Ghiselli, Fabrizio; Iannello, Mariangela; Piccinini, Giovanni; Milani, Liliana, Bivalve molluscs as model systems for studying mitochondrial biology, «INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY», 2021, 61, pp. 1699 - 1714 [Scientific article]Open Access
Filanti B.; Piccinini G.; Bettini S.; Lazzari M.; Franceschini V.; Maurizii M.G.; Milani L., Early germline differentiation in bivalves: TDRD7 as a candidate investigational unit for Ruditapes philippinarum germ granule assembly, «HISTOCHEMISTRY AND CELL BIOLOGY», 2021, 156, pp. 19 - 34 [Scientific article]Open Access
Breton, Sophie; Ghiselli, Fabrizio; Milani, Liliana, Mitochondrial short-term plastic responses and long-term evolutionary dynamics in animal species, «GENOME BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION», 2021, 13, pp. 1 - 13 [Scientific article]Open Access
Reunov A.; Alexandrova Y.; Komkova A.; Reunova Y.; Pimenova E.; Vekhova E.; Milani L., VASA-induced cytoplasmic localization of CYTB-positive mitochondrial substance occurs by destructive and nondestructive mitochondrial effusion, respectively, in early and late spermatogenic cells of the Manila clam, «PROTOPLASMA», 2021, 258, pp. 817 - 825 [Scientific article]Open Access
Attaallah A.; Marchionni S.; El-Beltagy A.; Abdelaziz K.; Lorenzini A.; Milani L., Cell cultures of the Manila clam and their possible use in biomonitoring and species preservation, «THE EUROPEAN ZOOLOGICAL JOURNAL», 2020, 87, pp. 624 - 641 [Scientific article]Open Access
Milani, Liliana; Ghiselli, Fabrizio, Faraway, so close. The comparative method and the potential of non-model animals in mitochondrial research, «PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS - ROYAL SOCIETY. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES», 2020, 375, pp. 1 - 14 [Scientific article]Open Access
Bettinazzi, Stefano; Nadarajah, Sugahendni; Dalpé, Andréanne; Milani, Liliana; Blier, Pierre U.; Breton, Sophie, Linking paternally inherited mtDNA variants and sperm performance, «PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS - ROYAL SOCIETY. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES», 2020, 375, pp. 1 - 10 [Scientific article]Open Access
Ghiselli, Fabrizio; Milani, Liliana, Linking the mitochondrial genotype to phenotype: a complex endeavour, «PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS - ROYAL SOCIETY. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES», 2020, 375, Article number: 20190169 , pp. 1 - 8 [Scientific article]Open Access
Milani L.; Scali V.; Punzi E.; Luchetti A.; Ghiselli F., The puzzling taxonomic rank of Pijnackeria hispanica, a chimerical hybrid androgen (Insecta, Phasmida), «ORGANISMS DIVERSITY & EVOLUTION», 2020, 20, pp. 285 - 297 [Scientific article]Open Access
Havird J.C.; Weaver R.J.; Milani L.; Ghiselli F.; Greenway R.; Ramsey A.J.; Jimenez A.G.; Dowling D.K.; Hood W.R.; Montooth K.L.; Estes S.; Schulte P.M.; Sokolova I.M.; Hill G.E., Beyond the Powerhouse: Integrating Mitonuclear Evolution, Physiology, and Theory in Comparative Biology, «INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY», 2019, 59, pp. 856 - 863 [Scientific article]
Lazzari, Maurizio*; Bettini, Simone; Milani, Liliana; Maurizii, Maria Gabriella; Franceschini, Valeria, Differential nickel-induced responses of olfactory sensory neuron populations in zebrafish, «AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY», 2019, 206, pp. 14 - 23 [Scientific article]Open Access
Reunov, Arkadiy; Alexandrova, Yana; Reunova, Yulia; Komkova, Alina; Milani, Liliana, Germ plasm provides clues on meiosis: The concerted action of germ plasm granules and mitochondria in gametogenesis of the clam Ruditapes philippinarum, «ZYGOTE», 2019, 27, pp. 25 - 35 [Scientific article]
Milani L.; Maurizii M.G., Insights into Germline Development and Differentiation in Molluscs and Reptiles: The Use of Molecular Markers in the Study of Non-model Animals, in: Results and Problems in Cell Differentiation, New York, Springer Verlag, 2019, pp. 321 - 353 (RESULTS AND PROBLEMS IN CELL DIFFERENTIATION) [Chapter or essay]
Bettinazzi, Stefano; Rodríguez, Enrique; Milani, Liliana; Blier, Pierre U.; Breton, Sophie, Metabolic remodelling associated with mtDNA: insights into the adaptive value of doubly uniparental inheritance of mitochondria, «PROCEEDINGS - ROYAL SOCIETY. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES», 2019, 286, pp. 1 - 10 [Scientific article]
Ghiselli F.; Maurizii M.G.; Reunov A.; Arino-Bassols H.; Cifaldi C.; Pecci A.; Alexandrova Y.; Bettini S.; Passamonti M.; Franceschini V.; Milani L., Natural Heteroplasmy and Mitochondrial Inheritance in Bivalve Molluscs, «INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE BIOLOGY», 2019, 59, pp. 1016 - 1032 [Scientific article]Open Access