Valentini L.; Chiani M.; Paolini E., Massive Grant-Free Access with Massive MIMO and Spatially Coupled Replicas, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS», 2022, 70, Article number: 9916053, pp. 7337 - 7350 [articolo]Open Access
Modenini D.; Locarini A.; Valentini L.; Faedi A.; Tortora P.; Rovelli D.; Mazzali N.; Chiani M.; Paolini E., Two-Leg Deep Space Relay Architectures: Performance, Challenges, and Perspectives, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS», 2022, 58, pp. 3840 - 3858 [articolo]Open Access
Valentini, Lorenzo; Faedi, Alberto; Paolini, Enrico; Chiani, Marco, Analysis of Pointing Loss Effects in Deep Space Optical Links, in: Proc. 2021 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Piscataway, NJ, USA, «... IEEE GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE», 2021, pp. 1 - 6 (atti di: 2021 IEEE Global Communications Conference, Madrid, Spagna, 7-11 Dicembre 2021) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Valentini, Lorenzo; Faedi, Alberto; Chiani, Marco; Paolini, Enrico, Coded Random Access for 6G: Intra-Frame Spatial Coupling with ACKs, in: IEEE Globecom, IEEE, 2021, pp. 1 - 6 (atti di: Globecom, Madrid, Dec 2021) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Chiani, Marco; Valentini, Lorenzo, Design of Short Codes for Quantum Channels with Asymmetric Pauli Errors, in: Computational Science – ICCS 2020 20th International Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 3–5, 2020, Proceedings, Part VI, Springer Nature, «LECTURE NOTES IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE», 2020, 12142, pp. 638 - 649 (atti di: Computational Science – ICCS 2020 20th International Conference,, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 3–5, 2020) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Chiani, Marco; Valentini, Lorenzo, Short Codes for Quantum Channels With One Prevalent Pauli Error Type, «IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN INFORMATION THEORY», 2020, 1, Article number: 9151969, pp. 480 - 486 [articolo]Open Access