Karin Pallaver; Gian Luca Podestà, Una moneta per l’impero. Pratiche monetarie, economia e società nell’Africa Orientale Italiana, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2021, pp. 225 . [Editorship]
Karin Pallaver, A triangle: Spatial processes of urbanization and political power in 19th-century Tabora, Tanzania, «AFRIQUES», 2020, 11, pp. 1 - 32 [Scientific article]Open Access
Pallaver Karin, L’Africa e l’Oceano Indiano. Spazi della storia e orizzonti della storiografia, «IL MESTIERE DI STORICO», 2020, XII, pp. 5 - 25 [Scientific article]
karin pallaver, Review of: Review of: Toby Green, A fistful of shells. West Africa from the rise of the slave trade to the age of revolution (Chicago: Chicago University Press, 2019), «ECONOMIC HISTORY REVIEW», 2020, 73, pp. 603 - 604 [Review]
Karin Pallaver, (con Massimo Zaccaria), Counting the Cost of War: The Economic Impact of the First World War and its Aftermath on African Societies. Introduction to the special issue, «AFRICHE E ORIENTI», 2019, 3, pp. 4 - 7 [Comment or similar]
Pallaver Karin, A currency muddle: resistance, materialities and the local use of money during the East African rupee crisis (1919–1923), «JOURNAL OF EASTERN AFRICAN STUDIES», 2019, 13, pp. 546 - 564 [Scientific article]Open Access
Karin Pallaver, Dal «baratto» al mobile money: limiti e pregiudizi di un’interpretazione evoluzionistica dei sistemi monetari africani, «CHEIRON», 2019, 1-2, pp. 225 - 248 [Scientific article]
Pallaver Karin, Review of: Tanja Bührer,Flavio Eichmann,Stig Förster,and Benedikt Stuchtey, eds.,Cooperation and empire: local realities of global processes (New York and Oxford: Berghahn, 2017. Pp. 384., «ECONOMIC HISTORY REVIEW», 2019, 72, pp. 1119 - 1121 [Review]
Pallaver K, What East Africans Got for Their Ivory and Slaves: The Nature, Working and Circulation of Commodity Currencies in Nineteenth-Century East Africa, in: Currencies of the Indian Ocean World, London, Palgrave Macmillan, Palgrave Series in Indian Ocean World Studies, 2019, pp. 71 - 92 [Chapter or essay]
Karin Pallaver, “Pockets full of rupees, but bodies very weak: the Carrier Corps and their demobilization at the end of WWI in East Africa”, «AFRICHE E ORIENTI», 2019, 21, pp. 79 - 96 [Scientific article]
Pallaver, Karin, Currencies of the Swahili World, in: The Swahili World, London and New York, Routledge, 2018, pp. 447 - 457 [Chapter or essay]
Pallaver, Karin, Da moneta straniera a moneta nazionale: Prima Guerra Mondiale, politiche coloniali e circolazione monetaria in Eritrea e Somalia, in: Africa. Storia, Antropologia, Economia, Migrazioni, Roma, Nuova Cultura, 2018, pp. 95 - 124 [Chapter or essay]
Pallaver, Karin, Mari, Oceani e Deserti. La storia dell’Africa e il «global turn», «RIVISTA ITALIANA DI STORIA INTERNAZIONALE», 2018, 1, pp. 67 - 88 [Scientific article]
Jane I. Guyer; Karin Pallaver, Money and Currency in African History, in: The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of African History, New York, Oxford University Press, 2018, pp. 1 - 28 [Chapter or essay]Open Access
Pallaver, Karin, Paying in Cents, Paying in Rupees. Colonial Currencies, Labour Relations, and the Payment of Wages in Early Colonial Kenya, in: Colonialism, Institutional Change, and Shifts in Global Labour Relations, Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press/ University of Chicago Press, 2018, pp. 295 - 325 [Chapter or essay]Open Access