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Laura Tonni

Associate Professor

Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering

Academic discipline: ICAR/07 Geotechnics


Tonni, L.; García Martínez, M.F.; Rocchi, I.; Zheng, S.; Cao, Z.J.; Martelli, L.; Calabrese, L., A probabilistic approach to CPTU interpretation for regional-scale geotechnical modelling, in: Cone Penetration Testing 2018 - Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing, CPT 2018, Leiden, CRC Press/Balkema, 2018, pp. 629 - 634 (atti di: 4th International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing, CPT 2018, Delft (The Netherlands), 21-22 June 2018) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

García Martínez, M. F.; Tonni, L.; Gottardi, G.; Rocchi, I., Analysis of CPTU data for the geotechnical characterization of intermediate sediments, in: Cone Penetration Testing 2018 - Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing, CPT 2018, Leiden, CRC Press/Balkema, 2018, pp. 281 - 287 (atti di: 4th International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing, CPT 2018, Delft (The Netherlands), 2018) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

María Fernanda García Martínez, Laura Tonni, Guido Gottardi, Sara Amoroso, Kyle M. Rollins, Luca Minarelli, Indagini in sito per la caratterizzazione di un terreno suscettibile di liquefazione in preparazione all’esecuzione di un blast test., in: IARG 2018 - Atti dell'Incontro annuale dei Ricercatori di Geotecnica, Roma, Associazione Geotecnica Italiana, 2018, pp. 1 - 6 (atti di: Incontro Annuale dei Ricercatori di Geotecnica, IARG 2018, Genova, 4-6 luglio 2018) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

García Martínez, M.F.; Gottardi, G.; Marchi, M.; Tonni, L., Modelling a sand boil reactivation in the middle-lower portion of the po river banks, in: Numerical methods in geotechnical engineering IX, Schipholweg, CRC Press/Balkema, 2018, 2, pp. 1219 - 1225 (atti di: 9th European Conference on Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering, NUMGE 2018, Porto, Portugal, June 25-27, 2018) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Patent n. US 10538891 B2, Penetrometer.

Maria Fernanda Garcia Martinez , Michela Marchi , Laura Tonni , Guido Gottardi, ANALISI A RITROSO DELLA RIATTIVAZIONE DEI FONTANAZZI PRESSO GLI ARGINI MAESTRI DEL FIUME PO, in: Atti dell'Incontro Annuale dei Ricercatori di Geotecnica 2017 - Opere e sistemi geotecnici, Potenza, Universosud, 2017, pp. 1 - 6 (atti di: INCONTRO ANNUALE DEI RICERCATORI DI GEOTECNICA 2017, MATERA, 5-7 LUGLIO) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Curzi, Pietro Vittorio; Tonni, Laura; Gottardi, Guido; Mandanici, Emanuele, High resolution sedimentological and geotechnical characterization of the Late Quaternary deposits in the Italian central Adriatic coast (Tronto River mouth), «ENGINEERING GEOLOGY», 2017, 220, pp. 219 - 233 [Scientific article]

Marchi, M.; Bertolini, I.; Govoni, L.; Tonni, L.; Gottardi, G.; Mastrangelo, A., Indagine geotecnica sulle fondazioni delle due torri a Bologna, in: La geotecnica nella conservazione e tutela del patrimonio costruito, Roma, Associazione Geotecnica Italiana, 2017, 2, pp. 649 - 657 (atti di: XXVI Convegno Nazionale di Geotecnica - La geotecnica nella conservazione e tutela del patrimonio costruito, Roma, 20-22 Giugno 2017) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

García Martínez M.F., Marchi Michela, Tonni Laura, Guido Gottardi, Bezuijen Adam, Rosso Alessandro, Numerical simulation of the groundwater flow leading to sand boil reactivation in the Po River, in: Proceedings of the 25th Meeting European Working Group on Internal Erosion in Embankment Dams & their Foundations, Delft, Deltares, 2017, pp. 79 - 87 (atti di: 25th Meeting EWG-IE, Delft, The Netherlands, 4-7 Settembre 2017) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

M.F. García Martínez, M. Marchi, L. Tonni, G. Gottardi, A. Bezuijen, A. Rosso, Numerical simulation of the groundwater flow leading to sand boil reactivation in the Po River, in: Book of Abstracts of the 25th meeting of the Working Group on Internal Erosion in embankment dams and their foundations, Delft, Deltares, 2017, pp. 13 - 13 (atti di: 25th Meeting EWG-IE, Delft, The Netherlands, 4-7 Settembre 2017) [Abstract]

Tonni, Laura; Rocchi, Irene; Cruciano, Nadia Pia; GARCÍA MARTÍNEZ, MARÍA FERNANDA; Martelli, Luca; Calabrese, Lorenzo; Rocchi, Irene, A Multidisciplinary Tool for the Development of a Regional-scale Geotechnical Model: A Case Study in the North-Western Adriatic Coastal Area, in: GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING IN MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH: FROM MICROSCALE TO REGIONAL SCALE, «PROCEDIA ENGINEERING», 2016, 158, pp. 546 - 551 (atti di: VI Italian Conference of Researchers in Geotechnical Engineering CNRGI2016, Bologna, Italia, 22-23 Settembre 2016) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

GARCÍA MARTÍNEZ, MARÍA FERNANDA; Gragnano, CARMINE GERARDO; Gottardi, Guido; Marchi, Michela; Tonni, Laura; Rosso, Alessandro, Analysis of underseepage phenomena of River Po embankments, «PROCEDIA ENGINEERING», 2016, 158, pp. 338 - 343 [Scientific article]

Monaco, Paola; Tonni, Laura; Gottardi, Guido; Marchi, Michela; Martelli, Luca; Amoroso, Sara; Simeoni, Lucia, Combined use of SDMT-CPTU results for site characterization and liquefaction analysis of canal levees, in: In Pursuit of Best Practice, Sydney, Australian Geomechanics Society, 2016, 1, pp. 615 - 620 (atti di: 5TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GEOTECHNICAL AND GEOPHYSICAL SITE CHARACTERISATION, ISC'5, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, 5 -9 Settembre 2016) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Gottardi, Guido; Tonni, Laura (a cura di): AA.VV., Geotechnical Engineering in Multidisciplinary Research: from Microscale to Regional Scale, Amsterdam, Elsevier Ltd, 2016, pp. 552 . [Editorship]

GARCÍA MARTÍNEZ, MARÍA FERNANDA; Tonni, Laura; Gottardi, Guido; Rocchi, Irene, Influence of penetration rate on CPTU measurements in saturated silty soils, in: In Pursuit of Best Practice, Sidney, Australian Geomechanics Society, 2016, 1, pp. 473 - 478 (atti di: 5TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GEOTECHNICAL AND GEOPHYSICAL SITE CHARACTERISATION, ISC'5, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, 5-9 September 2016) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

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