Foto del docente

Luca Lambertini

Professore ordinario

Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche

Settore scientifico disciplinare: ECON-01/A Economia politica

Direttore Centro Interdipartimentale Alma Mater Research Institute on Global Challenges and Climate Change (Alma Climate)


Lambertini L.; Tampieri A., On the private and social incentives to adopt environmentally and socially responsible practices in a monopoly industry, «JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION», 2023, 426, Article number: 139036, pp. 1 - 11 [articolo]Open Access

Colombo S.; Lambertini L., R&D investments with spillovers and endogenous horizontal differentiation, «REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS», 2023, 98, Article number: 103861, pp. 1 - 10 [articolo]

Flavio Delbono; Luca Lambertini, Stackelberg leadership and managerial delegation under hyperbolic demand, «ECONOMICS LETTERS», 2023, 224, Article number: 111006, pp. 1 - 4 [articolo]Open Access

Giuseppe Pignataro; Luca Lambertini; Alessandro Tampieri, Competition among Coalitions in a Cournot Industry: A Validation of the Porter Hypothesis, «JAPANESE ECONOMIC REVIEW», 2022, 73, pp. 679 - 713 [articolo]Open Access

Cococcioni, Marco; Fiaschi, Lorenzo; Lambertini, Luca, Computing Optimal Decision Strategies Using the Infinity Computer: The Case of Non-Archimedean Zero-Sum Games, in: Numerical Infinities and Infinitesimals in Optimization, Heidelberg, Springer, 2022, pp. 271 - 295 (EMERGENCE, COMPLEXITY AND COMPUTATION) [capitolo di libro]

Dragone, D; Lambertini, L; Palestini, A, Emission taxation, green innovations and inverted-U aggregate R&D effort s in a linear state differential game, «RESEARCH IN ECONOMICS», 2022, 76, pp. 62 - 68 [articolo]Open Access

Cappellaro, Francesca; D’Agosta, Gianluca; De Sabbata, Piero; Barroco, Felipe; Carani, Claudia; Borghetti, Alberto; Lambertini, Luca; Nucci, Carlo Alberto, Implementing energy transition and SDGs targets throughout energy community schemes, «JOURNAL OF URBAN ECOLOGY», 2022, 8, pp. 1 - 9 [articolo]Open Access

Flavio Delbono; Luca Lambertini, Innovation and product market concentration: Schumpeter, arrow,and the inverted U-shape curve, «OXFORD ECONOMIC PAPERS», 2022, 74, pp. 297 - 311 [articolo]Open Access

Delbono, Flavio; Lambertini, Luca, Innovation and the persistence of monopoly under diseconomies of scope or scale, «ECONOMIA E POLITICA INDUSTRIALE», 2022, 49, pp. 747 - 757 [articolo]Open Access

Gustav Feichtinger; Luca Lambertini; George Leitmann; Stefan Wrzaczek, Managing the tragedy of commons and polluting emissions: a unified view, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH», 2022, 303, pp. 487 - 499 [articolo]Open Access

Flavio Delbono; Luca Lambertini, Optimal emission taxation and the Porter hypothesis under Bertrand competition, «ANNALS OF PUBLIC AND COOPERATIVE ECONOMICS», 2022, 93, pp. 755 - 765 [articolo]Open Access

Lambertini, Luca, Economia, sicurezza e democrazia, in: Democrazia e sicurezza. Società occidentali e violenza collettiva, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2021, pp. 235 - 255 [capitolo di libro]

Lambertini L.; Mantovani A.; Vergari C., Green monopoly and downward leapfrogging, «ECONOMIA E POLITICA INDUSTRIALE», 2021, 48, pp. 93 - 103 [articolo]Open Access

Cococcioni M.; Fiaschi L.; Lambertini L., Non-Archimedean zero-sum games, «JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS», 2021, 393, Article number: 113483, pp. 1 - 17 [articolo]Open Access

Lambertini, L.; Marattin, L., On prices’ cyclical behaviour in oligopolistic markets, «RESEARCH IN ECONOMICS», 2021, 75, pp. 79 - 86 [articolo]Open Access

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