Foto del docente

Laura Bragonzoni

Associate Professor

Department for Life Quality Studies

Academic discipline: M-EDF/01 Physical Training Sciences and Methodology

Director of First Cycle Degree in Orthopaedics Techniques

Coordinator of PhD Programme in Sport, Health and Well-being

Coordinator of PhD Programme in Science and Culture of Well-being and Lifestyles


Bragonzoni L., Barone G., Benvenuti F., Zinno R., Dallolio L, Marini S., Audino G., Ripamonti C., Pinelli E., ESERCIZIO FISICO SUPERVISIONATO E NON SUPERVISIONATO PER DONNE CON OSTEOPOROSI: FOCUS SULL’ADERENZA, in: Book of abstract, 2021, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: 54 Convegno Nazionale - Società Italiana Igiene, Lecce, 3-6/11/2021) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

BARONE, G., PINELLI, E., BENEDETTI, M.G., ZINNO, R., AUDINO, G., BRAGONZONI, L., EVALUATION OF POSTURAL CONTROL AND PROPRIOCEPTION IN WOMEN WITH OSTEOPOROSIS, BEFORE AND AFTER AN EXERCISE TRAINING, in: Book of Abstract, 2021, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: 26th Annual Congress of the European College of Sports Science, Online, 8-10 September 2021) [Contribution to conference proceedings]Open Access

Giuseppe Barone, Stefano Di Paolo, Emanuele Vocale, Raffaele Zinno , Erika Pinelli , Silvio Caravelli, Simone Massimi, Massimiliano Mosca, Maria Grazia Benedetti, Laura Bragonzoni, Evaluation of postural stability and proprioception in subjects with severe ankle osteoarthritis, in: XII National Congress SISMES Padua, 8–10 October, 2021, «SPORT SCIENCES FOR HEALTH», 2021, 17, pp. 85 - 85 (atti di: XII National Congress SISMES, Padua,, 8–10 October, 2021) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Barone G.; Zinno R.; Pinelli E.; Berteanu M.; Ciobanu I.; Dallari D.; Dimitrova A.; Dimitrov I.; Helbostad J.l.; Iliescu A.; Geli S.; Maietta Latessa P.; Marin A.; Mazzotta A.; Mooiweer Y.; Hals O.M.; Østerås H.; Paggetti C.; Shalamanova N.; Shalamanova R.; Stensdotter A.K.; Stefanelli C.; Stevens M.; Tamburini E.; Teodorescu M.; Todorov N.; Toselli S.; Tsvetanova M.; Unsgaard-Tøndel M.; van den Akker-Scheek I.; Yoncheva L.; Benvenuti F.; Bragonzoni L.;, Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of an exercise program for persons with total hip or total knee replacement: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH», 2021, 18, Article number: 6732 , pp. 1 - 16 [Scientific article]Open Access

BRAGONZONI, L., PINELLI, E., AUDINO, G., RIPAMONTI, C., BENVENUTI, F., DALLOLIO, L., MARINI, S., MAIETTA LATESSA, P., ZINNO R , BARONE G., FUNCTIONAL SCORES IMPROVEMENT AFTER 6-MONTH OF AN EXERCISE PROGRAM FOR WOMEN WITH OSTEOPOROSIS: A RANDOMIZED TRIAL, in: Book of abstract, 2021, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: 26th Annual Congress of the European College of Sports Science- Sevilla, Online, 8-9-10/10/2021) [Contribution to conference proceedings]Open Access

Laura Bragonzoni, Erika Pinelli, Giuseppe Audino, Claudio Ripamonti, Francesco Benvenuti, Laura Dallolio, Sofia Marini, Pasqualino Maietta Latessa, Raffaele Zinno, Giuseppe Barone, Functional scores improvement after 6-month of an exercise program for women with osteoporosis: a randomized trial, «SPORT SCIENCES FOR HEALTH», 2021, 17, pp. 105 - 105 [Abstract]

E Pinelli, G Barone, F Benvenuti, G Audino, R Zinno, L Bragonzoni, Home-based exercise program for women with osteoporosis: focus on adherence, in: Book of Abstract, 2021, pp. 1 - 1 (atti di: 14th European Public Health Conference 2021 in Virtual Edition, Online, 10-11/11/2021) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Alesi D.; Marcheggiani Muccioli G.M.; Roberti di Sarsina T.; Bontempi M.; Pizza N.; Zinno R.; Di Paolo S.; Zaffagnini S.; Bragonzoni L., In vivo femorotibial kinematics of medial-stabilized total knee arthroplasty correlates to post-operative clinical outcomes, «KNEE SURGERY, SPORTS TRAUMATOLOGY, ARTHROSCOPY», 2021, 29, pp. 491 - 497 [Scientific article]

Roberti di Sarsina, Tommaso; Alesi, Domenico; Di Paolo, Stefano; Zinno, Raffaele; Pizza, Nicola; Marcheggiani Muccioli, Giulio Maria; Zaffagnini, Stefano; Bragonzoni, Laura, In vivo kinematic comparison between an ultra-congruent and a posterior-stabilized total knee arthroplasty design by RSA, «KNEE SURGERY, SPORTS TRAUMATOLOGY, ARTHROSCOPY», 2021, 1, pp. 1 - 6 [Scientific article]

R. Stagni, A. Masini, S. Toselli, S. Marini, L. Bragonzoni, A. Ceciliani, M. Lanari, A. Sansavini, A. Tessari, D. Gori, L. Dallolio, M.C. Bisi, INFLUENCE OF AGE, SEX, AND ANTHROPOMETRY IN THE I-MOVE STUDY: A SENSOR-BASED AMBULATORY ASSESSMENT OF GROSS-MOTOR DEVELOPMENT IN SCHOOL-CHILDREN, in: Proceedings XXI Congresso SIAMOC 2021, 2021, pp. 33 - 33 (atti di: XXI Congresso SIAMOC 2021, Online, 30/09/2021- 01/10/2021) [Abstract]

Grassi A.; Agostinone P.; Di Paolo S.; Lucidi G.A.; Macchiarola L.; Bontempi M.; Marchiori G.; Bragonzoni L.; Zaffagnini S., Knee position at the moment of bone bruise could reflect the late phase of non-contact anterior cruciate ligament injury rather than the mechanisms leading to ligament failure, «KNEE SURGERY, SPORTS TRAUMATOLOGY, ARTHROSCOPY», 2021, 29, pp. 4138 - 4145 [Scientific article]Open Access

Zinno, R.; Di Paolo, S.; Ambrosino, G.; Alesi, D.; Zaffagnini, S.; Barone, G.; Bragonzoni, L., Migration of the femoral component and clinical outcomes after total knee replacement: a narrative review, «MUSCULOSKELETAL SURGERY», 2021, 105, pp. 235 - 246 [Scientific article]Open Access

L Labanca , M Ghislieri , M Knaflitz , G Barone , L Bragonzoni , V Agostini , Benedetti Maria Grazia, Muscle synergies for the control of single-limb stance with and without visual information in young individuals, «BMC SPORTS SCIENCE, MEDICINE & REHABILITATION», 2021, 13, Article number: 163 , pp. 1 - 9 [Scientific article]Open Access

Agostino Igor Mirulla, Salvatore Pinelli, Stefano Zaffagnini, Vincenzo Nigrelli, Tommaso Ingrassia, Stefano Di Paolo, Laura Bragonzoni, Numerical simulations on periprosthetic bone remodeling: a systematic review, «COMPUTER METHODS AND PROGRAMS IN BIOMEDICINE», 2021, 204, pp. 1 - 7 [Scientific article]

Coordination of a Research Project: Nuove metodologie per il trattamento delle amputazioni di arto mediante osteointegrazione” (METACOS).