Stefano Scopa; Pasquale Calabrese; Lorenzo Piroli, Generalized hydrodynamics of the repulsive spin-1/2 Fermi gas, «PHYSICAL REVIEW. B», 2022, 106, Article number: 134314, pp. 1 - 13 [articolo]Open Access
Lorenzo Piroli, Random circuits have no shortcuts, «NATURE PHYSICS», 2022, 18, pp. 482 - 483 [articolo]Open Access
Sara Murciano; Pasquale Calabrese; Lorenzo Piroli, Symmetry-resolved Page curves, «PHYSICAL REVIEW D», 2022, 106, Article number: 046015, pp. 1 - 13 [articolo]Open Access
Giacomo Giudice; Giuliano Giudici; Michael Sonner; Julian Thoenniss; Alessio Lerose; Dmitry A. Abanin; Lorenzo Piroli, Temporal Entanglement, Quasiparticles, and the Role of Interactions, «PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS», 2022, 128, Article number: 220401, pp. 1 - 6 [articolo]Open Access
Lorenzo Piroli; Eric Vernier; Mario Collura; Pasquale Calabrese, Thermodynamic symmetry resolved entanglement entropies in integrable systems, «JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL MECHANICS: THEORY AND EXPERIMENT», 2022, 2022, Article number: 073102, pp. 1 - 18 [articolo]Open Access
Denis Bernard; Lorenzo Piroli, Entanglement distribution in the quantum symmetric simple exclusion process, «PHYSICAL REVIEW. E», 2021, 104, Article number: 014146, pp. 1 - 6 [articolo]Open Access
Katja Klobas; Bruno Bertini; Lorenzo Piroli, Exact Thermalization Dynamics in the Rule 54 Quantum Cellular Automaton, «PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS», 2021, 126, Article number: 160602, pp. 1 - 7 [articolo]Open Access
Lorenzo Piroli; Alex Turzillo; Sujeet K Shukla; J Ignacio Cirac, Fermionic quantum cellular automata and generalized matrix-product unitaries, «JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL MECHANICS: THEORY AND EXPERIMENT», 2021, 2021, Article number: 013107, pp. 1 - 65 [articolo]Open Access
Vincenzo Alba; Bruno Bertini; Maurizio Fagotti; Lorenzo Piroli; Paola Ruggiero, Generalized-hydrodynamic approach to inhomogeneous quenches: Correlations, entanglement and quantum effects, «JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL MECHANICS: THEORY AND EXPERIMENT», 2021, 2021, Article number: 114004, pp. 1 - 69 [articolo]Open Access
Lorenzo Piroli; Georgios Styliaris; J. Ignacio Cirac, Quantum Circuits Assisted by Local Operations and Classical Communication: Transformations and Phases of Matter, «PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS», 2021, 127, Article number: 220503, pp. 1 - 6 [articolo]Open Access
Stefano Scopa; Pasquale Calabrese; Lorenzo Piroli, Real-time spin-charge separation in one-dimensional Fermi gases from generalized hydrodynamics, «PHYSICAL REVIEW. B», 2021, 104, Article number: 115423, pp. 1 - 11 [articolo]Open Access
Amico L.; Boshier M.; Birkl G.; Minguzzi A.; Miniatura C.; Kwek L.-C.; Aghamalyan D.; Ahufinger V.; Anderson D.; Andrei N.; Arnold A.S.; Baker M.; Bell T.A.; Bland T.; Brantut J.P.; Cassettari D.; Chetcuti W.J.; Chevy F.; Citro R.; De Palo S.; Dumke R.; Edwards M.; Folman R.; Fortagh J.; Gardiner S.A.; Garraway B.M.; Gauthier G.; Gunther A.; Haug T.; Hufnagel C.; Keil M.; Ireland P.; Lebrat M.; Li W.; Longchambon L.; Mompart J.; Morsch O.; Naldesi P.; Neely T.W.; Olshanii M.; Orignac E.; Pandey S.; Perez-Obiol A.; Perrin H.; Piroli L.; Polo J.; Pritchard A.L.; Proukakis N.P.; Rylands C.; Rubinsztein-Dunlop H.; Scazza F.; Stringari S.; Tosto F.; Trombettoni A.; Victorin N.; Klitzing W.V.; Wilkowski D.; Xhani K.; Yakimenko A., Roadmap on Atomtronics: State of the art and perspective, «AVS QUANTUM SCIENCE», 2021, 3, Article number: 039201, pp. 1 - 105 [articolo]Open Access
Zongping Gong; Lorenzo Piroli; J. Ignacio Cirac, Topological Lower Bound on Quantum Chaos by Entanglement Growth, «PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS», 2021, 126, Article number: 160601, pp. 1 - 6 [articolo]Open Access
Lorenzo Piroli; Christoph Sünderhauf; Xiao-Liang Qi, A random unitary circuit model for black hole evaporation, «JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS», 2020, 2020, Article number: 063, pp. 1 - 34 [articolo]Open Access
Lorenzo Piroli; Stefano Scopa; Pasquale Calabrese, Determinant formula for the field form factor in the anyonic Lieb-Liniger model, «JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. A, MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL», 2020, 53, Article number: 405001, pp. 1 - 23 [articolo]Open Access