Work experience
Dates (from – to): 1 December 2020 – Present
Name of employer: CROS NT S.r.l., Verona, Italy
Type of business or sector: CRO
Main activities: Senior Data Scientist
Dates (from – to): September 2017 –November 2020
Name of employer: INVALSI (Italian National Institute for the Evaluation of the Educational System) Via Ippolito Nievo 35, 00152, Roma (Italy)
Type of business or sector: Public research institution
Main activities and responsibilities: Assistant researcher
Dates (from – to): 2016 – 2017
Name of employer: University of Bologna, Department of Statistical Science, Bologna, Italy
Type of business or sector: University Education
Main activities and responsibilities: Tutor for the course of “Parametric and nonparametric inference”, Master’s degree in Statistical Science
Dates (from – to): 2016 – 2017
Name of employer: University of Bologna, Department of Statistical Science, Bologna, Italy
Type of business or sector: University Education
Main activities and responsibilities: Tutor for the course of “Time series”, Master’s degree in Statistical Science
Dates (from – to): 2016 – 2017
Name of employer: University of Bologna, Department of Political Science, Bologna, Italy
Type of business or sector: University Education
Main activities and responsibilities: Tutor for the course of “Statistics”, Bachelor's degree in Political and Social Science
Dates (from – to): January 2014 –April 2015
Name of employer: INVALSI (Italian National Institute for the Evaluation of the Educational System) Via Ippolito Nievo 35, 00152, Roma (Italy)
Type of business or sector: Public research institution
Main activities and responsibilities: Assistant researcher
Dates (from – to): 2012 – 2013
Name of employer: University of Bologna, Department of Statistical Science, Bologna, Italy
Type of business or sector: University Education
Main activities and responsibilities: Tutor for the course of “Statistics and Probability theory”, Bachelor's degree in Statistical Science
Dates (from – to): October 2014 to October 2017
Name and type of organization providing education: University of Bologna, Department of Statistical Science, Bologna, Italy
Title of qualification awarded: Ph.D. in Statistical Science.
Dates (from – to): October 2011 to October 2013
Name and type of organization providing education: University of Bologna, Department of Statistical Science, Bologna, Italy
Title of qualification awarded: Master’s Degree (110/110 cum laude) in Statistical Science.
Dates (from – to): February 2013 to June 2013
Name and type of organization providing education: University of Chicago, Department of Statistical Science, Illinois, USA
Title of qualification awarded: Master’s Thesis in Statistical Science
Dates (from – to): September 2010 to June 2011
Name and type of organization providing education: University of Glasgow, Department of Statistical Science, Scotland, UK
Title of qualification awarded: First class with honours bachelor of Science in Statistics (obtained with a double degree program)
Dates (from – to): September 2008 to July 2011
Name and type of organization providing education: University of Bologna, Department of Statistical Science, Bologna, Italy
Title of qualification awarded: Bachelor of Science (110/110 cum laude) in Statistics.
Dates (from – to): September 2003 to July 2008
Name and type of organization providing education: Liceo Scientifico “G.Galilei”, Terni, Italy
Title of qualification awarded: High School diploma (98/100).