Foto del docente

Laura Pezzolesi

Ricercatrice a tempo determinato tipo b) (senior)

Dipartimento di Scienze Biologiche, Geologiche e Ambientali

Curriculum vitae

CV aggiornato il 25/01/2022

Senior fixed term researcher (RTD B) of General Botany at the University of Bologna, Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences, qualified as Assistant Professor in General Botany (ASN2016/V quad).

My research activity mostly concerns the biology and ecology of algae. Studies are aimed to:

i) identify the algal species involved in toxic effects towards human health and ecosystem, focusing mostly on the environmental conditions which promote the growth and the toxin production;

ii) investigate the toxic effects towards several organisms through eco-toxicological assays, and understand the toxic mechanism of algal toxins;

iii) characterize the dynamics of growth and production of the main cellular compounds and toxins, at different growth conditions;

iv) study interactions among microalgae and the production of allelopathic compounds or infochemicals;

v) study the algal toxin biosynthesis, in particular palytoxins/ovatoxins biosynthesis, through the gene expression evaluation of the polyketide synthases (PKS);

vi) characterize microalgal strains for bioremediation and industrial application through growth study in photobioreactors or open ponds;

vii) analyse the distribution and biology of populations of marine coralline algae, in particular Lithophyllum spp., in the Mediterranean Sea, through morphological observations and molecular investigations.


2008-2011: PhD in Environmental Science, University of Bologna.

2004-2006: MSc in Environmental Science, University of Bologna.
2001-2004: BSc in Environmental Science, University of Bologna.

Main research experience

09/2021-today: Senior fixed term researcher (RTD B) of General Botany at the University of Bologna, Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences

12/2018-09/2021: Junior fixed term researcher (RTD A) of General Botany at the University of Bologna, Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences

02/2017-09/2018: Post-doc fellow at the Interdepartmental Center for Industrial Research- Energy and Environment, University of Bologna. Research project: Growth of microalgae with the supply of CO2 obtained by the upgrading of methane produced through anaerobic digestion (POR FESR 14-20)

05/2015-02/2017: Post-doc fellow at the at Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences, University of Bologna. Research project: Germination and identification of dinoflagellate cysts (BALMAS project)

10/2014-05/2015: scientific assistant at the Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences, University of Bologna. Research project: Large-scale cultures of diatoms in photobioreactors

10/2013-09/2014: Post-doc fellow at the Department of Life and Environmental Sciences (DISVA), Marche Polytechnic University. Research project: Analysis of the distribution and population biology of calcareous marine algae of the Mediterranean (PRIN 2010-2011 project “Coastal bioconstructions: structure, function, and management”)

09/2013: Research assistant at the Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences, University of Bologna. Research project: Algal biotoxins in the Italian coastal waters

07/2011-09/2013: Post-doc fellow at the Center for Industrial Research- Energy and Environment, University of Bologna. Research project: Development of methods for cultivation, screening and harvesting of algal biomasses (POR FESR 07-13)

06/2007-09/2007: Collaboration contract at the Department of Marine Sciences (DiSMar) - University of Ancona. Research project: Study of the interactions between the effluent of the IGCC central belonging to APIEnergia and the presence, growth and toxicity of the microalgae Fibrocapsa japonica along the Marchigian coasts

01/2007-06/2007: Collaboration contract at the Interdepartmental Center for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRSA) - University of Bologna. Research project: Study of ichthyotoxic compounds in microalgae

International research experience

01/2010-06/2010: Visiting Scientist (Marco Polo project) at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) – Charleston, South Carolina (USA) – Tutor: Dr. Frances Van Dolah. Research project: Study of the role of Polyketide Synthases in the toxins biosynthesis

04/2009-06/2009: Visiting Scientist at the National Research Council Canada (NRC-CNRC) – Halifax, Nova Scotia (Canada) – Tutor: Dr. Michael Quilliam. Research project: Development of LC-MS methods for the toxins analysis

09/2007-01/2008: Fellowship (Leonardo da Vinci Programme) at Plant Research International (PRI) – Wageningen, The Netherlands – Tutor: Dr. Ric de Vos. Research project: Study of melon metabolites (EU project Melon Metabolomics)

Teaching activity

2021-2022: Lecturer of the course "Biologia vegetale", Bachelor Degree in Environmental Science, University of Bologna (3 CFU). Lecturer of the course "Fioriture algali e biotossine", Marine Biology Master Degree, University of Bologna (3 CFU)

2020-2021: Lecturer of the course "Biologia vegetale", Bachelor Degree in Environmental Science, University of Bologna (3 CFU). Lecturer of the course "Fioriture algali e biotossine", Marine Biology Master Degree, University of Bologna (3 CFU)

2019-2020: Lecturer of the course "Biologia vegetale", Bachelor Degree in Environmental Science, University of Bologna (3 CFU).

2018-2019: Lecturer of the course "Biotecnologie marine vegetali e tossine algali", Marine Biology Master Degree, University of Bologna (3 CFU).

2011-today: Supervisor of 4 MSc Thesis (course of Marine Biology, University of Bologna) and 1 BSc Thesis (course of Environmental Science, University of Bologna); (Co)-supervisor of 11 MSc Thesis (courses of Environmental Science and course of Marine Biology, University of Bologna); (Co)-supervisor of 5 BSc Thesis (courses of Environmental Science and Biological Sciences, University of Bologna)

Scientific activity

First and Co-author of 37 papers published on international peer-reviewed journals (16 as principal author)

H-index: 18; total number of citations: 1119 (source Scopus)

ORCID: 0000-0002-6260-2715

Institutional activities and academic assignments

Since 2021, member of the Research Commission of the Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences of the University of Bologna.

Fellowships and prizes

06/2016: Best poster award for Plancton Group - 47°Congress of the Italian Marine Biology Society (SIBM), Torino.

09/2015: Travel Award of the Italian Botanical Society (SBI) to attend the 110° Congress SBI 2015 - II° International Plant Science Conference (IPSC) “Not only food: sustainable development, agro-biodiversity conservation & human well being”, Pavia.

09/2014: Scientific Prize at the Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences, University of Bologna for the “Study of toxic microalgae: environmental factors which promote their blooms”

11/2010: Travel Awards of the ISSHA (International Society for the Study of Harmful Algae) to attend the 14° International Conference on Harmful Algae in Crete.

2010: Marco Polo fellowship for a 6-months secondment at the NOAA – Charleston (South Carolina, USA).

2007: Leonardo da Vinci Programme fellowship for a 5-months secondment at Plant Research International (PRI) – Wageningen (The Netherlands).


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