to date. Collaboration with Dr. Andrea Polastri CNR-IBE (TN) on the analyses of innovative timber structural systems.

Funding and Research Grant (Selection)

2020-to date. Member of the research unit of the innovation project “e-SAFE – Energy and Seismic affordable renovation” founded by Horizon 2020 call “LC-SC3-EE-1-2018-2019-2020 – Decarbonisation of the EU building stock: innovative approaches and affordable solutions changing the market for buildings renovation.

2019-to date. Member of the research unit of the innovation project “Life-long optimized structural assessment and proactive maintenance with pervasive sensing techniques” founded by Progetti di Ricerca di Interesse Nazionale PRIN.

2019-to date. Member of the research unit of the innovation project “INSIST - Sistema di monitoraggio INtelligente per la Sicurezza delle InfraStrutture urbane” founded by PON Ricerca & Innovazione.

2019-2021. Member of the research unit of the innovation project “Tecnologie integrate ed innovative a limitato impatto ed invasività per il miglioramento sismico degli edifici senza interruzione d’uso – TIMESAFE” founded by POR FESR Emilia Romagna.

2019-2021. Member of the research unit of the innovation project “eBIM - existing Building Information Modeling per la gestione dell’intervento sul costruito esistente” founded by POR FESR Emilia Romagna

2017-2018 Member of the research unit of the National Research Project “ReLUIS” Linea di ricerca PR4 Strutture in Legno: WP3 – Pannelli di legno a strati incrociati: riduzione della vulnerabilità sismica di edifici esistenti e aggiornamenti normativi per le nuove costruzioni.

2014-2015 Member of the research unit of “Progetto premiale PoCN (Proof of Concept Network) Intervento “Sistema di fondazione per sistemi edilizi leggeri e in legno - rif. UNIPD_03 – CUP J51H12000130001” founded by Consorzio per l’Area di Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica di Trieste.

2019-to date. Responsible of several research and consultant activity founded by private company.

Committee Membership

2019-present. Member of a CNR group for the Technical Document on Design Codes.

2016-present. Member of a CNR group for the Technical Document on Structural Robustness.

Member of scientific committee of national and international conference (selection)

2021. Member of the organizing Committee of 14th fib PhD Symposium - Rome 2022.

2017-present. Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of International Conference on Timber Structures and Engineering (TSE).

Supervision/Tutor of Young Researchers/Phd Students

2023- to date. Supervisor of PhD Student Pietro Righi

2022- to date. Supervisor of PhD Student Valentino Nicolussi

2017-2020. Supervisor of PhD Student Stefano Pacchioli.

2014–2017. Co-supervisor of 2 PhD candidates at the Doctoral school in Civil, Environmental Engineering of university of Padova.

2012-to date. Supervisor and co-supervisor of more than 50 master’s thesis (courses in Civil Engineering and Building Engineering/Architecture) in the field of “Structural Engineering”

Invited lectures at national and international conferences (selection)

Pistoia, 2017. “Design of a mass-timber building with different seismic bracing technologies” XVII ANIDIS meeting, Pistoia, Italia

New Forest, 2017. “Effect of different modelling approaches on the prediction of the seismic response of multi-storey CLT buildings” international conference on Timber Structures and Engineering (TSE), New Forest – UK.

Guimaraes, 2016. “Experimental campaign of mechanical CLT connections subjected to a combination of shear and tension forces” International conference on Structures and Architecture ICSA, Guimaraes – Portugal

Bath, 2014. “Effects of design criteria on an experimentally-based evaluation of the behaviour factor of novel massive wooden shear walls” INTER meeting, Bath - UK

Växjö 2012. “Seismic behaviour of wood-concrete frame shearwall system and comparison with code provisions” CIB W18-Timber Structures meeting, Växjö – Sweden

Reviewer Activities (selection)

2016 Peer Reviewer of a Canadian Discovery Grant proposal - Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council

2014–to date. Reviewer of a number of international journals: “Journal of Earthquake Engineering, Journal of Structural Engineering, Journal of Wood and Wood Products, Engineering Structures, Structures, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Material and Structures, Construction and Building Materials, Proceedings of the Institutions of Civil Engineers: Structures and Buildings, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Advances in Civil Engineering, Advances in Structural Engineering.

Teaching Activities

2021-2022. University of Bologna, LM: “Progetto di strutture in legno”

2021-2022. University of Bologna, LM: “Progetto di strutture”

2021-2022. University of Bologna, LT: “Fondamenti di tecnica delle costruzioni”

2014-to date. Lecturer and responsible of teaching module of postgraduate professional degree (MASTER II livello) in Timber Structure - university of Bologna.

2013-to date. Lecturer in many refreshment courses and professional courses organized by the Professional Boards of Engineers and Architects as well as by some Institutions on themes involving the Limit State Design method of structures based on the European Codes and the seismic design of structures according to the new Seismic Standard.

2018 Lecturer of the PhD course “Metodi avanzati per la modellazione di strutture in legno”, University IUAV, Italy

2014 Lecturer of the PhD course “Advanced problems in timber engineering”, University of Trento, Italy

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