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Katia Mattarozzi

Associate Professor

Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences

Academic discipline: PSIC-01/A General Psychology

Director of First Cycle Degree in Nursing


Valentina Colonnello, Paolo Maria Russo, Katia Mattarozzi, First impression misleads emotion recognition, «FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY», 2019, 10, Article number: 527 , pp. 1 - 6 [Scientific article]Open Access

Baldin, Elisa; Riise, Trond; Mattarozzi, Katia; Gajofatto, Alberto; Granella, Franco; Leone, Maurizio; Lugaresi, Alessandra; Malagù, Susanna; Motti, Luisa; Neri, Walter; Pesci, Ilaria; Santangelo, Mario; Scandellari, Cinzia; Tola, Maria Rosaria; Vignatelli, Luca; Zenesini, Corrado; D'Alessandro, Roberto, Health-related quality of life in clinically isolated syndrome and risk of conversion to multiple sclerosis, «NEUROLOGICAL SCIENCES», 2019, 40, pp. 75 - 80 [Scientific article]

Katia Mattarozzi, Valentina Colonnello, Paolo Maria Russo, Alexander Todorov, Person Information Facilitates Memory for Face Identity, «PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH», 2019, 83, pp. 1817 - 1824 [Scientific article]

Mattarozzi, K.; Fino, E.; Panni, V.; Agostini, A.; Morganti, A. G.; Russo, P. M., The role of effective radiation therapist-patient communication in alleviating treatment-related pain and procedural discomfort during radiotherapy, «PATIENT PREFERENCE AND ADHERENCE», 2019, 13, pp. 1861 - 1865 [Scientific article]Open Access

Mattarozzi K.; Colonnello V.; Thayer J.F.; Ottaviani C., Trusting your heart: Long-term memory for bad and good people is influenced by resting vagal tone, «CONSCIOUSNESS AND COGNITION», 2019, 75, Article number: 102810 , pp. 102810 - 102817 [Scientific article]

Mattarozzi, K; Baldin, E; Zenesini, C; Solari, A; Amato, MP; Leone, M; Mancardi, G; Martinelli, V; Savettieri, G; Solaro, C; Tola, MR; D'Alessandro, R, Effect of organizational features on patient satisfaction with care in Italian multiple sclerosis centres, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY», 2017, 24, pp. 631 - 637 [Scientific article]

Mattarozzi, K.; Colonnello, V.; De Gioia, F.; Todorov, A., I care, even after the first impression: Facial appearance-based evaluations in healthcare context, «SOCIAL SCIENCE & MEDICINE», 2017, 182, pp. 68 - 72 [Scientific article]

Mattarozzi, Katia; Sfrisi, Fiamma; Caniglia, Filippo; Palma, Alessandra De; Martoni, Monica, What patients' complaints and praise tell the health practitioner: Implications for health care quality. A qualitative research study, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR QUALITY IN HEALTH CARE», 2017, 29, Article number: mzw138 , pp. 83 - 89 [Scientific article]

Russo, P. M.; Mattarozzi, K.; Mazzetti, M.; Martoni, M., Sleep related problems and academic performance in medical students., in: Journal of Sleep Research, 2016, pp. 374 - 374 (atti di: 23rd Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, Bologna, ITALY, 13–16 September 2016) [Abstract]

Mattarozzi K; Todorov A; Codispoti M., Memory for faces: the effect of facial appearance and the context in which the face is encountered., «PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH», 2015, 79, pp. 308 - 317 [Scientific article]

Riviello, A.; Cangini, G.; Cremonini, V.; Todeschini, P.; Mattarozzi, K, Qualita’ di vita del paziente dializzato in attesa di trapianto renale. IPASVI 2015, 5, 35-41., «L'INFERMIERE», 2015, 5, pp. 35 - 41 [Scientific article]

Borreani C; Giordano A; Falautano M; Lugaresi A; Martinelli V; Granella F; Tortorella C; Plasmati I; Radaelli M; Farina D; Dalla Bella E; Bianchi E; Acquarone N; Miccinesi G; Solari A; SIMS-Trial group [ ..; Mattarozzi K; ], Experience of an information aid for newly diagnosed multiple sclerosis patients: a qualitative study on the SIMS-Trial., «HEALTH EXPECTATIONS», 2014, 17, pp. 36 - 48 [Scientific article]

Solari A; Grzeda M; Giordano A; Mattarozzi K; D'Alessandro R; Simone A; Tesio L; on behalf of the SIMS-Trial, SIMS-Practice and Agorà studies., Use of Rasch analysis to refine a patient-reported questionnaire on satisfaction with communication of the multiple sclerosis diagnosis., «MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS», 2014, 20, pp. 1224 - 1233 [Scientific article]

Mattarozzi, K.; Vignatelli, L.; Baldin, E.; Lugaresi, A.; Pietrolongo, E.; Tola, M. R.; Motti, L.; Neri, W.; Calzoni, S.; Granella, F.; Galeotti, M.; Santangelo, M.; Malagu', S.; Fiorani, L.; Guareschi, A.; Scandellari, C.; D'Alessandro, R., Effect of the disclosure of MS diagnosis on anxiety, mood and quality of life of patients: A prospective study, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PRACTICE», 2012, 66 (5), pp. 504 - 514 [Scientific article]

Mattarozzi K.; Cretella L.; Guarino M.; Stracciari A., Minimal hepatic Encephalopathy: 10 years Follow-up After Successful Liver Transplantation, a data extension., «TRANSPLANTATION», 2012, 93, pp. 639 - 643 [Scientific article]

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