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Lorenzo Breschi

Professore ordinario

Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche e Neuromotorie

Settore scientifico disciplinare: MEDS-16/A Malattie odontostomatologiche

Coordinatore del Corso di Laurea Magistrale a ciclo unico in Odontoiatria e protesi dentaria


Marchesi G; Turco G; Cadenaro M; Di Lenarda R; Breschi L, Self-adhesive cements adhesion to zirconia using a new primer, «DENTAL MATERIALS», 2012, 28s, pp. e11 - e11 [abstract]

Mazzoni A; Breschi L; Carrilho M; D. Nascimento F; Orsini G; Ruggeri A Jr; Gobbi P; Mazzotti G; Tay FR; Pashley DH; Tjäderhane L, A review on nature, role and functions of dentin non-collagenous proteins. Part II: enzymes, serum proteins and growth factors., «ENDODONTIC TOPICS», 2011, 19, pp. 180 - 189 [articolo]

Orsini G; Stacchi C; Visintini E; Di Iorio D; Putignano A; Breschi L; Di Lenarda R, Clinical and histologic evaluation of fresh frozen human bone grafts for horizontal reconstruction of maxillary alveolar ridges., «THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PERIODONTICS & RESTORATIVE DENTISTRY», 2011, 31, pp. 535 - U137 [articolo]

Cadenaro M; Codan B; Navarra CO; Marchesi G; Turco G; Di Lenarda R; Breschi L, Contraction stress, elastic modulus, and degree of conversion of three flowable composites, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORAL SCIENCES», 2011, 119, pp. 241 - 245 [articolo]

Tjäderhane L; Mehtälä P; Breschi L; Pashley DH; Tay FR; Carrilho MR, DMSO improves long-term dentin bond strength, «DENTAL MATERIALS», 2011, 27s, pp. e23 - e24 [abstract]

Cova A; Breschi L; Nato F; Ruggeri A Jr; Carrilho M; Tjäderhane L; Prati C; Di Lenarda R; Tay FR; Pashley DH; Mazzoni A., Effect of UVA-activated riboflavin on dentin bonding., «JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH», 2011, 90 (12), pp. 1439 - 1445 [articolo]

Colonna M; Breschi M; Mazzoni A; Nato F; Ruggeri A Jr; Nucci C; Tay FR; Pashley DH; Breschi L., Effects of pH, ionic strength, and applied voltage on migration of dental monomers in an organic matrix, «DENTAL MATERIALS», 2011, 27, pp. 1180 - 1186 [articolo]

Toledano M; Mazzoni A; Monticelli F; Breschi L; Osorio E; Osorio R, ElectroBond application may improve wetting characteristics of etched dentine, «JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY», 2011, 39, pp. 180 - 186 [articolo]

Mazzoni A; Papa V; Nato F; Carrilho M; Tjäderhane L; Ruggeri A Jr; Gobbi P; Mazzotti G; Tay FR; Pashley DH; Breschi L., Immunohistochemical and biochemical assay of MMP-3 in human dentine., «JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY», 2011, 39, pp. 231 - 237 [articolo]

Niu LN; Jiao K; Qi YP; Yiu CKY; Ryou H; Arola DD; Chen JH; Breschi L; Pashley DH; Tay FR, Infiltration of Silica Inside Fibrillar Collagen, «ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE. INTERNATIONAL EDITION», 2011, 50, pp. 11688 - 11691 [articolo]

Tezvergil-Mutluay A; Agee KA; Hoshika T; Uchiyama T; Tjaderhane L; Breschi L; Mazzoni A; Thompson JM; McCracken CE; Looney SW; Tay FR; Pashley DH, Inhibition of MMPs by alcohols, «DENTAL MATERIALS», 2011, 27, pp. 926 - 933 [articolo]

Liu Y; Tjäderhane L; Breschi L; Mazzoni A; Li N; Mao J; Pashley DH; Tay FR., Limitations in bonding to dentin and experimental strategies to prevent bond degradation., «JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH», 2011, 90, pp. 953 - 968 [articolo]

Breschi L, Materiali e tecnologie odontostomatologiche, in: Docenti di Materiali Dentari e Tecnologie Protesiche e di Laboratorio delle Università Italiane, Materiali e tecnologie odontostomatologiche, Carimate (CO), Ariesdue srl, 2011, pp. 95 - 117 [capitolo di libro]

G. Orsini; A. Mazzoni; M; Orciani; A. Putignano; M. Procaccini; M. Falconi; DH. Phashley; FR Tay; L. Breschi, matrx metalloproteinase-2 expression induced by two different adhesive systems on human pulp fibroblasts, «JOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS», 2011, 37, pp. 1663 - 1667 [articolo]

Mazzoni A.; Carrilho M.; Papa V.; Tjäderhane L.; Gobbi P.; Nucci C.; Di Lenarda R.; Mazzotti G.; Tay FR.; Pashley DH.; Breschi L., MMP-2 assay within the hybrid layer created by a two-step etch-and-rinse adhesive: biochemical and immunohistochemical analysis., «JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY», 2011, 7, pp. 470 - 477 [articolo]

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