Marconato L.; Bonfanti U.; Fileccia I., Unusual dermatological toxicity of hydroxyurea in two dogs with spontaneously occurring tumours, «JOURNAL OF SMALL ANIMAL PRACTICE», 2007, 48, pp. 514 - 517 [Scientific article]
Cesari A.; Marconato L.; Capitani O.; Bettini G., VALUTAZIONE DELL’ESPRESSIONE IMMUNOCITOCHIMICA DI CD117 IN PREPARATI CITOLOGICI DA MASTOCITOMA, in: , «ATTI ... CONVEGNO NAZIONALE AIPVET», 2007, 4, pp. 82 - 87 (atti di: ATTI del IV Congresso Nazionale dell'Associazione Italiana di Patologia Veterinaria (AIPVet), Alberese(GR), 24-25 Maggio 2007) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Marconato L.; Comastri S.; Lorenzo M.R.; Abramo F.; Bettini G., 5-FLUORURACILE INTRAINCISIONALE NEL TRATTAMENTO ADIUVANTE DEI SARCOMI NON COMPLETAMENTE ESCISSI DELLE ESTREMITÀ: STUDIO PILOTA NEL CANE, in: 56° Congresso Internazionale Multisala SCIVAC - Rimini - 1-3 Giugno 2007, CREMONA, SCIVAC, 2007, pp. 535 - 535 (atti di: 56° Congresso Internazionale Multisala SCIVAC, Rimini, 1-3 Giugno 2007) [Abstract]
Bonfanti U.; Bertazzolo W.; Bottero E.; De Lorenzi D.; Marconato L.; Masserdotti C.; Zatelli A.; Zini E., Diagnostic value of cytologic examination of gastrointestinal tract tumors in dogs and cats: 83 Cases (2001-2004), «JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN VETERINARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION», 2006, 229, pp. 1130 - 1133 [Scientific article]
Albanese, F; Salerni, F L; Giordano, S; Marconato, L, Extragenital transmissible venereal tumour associated with circulating neoplastic cells in an immunologically compromised dog, «VETERINARY AND COMPARATIVE ONCOLOGY», 2006, 4, pp. 57 - 62 [Scientific article]
Gelain ME, Mazzili M, Riondato F, Marconato L, Comazzi S, Flow cytometric evaluation of morphological features and antigenic pattern in canine lymphoma., in: Proceedings ECVCP, 2006, pp. 15 - 15 (atti di: Annual Conference of the European Society of Veterinary Clinical Pathologists,, Cambridge (UK), 5-8/9/2006) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Marconato L., Gastric dilatation-volvulus as complication after surgical removal of a splenic haemangiosarcoma in a dog, «JOURNAL OF VETERINARY MEDICINE SERIES A», 2006, 53, pp. 371 - 374 [Scientific article]
U. Bonfanti, W. Bertazzolo, E. Bottero, D. De Lorenzi, L. Marconato, C. Masserdotti, A. Zatelli, E. Zini., Diagnostic value of cytologic examination of gastrointestinal tumors in dogs and cats: retrospective survey in 83 cases (2001-2004)., in: Proceedings ECVCP, 2005, pp. 60 - 60 (atti di: 7th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Veterinary Clinical Pathology and the European College of Veterinary Clinical Pathology, Utrecht, 01-06-2005) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
Busch, Theresa M; Wileyto, E Paul; Emanuele, Micheal J; Del Piero, Fabio; Marconato, Laura; Glatstein, Eli; Koch, Cameron J, Photodynamic therapy creates fluence rate-dependent gradients in the intratumoral spatial distribution of oxygen, «CANCER RESEARCH», 2002, 62, pp. 7273 - 7279 [Scientific article]