Mulazzani L.; Manrique R.; Trevisan G.; Piccinetti C.; Malorgio G., The relationship among catch, fishing effort, and measures of fish stock abundance: implications in the Adriatic Sea, «CANADIAN JOURNAL OF FISHERIES AND AQUATIC SCIENCES», 2015, 72, pp. 410 - 421 [articolo]
Mulazzani L; Malorgio G., The external and commercial dimensions of the EU fisheries policy:
An institutional approach applied to the whitefish case, «MARINE POLICY», 2014, 46, pp. 123 - 131 [articolo]
Mulazzani L.; Malorgio G., Bioeconomic equilibrium and supply regime for a multi-species multi-fleet fishery: an analysis in the Mediterranean Sea, «NEW MEDIT», 2013, 12, pp. 38 - 47 [articolo]Open Access
L. Mulazzani; R. Curtin; M. Andrè; G. Malorgio, Multilevel governance and management of shared stocks with integrated markets: The European anchovy case, «MARINE POLICY», 2013, 38, pp. 407 - 416 [articolo]
Mulazzani L; Malorgio G, Regional management of multi-species fisheries on the basis of shared stocks and property rights: a Mediterranean case, «SCIENTIA MARINA», 2013, 77, pp. 439 - 448 [articolo]Open Access
Camanzi L.; Mulazzani L.; Malorgio G., Competitiveness of Italian Small Pelagics in International trade, «NEW MEDIT», 2012, 11, pp. 41 - 51 [articolo]Open Access
Mulazzani L.; Camanzi L.; Malorgio G., Price formation and geographic market integration: An empirical investigation of Adriatic small pelagic species, «FISHERIES RESEARCH», 2012, 119-120, pp. 99 - 107 [articolo]
Camanzi L.; Mulazzani L., Price-quantity relations and choice of the geographical market size in Italian fresh seafood products, «NEW MEDIT», 2011, 10, pp. 35 - 42 [articolo]Open Access
L. Mulazzani; G. Malorgio, Market dynamics and commercial flows in the Mediterranean area: triangular effects among the EU, the MCPs and Italy in the fruit and vegetable sector, «NEW MEDIT», 2009, 8, pp. 37 - 45 [articolo]Open Access
L. Camanzi; L. Mulazzani; G. Zagnoli, Valutazione economica di un sistema energetico rurale a biomasse, «ESTIMO E TERRITORIO», 2009, 12, pp. 15 - 22 [articolo]